    FCC #5
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Summary courtesy of Fielding McGehee
Jonestown Audiotape Primary Project

Tape Number FCC 5

FCC Listing

77-R-71, 893
WA6DTJ 10 May 0510G

Date: 10 May 1977

Coded: (* = People with these names used the radio room, so may not be code)
aunt in Berkeley
Don (speaks)
Ed�s parents
Mrs. Johnson
Julia/Julia�s dad
Margaret (speaks)
Mary Ruth
Nancy (speaks)
Rudy�s sister
Thomas (speaks)
Mrs. White

Carolyn (likely Carolyn Layton)
Johnny Cobb
Darlene (several in Jonestown)

Charles Garry, Temple attorney


This is an audio recording made by � or provided by an unknown private party � to the Federal Communications Commission. It was used as part of the agency�s investigation of Peoples Temple amateur radio transmissions to determine whether the Temple was violating its licenses by conducting business or engaging in other prohibited activities. The conversation takes place between Temple operators in San Francisco and in Jonestown, Guyana.

Much of the conversation is hard to hear because the voices are taken from the airwaves, and some are very faint. In addition, much of the conversation is in code and without context.

The most intelligible discussion on the tape is about how the (still relatively small) Peoples Temple contingent in Jonestown will use a laudatory statement made about the project. The author of the statement is unknown, but it was apparently a female visitor. (�There�s no more background, that is it,� says the radio operator in Jonestown. �That woman was there visiting and left a statement. There�s just nothing more to it.�) Jones talks about the statement during the brief period that he is on the tape, the text is transmitted in fits and starts during the second hour of the recording, and others describe how it fits in with the message Jonestown tries to convey.

It�s obviously a crucial document to the Jonestown settlers, and more than once, the conversation turns to rehearsing what they should say about it. �Mention the millions that have been saved in tax dollars. Mention the goodwill relations that have been built�� one unidentified male says. �It�s important to get across that people have come and have seen [Jonestown]. Lots of them.�

Given the excitement over the statement, it is apparent that the people of Jonestown already feel under pressure from the States, even at this early date. That is reinforced by a conversation between a Jonestown resident and her mother in the U.S. � conducted via phone patch � in which the young woman extols her new home and cautions her mother about believing the lies that are being told against them.

There are other incentives for relatives to cooperate, besides having phone patches. Jonestown is a beautiful place, the unidentified male quoted above says at another point, and people �ought to see it for themselves.� In the context of his remarks, it would seem that he is including Temple critics in the invitation, but then he limits it: �those that do justice by [Jonestown] will get an opportunity. Those that do justice to what you show will get an opportunity to see it. They�ll be the first. That�s important.�

There is another acknowledgment � perhaps unintentional � given by Jones himself of just how fragile the community feels. It is standard ham radio practice to ask other, unrelated users who stumble into the conversation for a clear frequency. At one point, Jones tells one such person that that frequency has been in use for two hours, then adds, �No other means of communication.�

In general, the tape reveals how the messages coming out of Jonestown are already carefully constructed, how only certain people would have access to the phone patches, and how guarded they would have to be. Towards the end of the tape, the operators struggle with their equipment in setting up another phone patch. When the woman in the states apologizes for not being ready, the operator in Guyana replies, �That�s okay. We�re trying to remember what he shouldn�t say, over.�

Despite the importance of the business that night, there are times of other Temple business and even of levity. The discussion about someone locating chickens to bring on the airplane from Georgetown to Jonestown might be a code for some other activity, but there is a looseness to the conversation not found elsewhere, Jones� participation in the discussion shows that he is just as anxious to get the chickens � and just as uniformed of the logistics � as anyone else, and the conversation that is an adjunct to it about eggs is likely about nothing except eggs. It is also one of the clearest pieces of the tape.

Nevertheless, much of the conversation is in code, just as are most of the names used throughout the tape. The Peoples Temple code books which the editors of this website have located do not include any of the names. However, it is likely that the codes were changed periodically, and the subjects of interest in the known codes books � including the lobbying campaign by the Concerned Relatives organization, as well as custody battles and lawsuits � are ones that did not affect Jonestown at the time of this recording.

This tape was transcribed by Josef Dieckman.
The following is a transcription of an audio recording released by the Federal Communications Commission pursuant to a request made under the Freedom of Information Act. The tape, dated 5/10/1977 and having no tape number, is of amateur radio transmissions between Jonestown, Guyana and a stateside affiliate. For record keeping purposes, this tape is referred to as FCC #5. Transcription completed on 3 February 2004 by Josef Dieckman, and reviewed by Fielding M. McGehee III in December 2005.

Side 1

Light static and off-frequency conversations can be heard for the first several minutes of Side 1. At approximately 195 on the tape counter, the voice of Jim Jones begins.

