Form Letter Template

for the family using


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10 ' FL.BAS  (Form Letter)        an empty form letter program
20 ' programmed for MJB by dad Nov 1st, 1997 a form letter machine to handle
30 ' gobby correspondence that occasionally comes up... ie: RIP notification,
40 ' tenant stuff, and God only knows what else coming down the pike...
50 '---------------------------------
60 'Program:
70 GOSUB 120 'VariableAssignments
80 GOSUB 210 'FunctionKeys
90 GOSUB 270 'MainMenu
100 END
110 '--------------------------------
120 'VariableAssignments:
150 CLS
160 COLOR 7,0 
170 MT=6    'MT=margin top
180 TAB=10
200 '--------------------------------
210 'FunctionKeys:
220 FOR I=1 TO 10
230   KEY I,""
240   NEXT I                 'turn off function keys
250 RETURN'to Program,MainMenu
260 '-------------------------------
270 'MainMenu:
280 CLS
300 S=25:T=30:U=35
310 PRINT TAB(2) LEFT$(TIME$,5);TAB(U)"Form letters";TAB(70) DATE$:PRINT
320 PRINT TAB(S) "Select DataFile Filter Number:" :PRINT
330 PRINT TAB(T) "1...All letters
340 PRINT TAB(T) "2...Business  Announcements
350 PRINT TAB(T) "3...Customer  Notification
360 PRINT TAB(T) "4...Emergency Notification
370 PRINT TAB(T) "5...Relatives/Friends
380 PRINT TAB(T) "6...Bird Club Correspondence
390 PRINT TAB(T) "7...Christmas Letter w Card
400 PRINT TAB(T) "8...Tenant Related Letters
410 PRINT TAB(T) "9...Letters to Colleagues
420 PRINT TAB(T) "0...RFQ from Vendors/Suppliers
440 PRINT TAB(T) "P...Print letters
450 PRINT TAB(T) "E...Envelopes
460 PRINT TAB(T) "F...Font Control Codes to Printer
470 PRINT TAB(T) "S...Save Program & Data Changes
480 PRINT TAB(T) "Q...Quit to GW-BASIC Interpreter
490 PRINT TAB(T) "X...eXit to DOS
495 ' -----------------
500 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$=""  THEN 500 'screen pauser
505 ' -----------------
510 IF KP$="P" OR KP$="p" THEN GOTO 1290'PrintoutLetters
520 IF KP$="E" OR KP$="e" THEN GOTO 1620'PrintEnvelopes
530 IF KP$="F" OR KP$="f" THEN GOTO 1650'SendControlCodes2Printer
540 IF KP$="S" OR KP$="s" THEN GOTO 1470'EmbeddedCommands
550 IF KP$="Q" OR KP$="q" THEN CLS:LIST 1330-1460
570 CHOICE$="0123456789"
580 '         if keypress$ is in choice$ then hop over LOOPback to
590 IF INSTR(CHOICE$,KP$)>0 THEN 620'PrintSelectLetter2Screen
600 GOTO 270 'loopback to MainMenu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
610 '-------------------------------
620 'PrintSelectLetter2Screen:
640 IF SALU$="ZZZ" THEN GOTO 270'MainMenu
650 IF INSTR(FLAG$,KP$)=0 THEN 620 'IF record doesn't contain a matching flag
660 ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 'value THEN do the conditional loop
670 '-------------------------------
680 'TheActualLetter:
690 CLS
700 COLOR 14,4
710 CLS
720 FOR I=1 TO MT
730  PRINT
740  NEXT I   '1" margin on top of page
760 FOR I=1 TO 4
770  PRINT
780  NEXT I
810 PRINT TAB(10) "How are you?  We are fine.  Well, it is Christmas time again
820 PRINT TAB(10) "and my wife shot Santa.  She is retiring this year so i won't
830 PRINT TAB(10) "have a plugged nickel to buy you anything with.
840 PRINT TAB(10) "
850 PRINT TAB(10) "Please tell us your best price & delivery for partno 333-444
860 PRINT TAB(10) "quantity 10 dozen (144)  or is that 12 dozen?  let's see...
870 PRINT TAB(10) "10 x 12 = 120... no that isn't right, it must be 12 dozen.
880 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 880 'pause the screen and wait
890 PRINT TAB(10) "
900 PRINT TAB(10) "Funeral services will be at 3:30am Sunday Morning.
910 PRINT TAB(10) "
920 PRINT TAB(10) "Due to unfortunate cost increases in my grand style of living
930 PRINT TAB(10) "all rents will be increased 300% next month only.  This will
940 PRINT TAB(10) "help pay my liquor bill.
950 PRINT TAB(10) "
960 PRINT TAB(10) "Dear Sirs:  Somebody swiped my wallet with my credit cards
970 PRINT TAB(10) "in it.  I know you told me to not leave home with them but
980 PRINT TAB(10) "i feel it is necessary someone tell you that they are lost.
990 PRINT TAB(10) "so if any liquor charges from Sam's liquor comes in, that
1000 PRINT TAB(10) "wasn't me...
1010 PRINT TAB(10) "
1020 PRINT TAB(10) "Respectfully,
1030 PRINT TAB(10) "
1040 PRINT TAB(10) "
1050 PRINT TAB(10) "
1060 PRINT TAB(10) "Mr Joseph_Sixpack
1070 PRINT TAB(10) "nnnnn Sllllll Ave.
1080 PRINT TAB(10) "Hlllll City, CA 9nnnn
1090 PRINT TAB(10) "(nnn) nnn-nnnn
1100 PRINT TAB(10) "
1110 KP$=INKEY$:IF KP$="" THEN 1110 'press the Anykey to continue
1120 PRINT CHR$(12)
1130 GOTO 620 'PrintSelectLetter2Screen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Loop for another letter
1140 '---------------------------

