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Liberty Introduction

Ahh, liberty. Free agency. Laissez-faire. Whatever you call it, it's all about live and let live. You likely are here because I know you and you are maybe a litle curious about why I rant so much against the "government". Well, I'll tell you...

Introduction to the philosophy of Liberty. Neat, multimedia way to understand where us libertarians are coming from. Please, watch this animation before you do anything else. It is so great! (You'll need the Flash plug-in, and it takes a couple minutes to load. You can check out the rest of the Jonathan Gullible site, too.)

I, Pencil. It's an article.

There's No Third Way. It's an article.

Unanimous Consent and the Utopian Vision. It's an article by L. Neil Smith

The Unanimous Consent Covenant. Note: don't mail it to the physical address given--I did and it bounced. E-mail it.

The Anatomy of the State. It's a long article by Murray Rothbard

Death and Taxes...Not!. It's another article

Live Free or Die -- The Story of Carl Drega. It's an article by Vin

A New Declaration of Independence

The Company That Runs Everything. It' can never read too many articles, which this is. Again. From

Are You A Libertarian? Finally, it's not an article! Ha, ha, ha. Find out on what points you agree or disagree.

De-Mystifying The State. It's an article again.

The Libertarian Party Platform. It's a platform.

Tax Slavery. It's the last article. So, hurry up and read it, then get to work so you can pay those taxes! Wouldn't want Uncle Sam to run out of funds. It takes money to harrass and slaughter innocent people here and abroad, don'cha'know.

Some letters to the editor, by myself.

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