Jones: Uh� you can�t� you can�t alter their schedule, you can say she�s at work and,  uh� get, uh� get release of a statement how she� called a wonderful place� [unintelligible] visiting ever year� so forth and so on.
Female 1: [extremely faint and distant] Roger.
Jones: She wouldn�t have to do the� any talking anyway, she can just give a� just pass out a statement from her, say she got no problems. Say that, uh, just got no problems, but her kids are really begging her to do that.
Female 1: Roger, I�ll do it now and get right back to you.
Jones: Thank you.
Female 1: Did you say that [unintelligible string of words] 8R1 [unintelligible]?
Jones: Negative copy.
Female 1: Did you say 8R1 has that statement [unintelligible string of words] statement from 8R1?
Jones: 8R1 has it. It�s a very good statement. They can read it to you.
Female 1: [Unintelligible sentence]
Jones: Well you should definitely put it out and distribute it, yes, say this is just� she just returned. She�s at work today and would be here and so forth� [pause] get 8R1 on and make �em read it to you from Mrs., uh, you know, she� they� Mrs. Johnson can give it to you then. You� they can get it, they can give you the ones to Mrs. Johnson. Do you copy?
Female 1: [inaudible response]
[Long pause]3
Female 1: WB6M[NH?] portable 8R1� WB6M[NH?] portable 8R1� do you copy? WB6M[NH?] portable 8R1� WB6M[NH?] portable 8R1� do you copy WA6DTJ?
[long pause]
Female 2 : Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Is Alfred coming?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: You�re still waiting for what?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Well� you gotta keep� eh� with him, you gotta keep callin� him because he doesn�t get back� eh� he just doesn�t remember, over. [pause] And furthermore um, his family doesn�t relay messages, over.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: I would definitely consider that, roger.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: And remind him that Oscar�s his only hope, over.
Female 1: [inaudible response]
Female 2: Next� [pause]� next year, over.
Female 1: [inaudible response]
Female 2: Also, get his other friend, his other friend, uh, that lives across the Bay, over.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Has the same name as your husband, over.
Female 1: [inaudible response]
Female 1: [unintelligible sentence]
Female 2: Negative copy.
Female 1: [unintelligible sentence]
Female 2: Roger roger. Do you know if, uh, di� did� did they contact everybody on� on uh, on our� the list of friends we have, over?
Female 1: [still barely perceptible] Yeah, roger.
Female 2: Is Enola coming?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Did you get ahold of [Enola?]?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Who�s responsible for that, over?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Who?
Female 1: [inaudible response]
Female 2: Who?
Female 1: [inaudible response]
Female 2: Sammy�s coming?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Male 1: WA6DTJ. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger 8R1, roger roger, [unintelligible] do you copy?
Male 1: [off frequency] Negative copy.
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Hey, Lily, can I ask one more question before they start reading, over?
Female 1: [still barely perceptible] Roger.
Female 2: Is Cindy been getting ahold of all our friends, over?
Female 1: [still barely perceptible] Roger.
Female 2: Could you have Cleo double-do on some of this stuff, over?
Female 1: Roger. [Unintelligible response]
Female 2: Roger� I� �cause I, I think Connie would come, over.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Roger. (Pause) How �bout Enola, over?
Female 1: [still barely perceptible] I don�t know� I don�t know� [unintelligible]
Female 2: When are you gonna hear from Rudy, over?
Female 1: [unintelligible string of words]� no answer at the other [place?] � [unintelligible]
Female 2: Roger. Are you bringing people up from Rudy�s, over?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Le� who� we�ve got to make this go� we�ve got to make this go. Do you copy?
Female 1: [still barely perceptible] I copy� I copy� I copy.
Female 2: You should be able to at least put one busload of� uh, stand by� [pause]� Can you get a call down to Rudy�s and tell him to push, over?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Did you tell, uh� did you tell Joanne� did you tell Joanne, over?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Roger roger, Joanna [unintelligible word].
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: No no� uh� this� she�s a scientist, over.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Ask Martha, ask Martha, um� [pause]� Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Why did Cindy say they, um� what was Cindy�s problem, over?
Female 1: [pause] Stand by.
Female 2: How about Chelsea?
Female 1: [faintly] Stand by please.
Female 2: Standing by.
Female 1: I don�t know� I don�t know, but, uh, [unintelligible string of words] we have a situation [unintelligible] [pause] [unintelligible], copy?
Female 2: Roger.
Female 1: Uh� she was very specific on uh, uh the [unintelligible string of words] until recently, copy?
Female 2: Could you repeat that, over?
Male 2: [under the signal of Female 2] [8R1?] break please?
Female 1: She was [unintelligible] on a similar request recently from [unintelligible].
Female 2: That�s what she said, over?
Male 2: 8R1 Break please.
Female 1: [unintelligible], situation, and, uh [unintelligible string]
Female 2: They said that, over?
Male 2: 8R1 Break please.
Female 1: [sounds like, �go ahead 8R1�]
Male 2 : Um, Julia�s dad� Julia�s dad did not arrive tonight� did not arrive tonight. Do you copy?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Male 2: Roger roger� roger roger. Ah� we don�t� I� we don�t know what to do except check tomorrow. We�d like some more information if anybody has it. Do you copy?
Female 1: 8R3, does anybody [unintelligible string]
Jones: Will you get back to Cindy, please? Tell this, uh, uh, to ask you [unintelligible]� this is the most important thing of all� that church conference uh, over there in Hayward. It�s the most important conference. And will you ask, uh, tell Cindy that I gave clear and present instructions, and I will� they can call another one next week, and I shall be there. Do you copy?
Female 1: [still barely perceptible] Roger.
Jones: We�ve got to think of everything on that matter �cause telling the truth was all portrayed, let out� The truth shall set you free.
[long pause]
Male 2: WA6DTJ, do you copy?
Female 1: Roger, [unintelligible]
Male 2: Okay, um� what should Ann do? What should Ann do? Should she come tomorrow with Nick or should she wait for Julia�s parents to come. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger, [unintelligible response]
Female 1: WB6MID portable 8R3 do you copy WA6DTJ?
Female 2: Roger roger.
Female 1: [unintelligible string] the mother [unintelligible string]. Do you copy?
Female 2: Roger.
Female 1: Would you copy from 8R1, [unintelligible string]
Female 2: No, she should wait for Julia�s parents, but on� Nick should bring the films in, over� Tim should bring the films in, over.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: No, Tim� Tim. I�m sorry. Tim over.
Male 2: [coming in under Female 2] Roger roger roger roger.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 2: Films in, over.
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Male 2: Roger roger roger.
[pause or inaudible]
Female 3 : Roy, do you copy?
Female 3: This is Margaret. Listen, tell that, tell 8R1 to check all� all the flights coming in from where the� her um, parents were supposed to come in from. Maybe there�s a morning flight or something. Do you copy?
Female 1: [unintelligible response]
Female 3: Tell 8R1 to check all the flights coming in from that place on� because they might be on a different flight, that there�s any flights tonight or tomorrow during the day. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger. 8R1. Do you copy? Check all flights from [unintelligible] that place because uh, they might be taking [unintelligible string] sometime tomorrow. Do you copy?
Male 2: Roger roger roger roger roger.
[long pause or inaudible]
Female 3: Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 3: Also tell them to check the hotels, because Julia says if, uh, they came in at a, on a different flight and there was nobody there to meet �em, they probably would�a go straight to a hotel, so tell �em to check some of the major hotels out, over.
Female 1: Roger, [unintelligible response about hotels]
Male 2: Roger roger, okay.
[long pause or inaudible]
