"Have You Ever Noticed?"

Whenever he laughs, he beats something nearby him.
He eats a lot of suckers.
He puts his right arm up around his head quite often.
When Jonathan gets bored, he plays with the same strand of hair on the right side of his head. 
This is a simple one: Jon most often holds his mic in his right hand with his pinkie resting on the bottom of the mic.
In alot of interviews, you can notice Jon can't sit still. he's either playing with something, fidgeting, or just changing positions every second.
In just about every single group shot, Jon is always standing next to Fieldy. the furthest he was from him was one member away.
He pronounces some words differently. ones that I've noticed were "M & M's" (if you've seen Mtv KoRn Diary, Jon says it weird, I can't describe it; he says the e's weird), also he says "life" like it's pronounced "liyfe". also, sometimes when he sings, he says "me" like "my".
When Jon moshes, he goes down, raises on foot up, goes down again, raises the other foot up, and repeated again (see "somebody someone" video)
When jon gets tense or screams, there's this huge vein that pops out in the middle of his forehead (check "blind" video)
Korn related- In the "clown" video, at the part where jon sings, "clown you ain't sh*t, turn around, get your face split," everyone is going backwards (look at people in backround as they walk backwards)
For a short period of time, Jon had a hair extension thingy (it was orange and yellow). maybe that explains another thing i've noticed: on the left side of his head, closer to his face, is a dread that is way longer than the others.
Jon has this weird mark on the left side of his face, which he's had maybe all his life since it's there in every picture, sometimes hard to notice (it looks like a permanent pimple or something).
Jon makes a really grotesqu face while playing bagpipes.
Jon's talking voice is much higher than his singing voice.
In "Shoots and ladders" Jon says 'rosies' 'rowsies'
Jon has a really bad farmers tan.

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