using a random access file within


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This is a pretty early program for me, long before i settled
on putting the subroutine roadmap at the bottom of the code
so i could just type "list" and bonk the program to the bottom.
allowing me to just pick and choose the ornery subroutine.

It works, change N to a million, feed it a nonsense string and
let 'er rip.  go back and pick off every 100,000th record, fill
in some low value and see how fast GW-BASIC 3.23 can blast thru
1,000,000 records on your pentium 4.  just for fun.  try it.
you will be A-M-A-Z-E-D !   (see line 3070 for initialization)

10 ' Example program for RANDOM ACCESS FILE study  8/19-NN/98 by fhb
20 ' original code suggested from MS-BASIC manual
30 '------------------------------------
40 'Program:
50 GOTO 350      'InitializeMostVariables
60 GOTO 500      'OpenInventoryDataFileForUse
70 GOTO 580      'MainMenu
80 CLOSE:END     'Quit to GW-BASIC interpreter
90 CLOSE:SYSTEM  'Exit to System
100 '-----------------------------------
110 'SubroutineRoadMap:            'The IP never points in here
120 CLS:LIST 110-320   'SubroutineRoadmap
130 CLS:LIST 350-490   'InitializeMostVariables
140 CLS:LIST 500-570   'OpenInventoryDataFileForUse
150 CLS:LIST 580-870   'MainMenu
160 CLS:LIST 880-1140   'Edit/Overwrite/AddRecord
170 CLS:LIST 1150-1360  'ListAllRecords
180 CLS:LIST 1320-1360 'ScreenScrollingPauser
190 CLS:LIST 1370-1420 'ViewPrintScreenReconstructor
200 CLS:LIST 1430-1580 'CheckRecordStatus
210 CLS:LIST 1590-1850 'AddStock
220 CLS:LIST 1860-1930 'NegativeQuantityAnnouncement
230 CLS:LIST 1940-2280 'SubtractStock
240 CLS:LIST 2290-2410 'OverSubtractionAnnouncement
250 CLS:LIST 2420-2590 'ReorderReport
260 CLS:LIST 2600-2670 'GetRecordNumber
270 CLS:LIST 2680-2750 'NullEntryCheck
280 CLS:LIST 2760-2910 'BadRecordNumberAnnouncement
290 CLS:LIST 2840-3310 'InitializeInventoryDataFile
300 CLS:LIST 3320-3370 'WaitForKeyPress
310 CLS:LIST 3380-3630 'ErrorTrapping
320 LIST 3640 'imbedded command to save program in ASCII format
330 '-----------------------------------
340 'InitializeMostVariables:
350 CLS                            
360 KEY OFF                        
370 ON ERROR GOTO 3380 'ErrorTrapReporter                      
380                    '
390 FOR I=1 TO 10      'null out function keys
400   KEY I,""
410   NEXT I
420                    '
430 N=100              'establishes number of records in inven.dat
440 T=20               '1st tab position
450 U=25               '2nd tab position
460 V=30               '3rd tab position
470 DASH30$ = "------------------------------"
480 GOTO 60 'to OpenInventoryDataFileForUse
490 '-----------------------------------
500 'OpenInventoryDataFileForUse:
510                                'Both methods of opening a random access 
520 OPEN"R",#1,"inven.dat",39      'file are shown here. The advantage to the
530 'OPEN "inven.dat" as #1 len 39 'second method is that no commas are needed
540                                'and therefore it is easier to remember.