Female 2: Do you copy?
Male 3: [Barely perceptible male] Roger, [unintelligible]
Female 3: Roger. WB6MID portable 8R3. One last thing, uh� tell 8R1 to change uh, reservations from Friday coming in and Monday going back out for Julia and her parents. Do you copy?
Male 3: [Barely perceptible male, unintelligible]
Male 2: Roger roger.
Male 3: Uh� change the reservations�
Male 2: Roger.
Male 3: � for Julia�s parents for Friday coming in [unintelligible string]
Male 2: Change them to Friday?
Male 2: Uh, roger, repeat that, would you?
Female 3: Roger, this Friday, day after uh, tomorrow� to come in� for Julia�s parents and Ann to come in on Friday and then for Julia and her parents� to go out on Monday, do you copy?
Male 3: Roger. 8R1, change [inaudible/unintelligible] try to arrange for Julia and her parents to come in on Friday and then Julia� Julia and them [Unintelligible word] out Monday. Do you copy?
Male 2: You�re saying Julia�s� Julia�s parents and Ann to come in on Friday and also for them to come back out on Monday? All three of �em?
Male 3: Roger roger. [pause] Roger [Unintelligible]coming in Friday and going out Mondy, over.
Female 3: Roger. Ann and her parent�s to come in Friday and Julia and her parents to go out Monday, over.
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 2: Yeah.
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 2: Okay, roger roger roger.
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 3: Okay, that�s all. Uh� put� Ask� Get the� put the chickens on Nick�s plane, over?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 3: He likes chicken, so ask him to bring �em out to us.
Male 3: Roger. 8R1, send the chickens [unintelligible]
Male 2: There�s no way, there�s no way, �cause Nick�s plane is leaving before the place even opens up, and I know right know he ain�t� not gonna take �em.
Male 3: 8R3. Do you copy 8R1?
Female 3: I uh, I can hear him. I didn�t� I wasn�t listening though� go ahead.
Male 3: He says no way, uh, [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 3: His plane�s not leaving �till 8:30. Most places open up at 7, over.
Male 3: 8R1, [unintelligible]
Male 2: Negative negative.
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 2: But my point is� my point is, if Nick was reluctant to take� um, even uh Junior, I sincerely doubt whether or not he�s gonna take chickens. I�ll try, but I think it�s just gonna make him very hostile, over.
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 3: Roger, but we know he loves his eggs, over.
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 2: Roger roger, uh� we will try.
Male 3: Okay, roger roger.
Female 3: Stand by a second.
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Female 2: Were they at the airport waiting for him, over?
Male 3: Say again.
Female 2: Were they waiting for him at the airport?
Male 3: [unintelligible]� You say, are they? Say again.
Female 2: I said, were they at the airport waiting for them? [Another female voice is heard in the background, �Carolyn just double checked (unintelligible word)�], over.
Male 3: [Is that a question for ?] 8R1?
Male 2: Roger roger.
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 2: Uh, that�s roger, that�s roger, di�
Male 3: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 2: Oh yeah, roger� go.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: What happened?
Female 1: Uh, either it was your friend or some kind of brother, over.
Female 2: Roger. [pause] I could test this. Is Martha there?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: Do you know if Julia�s parents would know where to call if they arrived, over?
[no response or inaudible]
Male 4: Q R Zed the frequency� anyone on frequency?
Female 2: Roger roger� the frequency�s is use, thank you for asking. WB6MID portable 8 Romeo 3, and WA6DTJ copy.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: Uh, could you ask them if uh, if they were at the airport on time, over?
Male 5: Roger roger.
[no response or inaudible]
Male 5: Uh, stand by, stand by� lemme check real quick. [long pause� voice calling CQ can be heard]� Okay, uh, WA6DTJ, roger roger� uh� we had, uh, someone there� uh� quite uh, um� I missed your comment before the schedules [unintelligible]
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 1: Yes, yes they were.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Female 2: Roger.
Female 2: Frequency�s in [three?]� in use, this frequency [laughs or blows twice into mic]� uh, hello? [pause] and you don�t have any other traffic, over?
Jones: The frequency is in use, frequency is in use. DX traffic overseas, a clear frequency would be appreciated. [Slurs] Frequency�s been in use for about two hours. A clear frequency please, DX traffic. No other means of communication. Clear frequency please.
Jones: [rushed and slurred at times] Clear frequency please. Frequency�s been in use for about two hours. DX traffic overseas [�devoid of�?] other means of communication. Clear frequency please. The frequency is in use.
Jones: You better get, uh� um� well� [pause] I would think they�re surely gonna get the one that has that, uh� [chow, as in the dog?] that Terry takes care of. I�d think she�d surely be there lively, won�t she?
[no response or inaudible]
Jones: Tell �em to push whatever with Rudy�s family, with Rudy�s family, push whatever. And they can also� that other lady� that uh, [slurred] whose son-in-law does carpet work everyplace� anyplace, and all places.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 1: Yeah, roger.
Jones: Thank you. Frequency is in use. [slurred] Someone was just calling in their station. WB6MID port 8R3 WA6[slurred] DTJ.
Female 1: Uh, Rudy. Do you copy?
Jones: Roger.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Jones: Jeremy what?
Female 1: Jeremy is the� [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Jones: That�s where he�s at now?
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Jones: Where George is?
Female 1: Negative copy.
Jones: George is?
Female 1: No, no� George� Rudy has to work right now with the [unintelligible word] now.
Jones: Tell him� tell him, it just must be� must be. Tell him, please please� every thought�
[no response or inaudible]
Male 5: WA6DTJ.
Female 1: Roger, 8R1.
Male 5: Yes, uh� do you want us to stand by?
Female 1: Roger, we need to ask uh� [Barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 5: [off frequency a bit] Okay, uh� uh� here�s Thomas.
�Thomas� : Um, the place where you get the chicks is not going to be open in time for the chicks to get loaded and packed and um, even to the plane before it supposedly already would�ve taken off. Do you copy?
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible] not gonna be open� is not going to be open [unintelligible]
�Thomas�: Roger roger, [unintelligible due to Jones� interruption]
Jones: [coming in over the top of Male 1] Call �em call �em� tell �em how important it is. We have this um, official coming in, and uh, uh, he�ll do something about it.
�Thomas�: [still speaking, but now intelligible] and there�re long lines now, but even if we�re at the front of the line it takes at least 45 minutes to uh, package the chicks and then it�s another half an hour to the airport, and by then the plane would�ve been gone for an hour. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger, [Barely perceptible, unintelligible] to go through.
Jones: We got an orphanage here and we got to have those little chickens. We got an orphanage here. They�re coming in every day.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible] It�s very important, so call these [unintelligible word]
Male 5: WA6DTJ, um� you mentioned to me something about a, um, a Mrs. Johnson. [unintelligible] you give that uh, message to. Go.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible] Roger� [unintelligible]� Mrs. Johnson, a woman that was just down there [unintelligible string] so that I can, um, I can have her fly down there, copy?
Male 5: Roger, you need that right now?
Female 1: Roger.
Male 5: Okay, I�m� I�m gonna check with Ann. Is that the right person to check with?
Female 1: Negative copy.
Male 5: Who should I check with on that? Who should I check with on that? Because uh� uh, I don�t know very much about that.
Female 1: 8R3 do you copy [unintelligible string]
Jones: I was just thinking, you know. Sh� um� �bout that dear lady, Mrs. White. Do you copy?
Female 1: [unintelligible string]
Jones: Old Mrs. White, who�ds visited us a few times. Do you copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Jones: Yeah, you know� Mrs. White is uh, sorta like your parents� place. Do you copy? She�s, she�s something like yours�
