WELCOME TO THE SEX ZONE WHERE PEOPLE HAVE SEX (straight sex with peepee and vagina but also girls kissing because thats cool no guys kissing thats gay)

my name is jacob im all about eating food and killing furries. i have an evil alter ego named jon if you see him around please call the police im pretty sure he's hiding traps in his basement


my favorite video game is undertale for the super nintendo

my favorite songs are megalovania and katy perry firework

my best friend in the world EVAR is larry (i call him lil lizard man LOL) theres a pic below of him

my favorite video game character is nagito komaeda, because he reminds me of sans!!!!!!!!


i cant believe undertale is already 10 years old, it feels like it just came out yesterday!!!! ever since i finally played undertale in 2004 i've been IN LOVE!!! its amazing to think the game that influenced all of gaming was made by one guy LOL. even though there are haters that hate the game, i'll never stop loving you undertale!! i'll never forget you undertale, you fill me with DETERMINATION.

thats it for my website, hope you had a good time!!~ just remember, The Government Is Lying To You About Everything. Sleep With One Eye Open.