550 FIELD #1,1 AS F$, 30 AS D$, 2 AS Q$, 2 AS R$, 4 AS P$ 'fielding the buffer
560 GOTO 70 ' to program (MainMenu)
570 '-----------------------------------
580 'MainMenu:
590 CLS                                  
600 COLOR 14,4:CLS
610 LOCATE 6,1
620 PRINT:PRINT TAB(V) "Inventory Program"
640 PRINT TAB(U) "1......C)heck a part"
650 PRINT TAB(U) "2......E)dit/overwrite/add a part"
660 PRINT TAB(U) "3......L)ist all";N;"parts"
670 PRINT TAB(U) "4......A)dd stock"
680 PRINT TAB(U) "5......S)ubtract stock"
690 PRINT TAB(U) "6......R)eorder Report":PRINT
700 PRINT TAB(U) "7......Q)uit to BASIC"
710 PRINT TAB(U) "8......eX)it to system
720                                '
730 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 730
740                                '
750 IF INSTR("12345678cCeElLaAsSrRqQxX",KP$)=0 THEN 580
760                                '
770 IF VAL(KP$)=1 OR KP$="c" OR KP$="C" THEN GOTO 1430 'CheckRecordStatus
780 IF VAL(KP$)=2 OR KP$="e" OR KP$="E" THEN GOTO  880 'Edit/Overwrite/AddRecord
790 IF VAL(KP$)=3 OR KP$="l" OR KP$="L" THEN GOTO  1150 'ListAllRecords
800 IF VAL(KP$)=4 OR KP$="a" OR KP$="A" THEN GOTO 1590 'AddStock
810 IF VAL(KP$)=5 OR KP$="s" OR KP$="S" THEN GOTO 1940 'SubtractStock
820 IF VAL(KP$)=6 OR KP$="r" OR KP$="R" THEN GOTO 2420 'ReorderReport
830 IF VAL(KP$)=7 OR KP$="q" OR KP$="Q" THEN GOTO   80 'Quit2Basic
840 IF VAL(KP$)=8 OR KP$="x" OR KP$="X" THEN GOTO   90 'Exit2System
850                                ' 
860 GOTO 580 'Loop back to MainMenu if keypress unsuccessful
870 '-----------------------------------
880 'Edit/Overwrite/AddRecord:
890 CLS 
900 LOCATE 10,20
910 INPUT"Input part number";PART$
930   IF PART!<1 OR PART!>N! THEN 2760 ELSE GET #1, PART!
940   IF ASC(F$)=255 THEN 1010 ELSE 960
950                                '
960 LOCATE 12,20
970 PRINT "Overwrite existing part data?"
980 KP$=INPUT$(1)
990   IF KP$="Y" OR KP$="y" THEN 1010 ELSE 580
1000                                ' 
1010 CLS
1020 LSET F$=CHR$(0)
1030 LOCATE 4,T:PRINT "Adding or Overwriting a Record"
1040 LOCATE 8,T:PRINT "Record/Partno";PART!
1050 LOCATE 11,39:PRINT DASH30$
1060 LOCATE 10,T:INPUT "      Description";DESC$:LSET D$=DESC$
1070 LOCATE 12,T:INPUT "Quantity in stock";Q%   :LSET Q$=MKI$(Q%)
1080 LOCATE 14,T:INPUT "    Reorder level";R%   :LSET R$=MKI$(R%)
1090 LOCATE 16,T:INPUT "       Unit price";P    :LSET P$=MKS$(P)
1100 LOCATE 18,T:PRINT"Is information correct (Y/N)?"
1110 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1110
1120   IF KP$="Y" OR KP$="y" THEN PUT #1, PART! ELSE 1060
1130 GOTO 580 'MainMenu
1140 '-----------------------------------
1150 'ListAllRecords:
1170 FMT$="####### \                            \   #####          #####"
1180 PRINT TAB(U)"I N V E N T O R Y   L I S T I N G";TAB(65) N;"items"
1190 PRINT "                                          Quantity       Reorder"
1200 PRINT " Partno           Description             on hand         level"
1210 'PRINT " ======   ==============================  ========       ======="
1215 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT"Press the AnyKey to scroll listing...";
1220 VIEW PRINT 4 TO 24
1230 FOR I = 1 TO N
1240   GET #1, I
1260   COUNT=COUNT+1
1270     IF COUNT=20 THEN GOSUB 1320  'scrollstop after 20 lines
1280     IF I=N! THEN GOSUB 1370 'ViewPrintScreenReconstuctor
1290   NEXT I '^^^^^^^^^^^loop thru inventory items & print
1300 GOTO 580 'MainMenu
1310 '--------------
1320 'ScreenScrollingPauser:
1330 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1330
1340 COUNT=0
1360 '--------------
1370 'ViewPrintScreenReconstructor:
1380 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1380
1400 COUNT=0
1420 '----------------------------------
1430 'CheckRecordStatus:
1440 GOSUB 2600 'GetPartNumber
1450 GOSUB 2680 'NullEntryCheck
1460 CLS
1470 LOCATE 5,1
1480 PRINT TAB(T) "Inventory Status for Individual Part Number
1490 PRINT TAB(T) "===========================================":PRINT:PRINT
1500 PRINT TAB(T) "     Part number:  ";USING "#######";PART!
1510 PRINT
1520 PRINT TAB(T) "       Item name:  ";D$;TAB(69)"<"
1530 PRINT TAB(T) "Quantity on hand:  ";USING "#####";CVI(Q$)
1540 PRINT TAB(T) "   Reorder level:  ";USING "#####";CVI(R$)
1550 PRINT TAB(T) "      Unit price:  ";USING "$$####.##";CVS(P$)
1560 GOSUB 3320 'WaitForKeyPress
1570 GOTO 580 'MainMenu
1580 '----------------------------------
1590 'AddStock:
1600 CLS
1610 LOCATE 5,U:PRINT "A D D I N G   S T O C K"
1620 LOCATE 8,U:INPUT "Input part number";PART$:PART!=VAL(PART$)
1630   IF PART!<1 OR PART!>N! THEN 1640 ELSE 1670
1640 LOCATE 10,15:PRINT"The Part number is out of permissable range of 1 to";N
1650 LOCATE 25,15:PRINT"Press the Anykey to reenter part number...";
1660 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1660 ELSE 1590
1670 GET #1, PART!
1680   IF ASC(F$)=255 THEN GOTO 1690 ELSE GOTO 1710
1690 LOCATE 10,T:PRINT "Part number ";PART$;" is a null entry"
1700 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1700 ELSE 580
1710 CLS
1720   LOCATE  4,U:PRINT "Add to an inventory part number"
1730   LOCATE  5,U:PRINT "==============================="
1740   LOCATE  8,T:PRINT "     Part number: ";PART!
1750   LOCATE  9,T:PRINT "Item description: ";D$;TAB(68)"<"
1760   LOCATE 10,T:PRINT "Quantity on hand: ";CVI(Q$)
1770   LOCATE 11,T:PRINT "   Reorder Level: ";CVI(R$)
1780   LOCATE 14,T:INPUT " Quantity to add: ";A$
1790 A%=VAL(A$)
1800   IF A%<0 THEN 1860 'NegativeQuantityAnnouncement
1810 Q%=CVI(Q$)+A%
1820 LSET Q$=MKI$(Q%)
1830 PUT #1,PART!
1840 GOTO 580'MainMenu
1850 '--------------
1860 'NegativeQuantityAnnouncement:
1870 LOCATE 17,15:PRINT"The quantity to add must NOT be a negative number"
1880 LOCATE 25, 1:PRINT"Please press the Anykey to reenter quantity to add...";
1890 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1890
1900 LOCATE 17,15:PRINT"                                                 "
1910 LOCATE 25, 1:PRINT"                                                     ";
1920 GOTO 1710 ' subsubroutine in quantity to Add.
1930 '----------------------------------
1940 'SubtractStock:
1950 CLS
1960 LOCATE 5,20
1970 PRINT"S U B T R A C T I N G    S T O C K"
1980 LOCATE 8,25
1990 INPUT "Input part number";PART$:PART!=VAL(PART$)
2000   IF PART!<1 OR PART!>N! THEN 2010 ELSE 2060
2010 LOCATE 10,15
2020 PRINT"The Part number is out of permissable range of 1 to";N
2030 LOCATE 25,15
2040 PRINT"Press the Anykey to reenter part number...";
2050 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 2050 ELSE 1940
2060 GET #1,PART!
2070   IF ASC(F$)=255 THEN GOTO 2080 ELSE GOTO 2100
2080 LOCATE 10,20:PRINT "Part number ";PART$;" is a null entry"
2090 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 2090 ELSE 580
2100 CLS
2110   LOCATE  4,U:PRINT "Subtract an inventory part number"
2120   LOCATE  5,U:PRINT "================================="
2130   LOCATE  8,T:PRINT "         Part number: ";PART!
2140   LOCATE  9,T:PRINT "    Item description: ";D$;TAB(72)"<"
2150   LOCATE 10,T:PRINT "    Quantity on hand: ";CVI(Q$)
2160   LOCATE 11,T:PRINT "       Reorder Level: ";CVI(R$)
2170   LOCATE 14,T:INPUT "Quantity to subtract: ";S$
2180 S%=VAL(S$)
2190   IF S%<0 THEN 2100
2200 Q%=CVI(Q$)
2210   IF Q%-S% <0 THEN 2290
2220 Q%=Q%-S%
2230   IF Q%<=CVI(R$) THEN LOCATE 16,T
2240 PRINT "quantity now";Q%;" reorder level";CVI(R$)
2250 LSET Q$=MKI$(Q%)
2260 PUT #1, PART!
2270 GOTO 580 'MainMenu
2280 '--------------
2290 'OverSubtractionAnnouncement:
2300 LOCATE 17, 5
2310 PRINT"The quantity to SUBTRACT must NOT result in NEGATIVE inventory";
2320 LOCATE 18, 5:PRINT"Only";Q%;" IN STOCK"
2330 LOCATE 25, 1
2340 PRINT"Please press the Anykey to reenter quantity to subtract...";
2350 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 2330
2360 LOCATE 17, 5
2370 PRINT"                                                              ";
2380 LOCATE 25, 1
2390 PRINT"                                                          ";
2400 GOTO 2100 ' subsubroutine in quantity to subtract
2410 '----------------------------------
2420 'ReorderReport:
2430 CLS
2440 LOCATE 1,T
2450 LINEFORMAT$="   #######  \                            \   #####          #####"
2460 PRINT "Reorder Report";TAB(55)DATE$
2470 PRINT
2480 PRINT "                                             Quantity       Reorder"
2490 PRINT "    Partno           Description             on hand         level"
2500 PRINT "   =======  ==============================   ========       ======="
2510 FOR I!=1 TO N!
2520   GET #1, I!
2530   IF CVI(Q$)15 THEN GOSUB 1480 'WaitForKeyPress (used as screen pauser)
2560   NEXT I '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Loop thru data looking for reorder items
2570 GOSUB 3320 'WaitForKeyPress
2580 GOTO 580  'MainMenu
2590 '----------------------------------
2600 'GetRecordNumber:
2610 CLS
2620 LOCATE 10,T
2630 INPUT "Input part number";PART$
2660 RETURN 'to calling subroutine
2670 '----------------------------------
2680 'NullEntryCheck:
2690 IF ASC(F$)=255 THEN 2700 ELSE 2740
2700 CLS
2710 LOCATE 10,18
2720 PRINT "Part number";PART!;"is still a null entry at this time"
2730 GOSUB 3320 'WaitForKeyPress
2740 RETURN 'to calling subroutine
2750 '----------------------------------
2760 'BadRecordNumberAnnouncment:
2770 CLS
2780 LOCATE 10,10
2790 PRINT "Part number is out of permissable range of 1 to";N
2800 GOSUB 3320 'WaitForKeyPress
2810 GOTO 570 'Main Menu
2820 END
2830 '===============Datafile Initialization Subroutine =================
2840 '
2850 '  This is a hidden buried datafile initialization subroutine   
2860 '  that you use only ONCE!  DON'T use it twice as every time    
2870 '  it's used, ALL existing data is ERASED!                      
2880 '
2890 '----------------------------------
2900 'InitializingDataFileMessage:
2910 CLS
2920 LOCATE 10,10
2930 PRINT "Reinitializing the inventory datafile will DELETE all the data"
2940 LOCATE 12,18
2950 PRINT "Are you SURE that you want to do that (Y/N)?"
2960 LOCATE 25,1
2970 PRINT "Enter Yes to reinitialize datafile.  Any other key for system";
2980 KP$=INPUT$(3)
2990   IF KP$="Yes" THEN 3010 ELSE SYSTEM
3000 '-----------------
3010 'Doit!:
3020 CLS
3030 CLOSE
3040 N!=100 'if needs require (N!|N#)=1,677,215 records is theo max limit.
3050        'i checked program with 1,000,000 records of 39 bytes each and
3060        'generated a 39,000,000 byte datafile and everything worked ok.