[no response or inaudible]
Jones: Karen would know who, who to contact about the chicks. She�s like a version of your parent�s place. Do you copy?
Female 1: I copy, but I don�t think I know her.
Jones: Seven days, you copy? Copy that? �Member that?
Female 1: [Barely perceptible]
Jones: Did you tell �em that Karen knows how to get the chickens?
Female 1: No. Stand by� 8R1. Do you copy� Karen knows how to get the chickens, over.
Male 5: Who was that? Who was that?
Female 1: Karen.
Male 5: Roger roger roger, uh� stand by please, stand by, and I�m gonna go and try to find that, over.
Female 1: Roger. [pause] WA6DTJ with WB6MID portable 8R3.
Jones: [slurs] But you know, we were talkin� the other night about that situation where the article was. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Jones: I was thinking if it�s� if ever, uh, it�s a� the, the, uh� really did reestablish your sister at your parents� area. Do you copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Jones: She oughta be sure that, uh� folk have a opportunity to get the best fulfillment out of the program, you know. They can, uh� [pause] Well, stand by, just a minute, uh,somebody�s ringing the phone.
Jones: You know that little white haired lady who was with uh, Stanley for a long time. [slurs badly] Do you copy? With him, with him for a long time? She� that little fellow she took care of, do you copy? The mother. Do you copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Jones: I think that uh, they should get, uh, an opportunity uh, to renew, to get as much in the library as she did, as sh� they could. Do you copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Jones: �Cause I think they�d appre� they appreciate that kind of reading skill. They got to ha� have plenty of time to do a lot of reading. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Jones: Well, you got� still gotta get� got a good [slurs] library books there?
Female 1: Roger.
Jones: When do you think you can send us our medical books. [slurs] Did they get that medical order in, by the way, [unintelligible word]?
Female 1: I don�t know [unintelligible]
Jones: Well, I guess Debby�s not back there then. They said she�s not there, so you just get it done. You�ve had very little time. Well, I just wanted to be sure that� that those library� for plenty of reading.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Jones: [unintelligible slur] She, uh� is gonna live with your parents, yeah, I think that uh, that�s the case� [drinks, rattles ice] if� if Pam and everybody�s gonna live there� I think that�s particularly good.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible] secretarial uh, training course.
Jones: Undoubtedly they ought to get that many people in the program, I would think, because we�re gonna have a lot�
Male 5: [off frequency, cutting in under Jones] WA6DTJ, 8R1 [unintelligible].
Jones: [continuing over Male 1] � left to do. [unintelligible word] to relocating is pretty� I think, I would think so.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible] Roger, roger [unintelligible string] depending on, uh, what�s going on with Alvin, over.
Jones: Yeah, depending upon the orders you have, sure. Uh� I think it�s gonna be a pretty good program. That uh� that program�s gonna be, um, much in demand. He does awfully good work. His printing uh, will be much in demand here, I can, uh, be assured of that.
Male 5: [still off frequency] Uh, quick break please.
Jones: [having not unkeyed the Mic, does not respond to Male 1] And I, I do think that, uh� you just have to see what kind of order potential you have. Roger.
Female 1: Roger, stand by a second. [Barely perceptible, unintelligible], Go ahead 8R1.
Male 5: [still off frequency] Um, yes� I checked with MaryAnne and also with Ann and uh, neither one of �em, uh, understand what it means, uh, and they�re asking for more detail, please.
[no response or inaudible]
Male 5: Do you copy?
Female 1: [emphatic] Stand by, stand by, stand by!
Male 5: [emphatic] Roger.
[long pause]
Female 1: [Barely perceptible] Okay, 8R1. You�re asking for clarification. Okay. Can you get Ann nor somebody else to go [unintelligible string], roger?
Male 5: Roger roger.
Female 1: On what? [pause] On the fifth� [pause] 8R1, on the fifth, or what?
Male 5: Negative copy, negative copy.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible string] what don�t they understand, on the fifth, or on the [unintelligible]� over.
Male 5: [on frequency] How many? How many? How many?
Female 1: How many what?
Male 5: KC�s.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible, unintelligible string] Much better, much better, 8R1, what didn�t they understand about? This, or about the statement from the mother, over.
Male 5: Oh� Okay, then you want, um, uh, her statements on her mother, is that a roger?
Female 1: A young woman�s mother, [unintelligible string] do you copy?
Male 5: Yes, roger.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible] And Mrs. Johnson wrote [unintelligible word] enough of her feelings and, um, and� it should be there. Is that what they don�t know anything about, over?
Male 5: Roger roger, um� maybe it would help if I got one of them. How�s that sound?
Female 1: Well� You mean nobody there knows anything about it?
Male 5: Uh, not offhand, not offhand. Um, maybe if they were here to hear a little bit more in the background, they would, uh� catch on.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible] There�s no more background, that is it. That woman was there visiting and left a statement. There�s just nothing more to it. Uh, stand by. 8R3, do you copy [static makes words unclear] talking about, in terms of� the statement, over?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 1: WA6DTJ WB6MID portable 8R3, do you copy?
Female 2: Roger roger.
Female 1: You got any [unintelligible word] 8R1?
Female 2: You mean about the six seven?
Female 1: No. About the statement� They don�t know� they don�t know if you should about the statement that� that Mrs. Johnson left, over.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 1: Nobody knows about it�
[long pause]
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Female 2: And do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: The daughter that�s in there with you. Do you copy?
Female 1: What?
Female 2: This is for 8R1. Do you copy?
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Female 2: The daughter that is in there with them right now helping in� around the house? Her mother, her mother uh, wrote a very nice statement. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Which they asked to show to Nick and Marcus�
Female 1: They would show to Nick and Marcus �
Female 2: They�d uh, asked to show Nick and Marcus, and they did show Nick and they did show, uh, show Richard.
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Okay, let�s skip through the, uh, [unintelligible] statement [unintelligible].
Female 1: [unintelligible string] 8R1, do you copy WA6DTJ?
Male 5: Roger roger, WA6DTJ, uh, Ann�s here with me�
Female 2: [breaking in over Male 1] Ask Ann, tell him to ask Ann. She�s the one that knows.
Male 5: [continuing under Female 2] and uh� she knows about it, she knows about it. Do you copy?
Female 1: Okay, roger roger. Ann, do you know this statement there?
Male 5: Roger. She�s gonna go get it. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger roger.
Male 5: I�m sorry about that.
Female 1: No problem, sorry �bout that.
[off-frequency chatter and static heard]
Female 1: 8R3, do you copy?
Female 2: Roger.
Female 1: [unintelligible string]
Female 2: Negative copy.
Female 1: [slightly slower and exaggerated, but still unintelligible]
Female 2: Roger. [pause] Roger. Do something nice for her and tell her that she�s welcome, uh, to visit anytime she wants. Do you copy?
Female 1: [Barely perceptible] Roger.
Female 1: Uh, are you planning on doing a phone patch with the, uh, [unintelligible] ?
Male 5: Uh, WA6DTJ [unintelligible due to Female 1]
Female 2 : [coming in on top of male 1] Uh, tell Rudy to call his aunt in uh, in� in Berkeley.
Female 1: [Barely perceptible] Roger.
Male 5: Okay, do you want this uh� to be read to you?
Female 1: Roger. [unintelligible] stand by and I�ll have 8R1 read [unintelligible string]. [pause] 8R3. Do you copy?
Female 2: Roger roger.
Female 1: Roger. Go ahead 8R1.
Male 5: Okay, um� [clears throat]� Roger roger, let me see here. Number one, okay� I first saw� um� 8R3� in, uh, south [unintelligible]. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Male 5: On Sunday night, April twenty-third, 1978. Do you copy?
The audible/recorded portion of Side One ends here, at approximately 761 on the tape counter.

