And Mr. Davis Quotes...

"To a world that never appreciated shit, you can suck my dick and fuckin like it!"

"I lip sync...I lip sync.."

"I like biting people!"

"Clinton was saying that the school-killings in Colorado were connected with rock music, but that is stupid. The government needed to blame it on something and rock seemed to be the easiest target."

"Sometimes I go out disguised, but people still recognize me, so I find there is no point in even trying. It would be nice to get away from it, from time to time, but the fact is, there is no place on earth where I can go unrecognized."

"I am a person. I cry, I bleed, I take a dump."

"When I was a little kid Mr. Rogers is all, 'You've got to be nice and be honest and be a good person.' Being that way as a kid, I got fucking picked on and I was a nerd. I never got anywhere. I always got shit on! So fuck you!"

"When I was in high school, I wasn't a jock, I was into art, drama, and music, and I wore eyeliner, so I wasn't accepted."

"Shit, every time I'd come over the Grapevine [A freeway pass to L.A. from Bakersfield] I'd be shaking I was so happy."

"At first I was queasy; I'll never forget the sound of the scalpel cutting a body open. But it was so cool trying to work out how these people died."

"We go to these goddamn festivals, and no fucking goddamn band will love us. We get no fucking love at all. It's like we're in our own little world. We're not that goddamn scary. What the goddamn fuck? For once in my life, please love me: I'm in Korn."

"AAAHHHH!!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY! I'M FUCKING WORKING!! Damnit! Don't lock the fucking door, motherfucker!" (thanks to [email protected])

"Really. Fuck you."

"Do you think I'm sexy?"

"I wanted to fucking blow my fucking head off. But now? Now I'm fine."(Much thanks to Princess)

"She did 4 all girl movies. She didn't fuck no dudes. It's not like she's done hardcore, with dicks in her ass and all that shit."( Jon talking about Deven, his girlfriend-thanks to Princess)

"I want to shove things in her. Sharp things. I'd make a piece of art out of her." (Jon talking about his stepmother-thanks to Princess)

"We have whole tapes of us scanning the crowd, looking for chicks! We say "That one's for the tour bus!" "That one's with me!" It's nice and it's not abusing women- those girls want that shit." (about groupies-thanks to Princess)

"They go home covered in cum, but they get to go- 'This is Jonathan's cum.'"(also about groupies-thanks to Princess)

"I'm a big rock star, i got a beautiful girl, and they still call me a fag. Its' like high school never ends - the jocks are always on top." (Thanks to rezz)

*Note: This quote is from the same interview as above, Jon whipsered this into the interviewer's little mini tape recorder thingy when the interviewer went and got a beer* "when i was hanging out with John in San Francisco, he fucked ChiChi LaRue. Then I fucked ChiChi LaRue and Rob Halford's friend Adam Evening. My idol is Divine. 'And I cannot get enough of my native love! Step by step, slowly I turn!' Okay, I'm not heavy metal, am I?" (Thanks to rezz)

"Our fans make the band. What they give we give right back. They're an integral part of us. They ARE us."(thanks to rezz)

"I have no inner peace whatsoever. If i did - Fuck, I'd suck. people who have inner peace should just stick to doing commercial jingles for Petsmart and shit..." (Thanks to rezz, again)

I got problems. I freak out, go to a shrink, go through all kinds of therapy and stuff, but i'm learning how to deal with it. That's why i've chosen one hour a night to get all of my aggressions out. to really tell the world the way i feel." (Thanks to rezz)

-from BAM magazine-
BAM: Have you ever had sex with a man?
Davis: "I've never sucked a guy's dick but I've made out with guys. I still do. When i get drunk [giggles]. I know I'm not a faggot now, but I was called gay all my life and I've definitely asked myself if I was Gay plenty of Times before." (Thanks to rezz)

"We're vulgar and obscene, so what? Because we're that way no one can censor us because of what we represent. No one has a right to do that.. American is too fucking up tight."(thanks to rezz, yet again. *grin*)

"Just cause some guys look attractive doesn't mean I wanna fuck 'em though, but I think some guys look cute."

"It started when I woke up, all I wanted to do is jump out of the window. I didn't want to eat anymore, because I was afraid that I might poison myself somehow"

"I think I am a clinical worrier. I worry about everything and I've always been like that."

"I would have given them hell if they would have thrown it all away, thrown away what we worked for all of our lives. I wouldn't have allowed it. I wouldn't let them throw it all away just because I was such a fucking coward."

"Issues deals with the issues I had, the fears I had and it isn't a 'nice' album but fears and depressions are not particularly nice."

"I do admit that sometimes I just like being shocking, but that's different, I'm not trying to be the big star or something like that, it's not a rock star attitude, its more the fear I have that people think they can control me, that I'm easy to manipulate. So sometimes I just behave a bit strange, you know, be a bit of a freak, so that they don't think they can pull my strings all that easily. It's more an act of self-defense, really!"

"What I absolutely can't do is just sit around, that drives me crazy. I go nuts! I'm far too nervous, too high strung to sit around. It's not my thing; I can't deal with it!"

"I think that we wanted to just come together with a lot of great bands and be able to play for a whole bunch of people." (Talking about why Korn was on the SS tour, and whole was said in the cutest way)

(John Norris)You guys are getting close to stadium level, no?
"I don't know, I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but..."

"Check this out" (From the Green Bay, WI show on July 22, while switching from "Justin" to "FOAL" Dude, I was in awe of the cuteness Jon exhibited, that's why I'm putting it here)

Jon when asked about his fans-"I dunno man, our fans are all really great, but the cool thing is when you talk to the kids and find out how each of them are different and what each of them think is totally awesome. I've talked to kids before who have devoted thier life to seeing us play in every location, and thats just a trip to know that we have fans that will be as devoted as that" These next few are from Moon Beam's Jonathan Davis Site. I would have asked permission, but I couldn't find the email address.

"When I listen to music, I don't want to hear about flowers. I like death and desturction."

"Real friends stab you in the front"

"When you�re really depressed it's good to hear someone be hurt too, When I get depressed I listen to my own fucking music. I put us on."

"I don't care what other people think about me, I know who I am."

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