          This may need a little explanation here.
The inline data (formletter datafile) is in 7 or 8 fields, 
(your choice)  So each record of inline data really takes up 
two DATA lines.  The names of the fields are in the two 
lines following the commented out title line.  

In the salutation field, notice the numbers 1 thru 4.  These 
are only there to show you that the program in development 
is in fact pulling up the right data from that record.  You 
of course are not going to use any numbers in your 
salutation.  You don't want your mother to get a letter 
starting with:
     14 Dear Mom...
but until all the bugs are ironed out, it is a handy way to 
see if all your comma delimited data is delimited.  Don't 
forget the quotes around any field that is to be interpreted 
as a $String field.

1150 'FormLetterDataFile:
1160 '     Saluation               Flag    Phone
1170 '     FullName            Address1    Address2      CityStateZip
1180 DATA "1  Dear John & Martha","1x7", "333-3333"
1190 DATA "MM John J. Always","222 West 22nd St.","L.A. CA",
1200 DATA "2  Dear Jim & Jane"   ,"127 ",  "333-3334"
1210 DATA "MM Jim A. Dorkys","222 West 22nd St.", "Suite 222", "L.A. CA"
1220 DATA "3  Dear Jack & Jill"  ,"13 7", "222-2222"
1230 DATA "MM Jack J. Koways","222 West 22nd St.","L.A. CA",
1240 DATA "4  Dear Jocko & Janice"  ,"14 7", "222-2222"
1250 DATA "MM Jocko M. Puwugs","222 West 22nd St.","L.A. CA",
1260 DATA "ZZZ",,,,,,

The second field, called "flag" after the Salutation field, 
is four bytes long, upon which the FormLetter program 
decides just what it is, that it is supposed to print.

The program is not finished of course.  It is just given 
here as an example of how a single form letter program can 
make decisions depending upon how you code your inline data 
statements.  Nothing here is set in concrete so you can 
change or alter any subroutine. 

1270 '
1280 '----------------------------
1290 'PrintoutLetters:
1300 CLS:PRINT"not implemented  yet..."
1310 END
1320 '
1330 '----------------------------
1340 'SubroutineRoadmap:
1350 CLS:LIST   60-100  'Program
1360 CLS:LIST  120-150  'VariableAssignments
1370 CLS:LIST  270-600  'MainMenu
1380 CLS:LIST  620-660  'PrintSelectLetters2Screen
1390 CLS:LIST  680-950  'TheActualLetter (top half)
1400 CLS:LIST  950-1130 'TheActualLetter (bottom half)
1410 CLS:LIST 1150-1260 'FormLetterDataFiles
1420 CLS:LIST 1290-1310 'PrintoutLetters
1430 CLS:LIST 1340-1440 'SubroutineRoadmap
1440 CLS:LIST 1470-1600 'EmbeddedCommands
1450 CLS:LIST 1620-1630 'PrintEnvelopes
1460 '----------------------------
1470 'EmbeddedCommands:
1480 CLS
1490 LOCATE 5,1
1500 PRINT TAB(10) "SAVE"+CHR$(34)+"FL.BAS"+CHR$(34)+",A"
1510 PRINT
1520 '        Send these PCL3 codes to printer for DRAFT mode printing
1530 PRINT "  LPRINT CHR$(27)+CHR$(40)+CHR$(115)+CHR$(49)+CHR$(81);";
1540 PRINT " 'draft mode"
1550 PRINT
1560 '        Send these PCL3 codes to printer for LETTER QUALITY printing
1570 PRINT "  LPRINT CHR$(27)+CHR$(40)+CHR$(115)+CHR$(50)+CHR$(81);";
1580 PRINT " 'letter quality
1590 LOCATE 4,1
1600 END
1610 '---------------------------
1620 'PrintEnvelopes:
1630 'end
1640 '--------------------------
1650 'SendControlCodes2Printer:
1660 '
1670 '
1680 'end
1690 '          save"formletr.bas",a

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