Side 2
The first couple minutes of Side 2 are blank. The recorded portion of Side 2 begins at approximately 827 on the tape counter.
Male 5: � was amazed, [unintelligible] comma comma, I was amazed, comma.
Female 1: Roger.
Male 5: To see is to believe� [pause] To see that people can live. Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger.
[tape edit]
Female 2: Roger roger� um� could you and 8R1, um, I guess Rob�s working out now� You know the� the thing tomorrow at noon, over?
Female 1: Oh yes.
Female 2: Okay, we want to know how it went, [unintelligible] copy at that time, copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: So you might let, um� get a [unintelligible] for, um� [unintelligible] over.
Female 1: Give a call for him?
Female 2: Roger, you know. I would let 8R1 know, so they can let us know, because we wouldn�t have any contact with you for some, uh, three� three and a half hours, over.
Female 1: Yeah, roger.
Female 2: But you can have the radio on anyway. Be on it at the usual frequency and switch between, uh, twenty meters and fifteen meters, copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: And I�ll try, I�ll start it right at, uh, [unintelligible word] your time trying to pick you up. Who�s gonna be on the radio, over?
Female 1: Dan and I, copy?
Female 2: Roger roger.
Female 1: Is that it?
Female 2: Negative, um� don�t you think that you, your input�s gonna be needed down there, over?
Female 1: No, the problem between uh, [unintelligible word] and me�
Female 2: Ah, I would uh� what�s Larry doing tomorrow, over?
Female 1: I don�t know.
Female 2: See if you could uh, see if you could take it �cause we won�t even have copy at that time, and if we do, uh, discuss [unintelligible string, signal fade] anybody� anybody. Over?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: Get an older senior, over.
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Roger roger� Carl Whitesall [phonetic] Larry Brooks, and, uh, your [looks] and Martha�s [looks]  there, over.
Female 1: Yeah, I know.
Female 2: Roger. Anyway you can make, uh, some kind of� Just, uh, just� shut it� anyway, uh� get ahold of, when� when you do see how it goes, get ahold of 8R1, copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: And, uh, give him some indication, tell him to relay it to us, copy?
Female 1: Roger. [pause] Is that it?
Female 2: Um, okay, we�re gonna do that patch you just asked for, over.
Female 1: Okay, wait. Can I get the rest of the [unintelligible string, due to static] ?
Female 2: Um� Well, the trouble is when you�re� it�s, uh, like two o�clock in the morning here, and when you�re seven months along it�s kinda� Can we do the patch, over?
Female 1: [sounds like, �Let�s go�]
Female 2: Thank you.
[long pause]
Female 2: WB6MID portable 8R3, WA6DTJ� do you have, um� Stand by. [pause] Okay, you dialing?
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 5: Do you copy, uh, WA6DTJ?
Female 1: Roger, but you�ll have to stand by until after the phone patch. Roger, stand by.
Male 5: Roger roger.
[long pause, much off-frequency chatter heard]
Female 1: Roger roger.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 1: Negative copy.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 4: How are ya, mom, how you doin�?
[inaudible response]
Female 4: Hi, mom.
[inaudible response]
Female 4: I love it down here.
Female 5: [very weak, unintelligible]
Female 4: That�s wonderful.
Female 5: [very weak, unintelligible]
Female 4: It�s the best place in the world, mom.
Female 5: [very weak, unintelligible]
Female 4: I can�t hear ya, mom.
Female 5: [very weak, unintelligible]
Female 4: I didn�t hear ya, mom.
[inaudible response]
Female 4: [unintelligible], how you doin�?
Male 3: [unintelligible]. Do you copy? Over.
Female 4: I can�t hear you, dad.
[inaudible response]
Female 4: They have really wonderful medical care for me, mom.
[inaudible response]
Female 4: It�s a real good school up here, too.
[inaudible response]
Female 4: No, I didn�t copy.
Male 3: [barely perceptible] [unintelligible], how do you like it? Over.
Female 4: I wouldn�t be back there for anything.
[inaudible response� appears to be Female 5 asking a question and Male 6 concluding by saying, �Over�.
Male 3: [unintelligible]. Do you copy?
Female 4: [unintelligible]
[inaudible response]
Female 4: I�m doing real good.
[inaudible response]
Female 4: Y�all bet�
[inaudible response]
Female 4: Y�all better get you all asses over here, oh�
Male 3: Do you copy, [unintelligible, sounds like �me�]
Female 4: You all better you all rear ends over here.
Female 5: [laughing a bit] We�re gonna come, baby.
Female 4: You had enough time, come on.
Male 3: Say again please.
Female 4: Father, you had enough time, come on.
Female 5: Okay, darlin�.
Female 4: Mom, it�s wonderful here, [suppressing a giggle] I know you�d love it.
Female 5: [unintelligible]
Male 3: [barely perceptible, unintelligible], copy?
Female 4: Copy.
Male 3: [barely perceptible, unintelligible] , over?
Female 4: Please [unintelligible] what you said.
Male 3: [weakly] Negative copy, say again please.
Female 4: Please talk slow.
Male 3: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 2: Uh, could you relay, could you relay �cause we can�t hear� She can�t hear, over.
Male 3: [unintelligible string]. Do you copy?
Female 4: I already wrote you, mama.
Female 5: [unintelligible]
Female 4: [unintelligible]
Male 3: [unintelligible] already wrote [unintelligible]
Female 4: All right.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: You�ll get the letter. I hope you all get out there and help those people tomorrow.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible] okay�
Male 3: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: [unintelligible] Get everybody you know and tell Tom and Jackie to be sure to be out there.
Female 5: Okay then, [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: No one never tells so many lies on this place in the world, mama.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: I didn�t hear you.
Male 3: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: She sure said she likes it.
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Female 5: [unintelligible]
Male 3: [unintelligible] No, she� did you copy [unintelligible string] she had nothing but praise for our wonderful [unintelligible], over.
Female 4: She shoulda� praised it here to everybody.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 3: Say again please.
Female 4: She shoulds praised it here to everybody.
Male 3: Yeah, [unintelligible string], nothing but praise, nothing but praise, [unintelligible].
Female 4: You couldn�t say anything else.
[no response or inaudible]
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Female 4: You couldn�t say anything else.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: I copy, mom.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: [unintelligible]
