Frequently Asked Questions

Below you may find some answers to questions you may have. For now, I am not putting up all questions and answers. Additionally, there is no logical order of questions and answers.

Q.  I QSO'd with Jonestown and received a QSL card from Guyana. Is it worth anything?

A. When you attempt to put a value on something you generally consider two things: Scarcity and want for the item. Although the Temple sent out lots of QSL cards, there is definitely a limited amount out there. So, scarcity helps the value, but since there isn't a real mass interest in obtaining one of these cards, the value isn't that spectacular. I've seen these cards go for $15-$30, and that's for filled out cards as well as blank ones.

Q. I QSO'd with Jonestown and may have spoken with Jim Jones. Did Jones ever talk to hams himself?

A. Yes. Yes he did. Although he often refered to himself as, "Al".
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