3070        '

But!  i understand GW-BASIC 3.23 can go a LOT higher due to unannounced
changes in the code.  At 1,000,000 records, that is 999,000 more than i need.
Oh, by the way.  delete all the unnumbered comment lines if you are going
to play with this program.  ....please  :-)    

3080 OPEN "inven.dat" AS #1 LEN=39
3090 'open "R",#1,"inven.dat",39     'optional format
3100 FIELD #1,1 AS F$,30 AS D$,2 AS Q$,2 AS R$,4 AS P$ 'fielding the buffer
3110 LSET F$=CHR$(255)
3120 DESC$="                              "
3130 LSET D$=DESC$
3140 Q%=0
3150 LSET Q$=MKI$(Q%)
3160 R%=0
3170 LSET R$=MKI$(R%)
3180 P=0
3190 LSET P$=MKS$(P)
3200 LOCATE 10,10:PRINT "Initializing datafile, please wait...
3210 LOCATE 12,10:PRINT "a 1,000,000 million record datafile
3220 LOCATE 13,10:PRINT "takes about 5 minutes on a 33mhz 486
3230 LOCATE 14,10:PRINT "with an IDE drive.  Pentiums are faster.
3240 LOCATE 15,10:PRINT "Faster is faster, slower is slower....
3250 FOR J=1 TO N!
3260   PUT #1, J
3270   NEXT J '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Loop thru datafile initialization creation
3290 PRINT TAB(10) "finished... ";N!;"record datafile has been initialized"
3300 GOSUB 3320:GOTO 40 'Program
3310 '===========================================================
3320 'WaitForKeyPress:
3330 LOCATE 25,10
3340 PRINT "Press the AnyKey to continue...";
3350 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3350
3360 RETURN 'to calling subroutine
3370 '----------------------------------
3380 'ErrorTrapReporter:
3390 LOCATE 25,1:PRINT "There has been an error on line";ERL;"  ";
3400 IF ERR=1 THEN PRINT "Error #1 = Input value overflow";
3410 IF ERR=2 THEN PRINT "Error #2 = Syntax error or Data/Read conflict";
3420 IF ERR=3 THEN PRINT "Error #3 = RETURN without a GOSUB";
3430 IF ERR=4 THEN PRINT "Error #4 = Out of Data - Read count";
3440 IF ERR=5 THEN PRINT "Error #5 = Illegal function call";
3450 IF ERR=6 THEN PRINT "Error #6 = Integer/Input value overflow";
3460 IF ERR=7 THEN PRINT "Error #7 = Out of Memory, try CLEAR for stack space";
3470 IF ERR=8 THEN PRINT "Error #8 = Undefined line number";
3480 IF ERR=9 THEN PRINT "Error #9 = Subscript out of range";
3490 IF ERR=10 THEN PRINT "Error #10 = Duplicate definition";
3500 IF ERR=11 THEN PRINT "Error #11= Division by zero";
3510 IF ERR=12 THEN PRINT "Error #12= Illegal direct...";
3520 IF ERR=13 THEN PRINT "Error #13= Type mismatch";
3530 IF ERR=14 THEN PRINT "Error #14= Out of string space";
3540 IF ERR=15 THEN PRINT "Error #15= String too long";
3550 IF ERR=16 THEN PRINT "Error #16= String formula too complex";
3560 IF ERR=17 THEN PRINT "Error #17= Can't continue";
3570 IF ERR=18 THEN PRINT "Error #18= Undefined user function";
3580 IF ERR=19 THEN PRINT "Error #19= no RESUME";
3590 IF ERR=25 THEN PRINT "Error #25= Device fault-printer interface adapter";
3600 IF ERR>19 THEN PRINT "The error# =";ERR;
3610 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 3610
3620 RESUME 580
3630 '----------------------------------
3640 '           save"inven.bas",a

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