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: I can�t hear him.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 4: Yes, um�
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
[I believe this is where a new male, �Don�, might be beginning to speak to Female 4]
Female 4: Well, you better get over here while you have time.
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Female 4: Don, did you hear what I just said about getting� over here while you have time?
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Male 7: QSL.
Male 3: Okay, go ahead then.
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 3: Over.
Female 4: [unintelligible word] watch the movie tonight.
Male 3: You can watch the movie tonight.
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 3: Over.
Female 4: Watch the moon tonight.
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: I�m doin� fine, [unintelligible name, sounds like Tyrol]
[no response or inaudible]
Female 4: They give you real good care here.
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Female 4: Roger, they gimme real good care here.
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 3: Over.
Female 4: Everybody loves it.
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 3: Over.
Female 4: [unintelligible string]
[no response or inaudible]
Male 3: [unintelligible string]
Female 4: No.
Male 7: [unintelligible]
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Female 4: What did you ask me?
Male 3: [unintelligible string]
Female 4: No.
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: Didn�t copy.
Male 7: [barely perceptible] I said I [unintelligible] try to get over there [unintelligible] as soon as possible [unintelligible]
Female 4: That�s beautiful.
[no response or inaudible]
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Male 7: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: Hello?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 4: Yeah.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 4: Yes?
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible] I�ll� I�ll be there pretty soon. I�ll be there before� [unintelligible word]
Female 4: You�ll be happy here, momma.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 4: �kay � Robert, Johnny and [unintelligible; could be �Betty Lou�] cute little baby boy.
Female 5: What?
Female 4: Johnny Cobb and Darlene had a cute little baby boy.
Female 5: Really? [barely perceptible, unintelligible string]
Male 3: Copy.
Female 4: Momma, this is the only place that�s never lost a baby.
Female 5: Really?
Male 3: Over.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible string]
Male 3: Over.
Female 4: Uh-huh.
Female 5: [barely perceptible, unintelligible string], okay?
Male 3: Over.
Female 4: Okay.
Female 5: Well that�s good that you got[unintelligible], okay?
Male 3: Over.
Female 4: Okay.
Female 5: Okay.
Female 4: You try and hurry, [unintelligible] mom.
Female 5: Huh?
Female 4: Said, all y�all hurry up and get over here.
Female 5: Okay darlin�, [barely perceptible, unintelligible string], okay?
Female 4: Okay.
Female 5: Okay, we�ll see you.
Female 4: Okay, bye-bye, love you.
Female 5: I love you too, darlin�.
Male 3: WA6DTJ, [unintelligible string] [pause] Okay, WA6DTJ [sounds like, �back to traffic�] WA6 [unintelligible string]
Female 2: Roger. [pause] Okay, go ahead and get the� whatever you�re getting from 8R1, over.
Male 3: Uh� [unintelligible]
Female 2: You�re getting [unintelligible], over.
Male 3: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 5: Roger roger, uh� I was halfway through with this statement, uh, do you want me to continue?
Male 3: [�Roger, go ahead�?]
Male 5: Ah, let�s see, okay. To see children laughing and running, copy?
Male 3: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 5: And play with no fear or danger of their lives. Do you copy?
Male 3: [unintelligible], stand by. [pause] Okay, start over, start over.
Male 5: At the very, very beginning?
Male 3: No no no, [unintelligible]
Male 5: Roger roger. To see children laughing, running, and playing. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: With no fear or danger of their lives. Do you copy?
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Male 5: I saw the work and love. Do you copy?
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Male 5: I saw the work and love. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: That is being put into this new town� do you copy?
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Male 5: The school, comma, nursery, comma [pause] medical and nursing care. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: That�s being given to one and all, period. Do you copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Male 5: New sentence. Even senior citizens� even, even senior citizens have a great source of this new town. Do you copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Male 5: They are not casted aside. Do you copy?
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Male 5: To sit and die. Do you copy?
Male 3: [unintelligible]
Male 5: [unintelligible string]. Do you copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Male 5: The knowledge and knowhow that they have� do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: 8R3 is something that one must see to appreciate. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: And to know and understand what the people are doing, period. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: It�s really hard to put on paper. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: What my eyes have seen. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: So I suggest before anyone makes judgment. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: They should try to see for themselves. Do you copy?
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: [unintelligible string], love always welcome, period.
Male 3: Roger.
Male 5: End of statement.
Male 3: Okay, [barely perceptible, unintelligible string]
Female 2: Roger, I copy.
Male 5: Do you copy?
Female 1: Roger, 8R1.
Male 5: Uh, do you want us to stand by here?
Female 1: 8R3, do you want 8R1 to be standing by?
Female 2: Did you finish getting that article from him, over?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Uh, no, we�re finished with him, I guess, over. Seven a.m., over?
Female 1: Seven a.m., 8R1, seven a.m., [unintelligible]
Female 2: We�ve got two thirty�
Male 5: [coming in on top of Female 2, making the rest of her sentence unintelligible] Roger roger, that�s sounds like real good news [unintelligible]. I�ll be saying 73�s, [chuckles] okay?
Female 1: Okay.
Male 5: Tell my old friend Rex �Hi�.
