Polyominoids' Java Applet Instructions Version 1.0

The Polyominoids' Java Applet main panel is located in the left side of the web page. The applet is running if you can see three black lines representing the coordinates axis X, Y and Z and a leyend saying 0 minoids shown. In the right side there is a light yellow area for displaying a HTML report generated by the applet itself through a java-javascript bridge builtin in the most of the recent java's browsers.

Click the mouse right button over the applet's panel and you will see a menu with three options: Boxes, Pyramid and Counters. Each of these options will opens a separated dialog window containing controls to display the polyominoids inside the main applet's panel. Try one at a time:

This menu opens the Boxes Control Dialog. The dialog contains three choices controls for select the width, height and depth of a box labeled X, Y and Z. Play with the controls to see what a box is, the box's minoids are shown inside the applet main panel.
The button labeled Show/Hide controls adds/removes to the dialog a series of checkboxes to show/hide each of the box's minoids individually. The second button labeled Clear/Set All Minoids helps to hide and show all the minoids at once.
The numbering of the controls is the numbering of minoids convention to count the polyominoids inside the box.
This menu opens the Pyramid Control Dialog. It contains one choice control to select the order of an 1/4 pyramid of minoids. There are two buttons to help to hide/show the minoids of the pyramid similar to those of the Boxes Control Dialog.
This menu opens the Counters Control Dialog. It contains the most interesting controls since they permit to count the Translations Polyominoids for a given order inside a given Box (HTML report included). This dialog has three sections of controls:
  • In the top section of the dialog there are four controls for setting the parameters needed by the counting process.
    1. The Type control has two options: Polyominoes and Polyominoids
      The polyominoes are flat polyominoids having only minoids with soft connections; this polyominoids' subset needs only boxes of the form Box(0, y, z) y > 0, z > 0 for bounding.
      The polyominoids, in turn, are "yet another polyominoes superset"... having soft connections and hard connections.
    2. The Order control has a range of values from 0 to 9 for selecting the order of minoids to be counted.
    3. The Boxes control displays a list of all the boxes where to looking for the polyominoids. The list is prepared automatically when user changes the controls Type and Order. The selection of All option instructs the counting to be performed on all the possible boxes for the combination Type/Order; other specific selection, e.g. (1,2,3), performs the counting only for the specific box.
    4. The control Report has two options Count Translations and Store Translations.
      Count Translations only counts the polyominoids found and reports only quantities. Since no memory is used for storing the polyominoids' data, the counting process goes faster, specially for large orders and boxes. You can notice that this selection disables the row of controls located in the bottom section of the dialog.
      Store Translations besides performs the counting report, stores the data of the polyominoids found for further displaying via the bottom controls described below. You can notice that this selection enables the row of controls located in the bottom section of the dialog; they will permit a polyominoid's browsing.
  • In the central section of the dialog there are two buttons labeled Start and Stop. Start initiates the process of counting, stop can abort the process in any moment. A label indicates the state of the counting process and can be one of the following: In progress, Aborted or Finished.
  • In the bottom section of the dialog there is a row of controls. They are enabled when the counting process started with the option Report selected in Store Translations. This controls display the polyominoids found in the main applet panel. There are three controls:
    • Bounding Box control is filled with boxes to select from by the counting process. The user can select a box for browsing the polyominoids bounded by the box.
    • Connections controls permits specify the kind of polyominoids browsed. For polyominoes the only connection type is the Soft. For polyominoids there are three possible connections types: Any, Hard and Soft.
    • The Polyominoid control is a scrollbar for browse through the polyominoids found for a particular box and a particular connection type.

Want to see the 63 translations pentominoes?
Do this selections:
Type = Polyominoes, Order = 5, Boxes = All, Report = Store Translations.
Click Start.
Few moments later, choose a box from Bounding Box control and browse the pentominoes with the Polyominoid scroll control.
Want to see the 1611 translations tetrominoids?
Do this selections:
Type = Polyominoids, Order = 4, Boxes = All, Report = Store Translations.
Click Start.
Few moments later, choose a box from Bounding Box control and a particular connection type and browse the tetrominoids with the Polyominoid scroll control.
Want to see the translations hexominoids bounded by the Box(1,2,2)?
Do this selections:
Type = Polyominoids, Order = 6, Boxes = (1,2,2), Report = Store Translations.
Browse the polyominoids as always...
Want to count all the translations hexominoids?
Do this selections:
Type = Polyominoids, Order = 6, Boxes = All, Report = Count Translations.
Click start and wait aprox. 21 minutes to finish your report. You can save your reports to your local disk, clicking in the link over the report. See my report.
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