Female 2: Okay, Willy. What do you mean, good night?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: Ah.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Female 2: Okay, what are we doin�?
Female 1: Praying�
Female 2: Praying for�
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: No seriously. Do you guys have any more questions that� there�s a number of us here. There�s uh, Rudy�s sister, Jeremy senior, Terry, your husband, Ma� [chuckles] Mary Ruth and Sarah and myself, over.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: QSL.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible string]
Female 2: [unintelligible] Um, I was just kinda telling you who was here so you could figure out if you had questions or what� um� �Cause we�re just sitting here thinking about what you should�ve said that we didn�t say tomorrow when you get� you didn�t know what to do with it, over.
Female 1: You know, roger, well [barely perceptible, unintelligible string] consider then.
Male 8: Okay, if, uh� uh, if they approach anybody, you know, that�s just uh, there� that was asked, they should, uh, naturally refer to a spokesperson, over.
Female 1: Yeah, right.
Male 8: And, uh, Rudy should be prepared to deliver that all in one, uh, all at one time, all in one spiel, over.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible] 8R1, copy?
Male 8: The one� the one that uh, that I gave to Martha.
Female 1: That would be [unintelligible string], do you want to send that to uh, [unintelligible]
Male 8: Uh, it should be printed up, and uh, distributed, and then also� the main point he should have in mind or at least, you know, uh, be able to uh, look at quickly and deliver. But he shouldn�t stop� he shouldn�t stop uh, talking once he gets going. He uh, needs to get in as much as possible before he�s interrupted.
Female 1: Roger.
Male 8: And that� and if as they try to get into specifics that are off the subject, just say uh, we�re not gonna be, uh, you know, drawn into that because it just uh, it�s playing into their hands. Uh, not Harry�s hands, but you know whose hands, and it�s not true.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 8: We�re not going to play into their hands. And then go into something uh, you know, positive that uh, we wanna get across.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 8: But the main thing is to, you know, get in as much as you can before questions are asked.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 8: Negative, negative.
Female 1: [no response or inaudible]
Male 8: Oh, oh, oh, for a different reason, yeah, there� uh� No, I don�t think you, I don�t think you have to anyway. Since it�s already� uh, it�s already been noted, so they can pretty well count on it, over.
Female 1: Roger.
Male 8: Well I wouldn�t, uh� I don�t think you have to� unless something happens where uh� it doesn�t come off [unintelligible]
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible string includinf call letters]
Male 8: It�s important to get across that uh, people have come and have seen.
Female 1: Roger.
Male 8: Lots of �em.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 8: Uh, I�m not sure which that is.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 8: Roger roger, um� Yeah, roger.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 8: Roger roger, [over the top of Female 1]� that�s just a small portion.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible] wanted to talk to uh, Rudy, copy?
Male 8: About what?
Female 1: About his situation.
Male 8: Uh� stand by. [unintelligible word] I know what their doubts are.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 8: Stand by.
Female 1: [unintelligible] want to see the pictures. [pause]
Male 8: Uh, get together some people to see �em.
Female 1: [much stronger signal] And the picture?
Male 8: Roger, and be well rehearsed.
Female 1: Roger. [pause, signal drops in strength] [unintelligible]
Male 8: Name all the people that have been here and have received well. Twenty-five to 30 people uh, come here a day and various delegations and educational, agricultural and other organizations.
Female 1: Roger. Any suggestions of the people to meet with him?
Male 8: Roger, you uh, Martha, Rudy uh�
Female 1: Uh, but you know, this� the location�s not the easiest to get to.
Male 8: I see, uh� I see. Okay, stand by.
Female 1: I mean it would have to be� yeah, it�d have to be either Martha or myself, but uh� certainly not both. Copy?
Male 8: See if they�ll come there.
Female 1: Okay. [pause]
Male 8: If they won�t, then uh, one of you should go uh, [sounds like, �warriors�] with uh, Rudy.
Female 1: [signal degraded again] One of us and Rudy, and no more?
Male 8: Roger roger, and mention the millions that have been saved in uh, uh, tax dollars.
Female 1: Roger. [pause]
Male 8: Mention uh, the goodwill relations that have been built. Quote the uh, the same quotes that were given tonight and uh, you know, that I gave.
Female 1: Roger. [pause] [unintelligible]
Male 8: The� these uh, pictures are no way complete. They ought to see it for themselves, and those that do justice by it will get an opportunity. Those that do, you know, justice to what you show will get an opportunity to see it.
Female 1: Roger.
Male 8: They�ll be the first.
Female 1: Roger.
Male 8: That�s important.
Female1: Roger.
Male 8: There is nothing like it, uh, anywhere. And you could mention uh, my background� [pause] because it�s� it�s the same� it�s the same one. Do you copy?
Female 1: Yes, I know. Roger.
Female 1: WA6DTJ WB6MID portable [unintelligible]
Male 8: Um� be pl� be pleasant with uh, Harry. Smile, but uh, not with George.
Female 1: Okay.
Male 8: Thought you�d like that.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 8: Look at uh, Margaret�s and [unintelligible] with your usual friendly look.
Female 1: Yeah� Right, I�ve practiced a lot, you know.
Male 8: Roger, especially uh, Rudy and those like him.
Female 1: [unintelligible]
Male 8: QSL.
Female 2: Copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Is Nancy around anywhere, over.
Female 1: Yeah, somewhere.
Female 2: Could you get her?
Female 1: Yeah. [unintelligible word, pause] Okay, two things uh, [unintelligible] chat with uh� Ed�s parents.
Female 2: Who should chat with who, over?
Female 1: [unintelligible string]
Female 2: No. [emphatic]
Female 1: That was a �no�?
Female 2: That�s a �no� until we check it, check it with Carl, over.
Female 1: Yeah, roger.
Female 2: Well, as I said, this [unintelligible string] Sandra just walked in, so I�ll try to find her right now.
Female 1: Stand by, stand by. [pause] Okay� go ahead.
Male 9: Hello, Nancy?
Nancy: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 9: Okay, roger roger. How you doin� there [unintelligible word]
Nancy: [unintelligible], how about you?
Male 9: Oh, still waiting for you to come back and pick some more bananas up.
Nancy: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 9: Roger roger. We�ll save some for you.
Nancy: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 8: This is WB6MID portable 8R3� net QSO with WA6DTJ, and WB6MH portable 8R1.
Male 8: Frequency�s in use, the frequency is in use. Clear frequency would be appreciated.
Female 1: Now, uh, [unintelligible string] copy?
Male 8: Negative copy.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 8: Uh, stand by. I�ll check it. [pause] She�s on the phone.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 8: Roger.
Female 1: Uh, But I think we ought to hold off now [unintelligible string] that they were there uh� [unintelligible] now, I think we should try [unintelligible string] have to be modified somewhat, copy?
Male 8: Roger.
Female 1: [unintelligible string] I don�t know, [unintelligible string]
Male 8: Roger roger.
Female 1: But I know [unintelligible string]
Male 8: Roger roger. Do you know uh, my� what my title was?
Female 1: Roger.
Male 8: Okay.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Male 8: Yeah, roger.
Female 2: Copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Okay, uh, another thing. Do you copy? Get a listing of everyone. You know you got the list of� of things that�ve been said about the project that we gave you, roger?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: And there�s a number of you that�ve been down here. You�ve been down here. Nancy�s been down here. Martha�s been down here. A lot of you�ve been down here, and I�m sure you can quote myself and Stanley and everybody� everybody here� on [unintelligible] the project, copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: So, it�s a, it�s a� well I, tomorrow it�s supposed to be like a, like a [unintelligible], but� in the long run it�s just like� like a uh, you know, leaflet thing or like a couple pictures or something saying, we�ve been there, we�ve seen it, it�s breathtakingly beautiful uh, it�s all we ever wished to see utopia, paradise, quote, you know, good old Charles [Garry] and the whole bit, copy?
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 2: Well� if you could get a, like a list� anything you can get together for tomorrow would of course be helpful, but this is to go to everybody in California� you know all of [unintelligible word] in California, over.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 2: [unintelligible] over. But a little more dolled up. I mean this doesn�t have to be out by noon tomorrow, uh, it�s just something for folks to go over.
Female 1: Okay.
Female 2: Okay, uh, stand by. We�re gonna do one more patch. Copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: It�s gonna be [unintelligible] mother, over.
Female 1: Yeah.
Female 2: Stand by.
Female 1: You�ll have to wait a second, I don�t have a phone.
Female 2: That�s okay. We�re trying to remember what he shouldn�t say, over.
Female 1: Copy? [pause] WA6DTJ, WB6MID [�portable 8R3 standing by�?]
[ long pause]
Male 10: Okay, I don�t have that one. Is� [unintelligible] on top of the list?
Female 2: Copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: WA6DTJ. Copy?
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: Okay, are we getting ready for this patch?
Male 11: Roger.
Female 2: Okay, standing by.
Male 11: [unintelligible]
Female 2: What?
Male 11: [unintelligible]
Female 2: Yes he is. Is Nancy there in the meantime?
Male 11: Who?
Female 2: Somebody go to get Nancy?
Male 11: Uh� [unintelligible]
Male 11: [barely perceptible, sounds like, �Stand by a second�]
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible]
Female 2: Roger.
Female 1: [barely perceptible, unintelligible] down here about� the uh� [unintelligible] that came across from the capital were, were they um, were, uh, really wanted to use them just the way they were, over?
Female 2: Rose gonna have to go over them, okay?
Female 1: Right, but the� it� it dwells very much on one topic. Is that what you uh, intended? [pause] [unintelligible], copy? [pause] Roger.
Female 2: Stand by. I�m trying to explain what you�re talking about, over. [pause] By the way, copy?
Male 11: Roger.
Female 2: One thing on that one you had the question about last night?
Male 11: Roger.
Female 2: Just change it around, and you say, �why are you down on these people when you used to be something similar yourself?� Over.
Male 11: Roger, [unintelligible]
Female 2: Okay, and uh, as far as being too focused on that one party� the reasoning is, the reasoning is, is that this� that that person�s uh, big hang-up is on, on any kind of um, coverage, any kind of coverage, and therefore that�s what, you know, he deserves, over.
Male 11: Roger.
Female 2: But for us to go over this stuff� I�m not saying that� you know, �cause I don�t know between that what I gave to [unintelligible] and what they gave to you and what you guys finally made out of that, if uh, it�s even the same thing, so Will should have the final say so-on this stuff as much as he doesn�t want to, over.
Female 1: Uh, stand by.
Female 2: [speaking to an off-frequency voice] Frequency�s in use. Roger, the frequency is in use, thank you for asking. Frequency is in use, DX traffic in progress.
[long pause]
Female 1: [barely perceptible] WA6DTJ, WB6MID portable 8R3 [unintelligible]
Female 2: �K, copy? Okay, One thing, one thing to remember when talking, copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Is uh, is to let people know that uh, obviously th� things must be going pretty well, to� I was [unintelligible word] a large organization down here. There�s still the core of the movemen t that going on there. And, as the old saying goes we�re uh, we�re not� we�re not, we�re not hindered, we�re stronger, copy?
Female 1: Roger.
Female 2: Yeah, really, it�s� stand by� if what you�re saying is true, if what they�re saying is true, you know, why do we� this is just some feedback on answers. If what you�re saying were true, why would we have all these people attending, new people coming all the time, um, you know, respect, really work at this point. And put that on a placard too, over.
Female 1: Roger.
Male 8: Simply� uh, you could simply say if, wha� if all what you say is true, why are we thriving? Why are we thriving? Why are we [unintelligible]? Or why are we growing?
Female 1: Roger. [pause]
Male 8: Another way to [unintelligible] we� we�d be� you know, if what was true, people would be leaving, not uh, not new people coming.
[no response or inaudible]
Female 2: Anything else?
Female 1: Are you ready to go with the patch?
Female 2: Oh yeah, roger.
Female 1: Okay, stand by.
Female 2: Wait! Wait.
Female 1: Yes� we�re waiting.

End of Side 2.
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