Johnman 2005
Chapter 6: Predatory Instincts
Theodore sipped his iced tea trying to fight the temptations that filled him.  Over the past few weeks his dark urges seemed to be getting more intense.  In between the lack of sleep and overpowering instincts the young wolf was really starting to feel like a recovering alcoholic.  Melanie could see he was in pain but only had questions. 

�Are you sure the mediation didn�t help?� She asked in a concerned tone.

�No�  Well a little�  But only with the urges...  The dreams just won�t go away.�

�Do you think if we give it a little more time��

�NO!�  Theodore shouted, �Listen this has me so worked up that I spent last evening stomping snails in my Mom�s garden.�

�Did it help?�

�Not really��  The wolf replied in a calmer tone, �Well maybe with Mom�s tomato plants.  But otherwise it just left one hell of a mess to clean up.�

Melanie let of a soft laugh that made them both smile.  Though her carefree expression was quickly replaced by a more serious one, �I�m sorry Theodore but puberty will wreak havoc on your instincts.  Until you learn to control them well�  I suppose there is one other thing that may help but...�

�Please Melanie I just want this to go away!�

�Very well,� She replied with a sigh, �One of my people will be by to pick you up in a hour.  His name is Ralph and he drives a big sedan just like mine.�

�OK.  But what are we going to do.�

Melanie reluctantly replied, �Your predatory instincts are pushing harder than any over macro I�ve ever heard of.  So the only thing left is to let you�  Well..  Be a predator.�


Theodore found the anticipation to be unnerving.  He wasn�t sure how Melanie was going to let him be a predator but suspected someone was going to die today. 

�OK Junior, we�re here.�  Ralph announced as they pulled into a loading bay at the unmarked warehouse in the industrial district.  �Just wait here and I�ll go get the boss lady.� 

The wolf found those instructions to be easier said than done.  Yet he knew whatever his mentor had planned, it would probably be for the best.

�Hello Theodore.�  Melanie said as she approached the car, �Come on in.�

Obediently the wolf climbed out of the car and followed her inside.  This part of the facility looked more like an office building than a warehouse.  There was a long well lit hallway with multiple doors on either side.  However the small group didn�t have to travel far before reaching their destination. 

As the trio walked into an impressively furnished office, Melanie grabbed a sealed vile of liquid.  She handed the vile to the young fur and sat down behind a large Mahogany desk. 

�Do you know what that is Theodore?�

The wolf inspected the bubbly light blue liquid inside carefully without breaking the seal, �Is it soda?�

�That�s what the scum would like you to think.�  The she-wolf replied in an angry tone, �No Theodore that liquid is called Big Blue.  It�s one of the most addictive drugs on the planet and there are some really bad furs that want to bring it to our little corner of the world.�

�Big Blue!  This stuff is Big Blue!?�  Theodore asked in shock.

�I see you�ve heard of it.� 

�Yeah they teach us about it in Current Events at school.�

�What they probably don�t teach you is that it�s a VERY profitable drug.�  Melanie replied and turned on a wall mounted TV monitor, �And these furs want to sell it.�

The monitor was tied into a live feed of the open area in the warehouse.  It showed about 20 shady looking furs gathered around a conference table.  They seemed to be discussing something.

�What are they doing here?�  Theodore asked dumbfounded.

�They came here to ask my permission to sell that junk in the city.�  Melanie replied solemnly, �However even if I tell them NO they�ll try to do it behind my back.�

The young wolf began to wonder just what line of work his mentor was in.  It was pretty obvious that she wasn�t a cop.  So who else would be involved with people like this?  The Mo�

�So I was going to take care of this myself,�  Melanie announced, �But since you need to��

�Wait a minute!�  Theodore interjected, �You want me to kill them!?�

�I want to stop your suffering.  To do that you need to satisfy your desires.  Once you�ve done that it should be a lot easier to control your instincts.�

�But isn�t there another way?�  The young fur pleaded.

�Listen sweetheart,�  Melanie said softy, �These furs signed their own death warrant when they decided to sell that junk in my city.  If you don�t do this, I WILL.�


As Theodore prepared to grow he was bombarded with a conflicting wave of emotions.  Part of him was anxious and more than ready to have his way with these furs.  Yet part of him felt guilty for what he was about to do.  Regardless of how righteous the cause, he was about to take lives and�

�Are you ready Junior?�  Ralph asked from the hallway outside of the changing room.

�Yeah I guess so Ralph.�

�There�s a door behind the wall on your right.  Push the trim in on the end and it will open.  Once you get into the next room you�ll find a BIG pair of shorts.  The boss had those made for you.�

The young fur followed Ralph�s instructions and found the hidden door.  The next room was like a giant airlock, with at least a 100ft ceiling.  It had a gigantic bench and a macro sized set of doors that apparently led to the open area of the warehouse.  Slowly Theodore walked inside.

�When you are ready just give us a thumbs up.�  A voice announce from a loudspeaker on the wall, �Don�t worry about anyone hearing the commotion because the whole warehouse has been soundproofed.  Just remember, no one leaves that room alive.�

Without any further delay, Theodore grew to his full macro size of 70ft.  Once he got his new shorts on, the fur gave the wall-mounted camera a thumbs up.  The door behind him slammed shut and the doors in front began to slowly open. 

�What the�  That BITCH betrayed us!�  Some random voice hollered from inside the warehouse. 

A moment later the air filled with the sound of gunfire and dozens tiny bullets bounced off of Theodore�s fur clad body.  Although the projectiles weren�t breaking the skin they still stung like little bug bites.  This quickly turned the wolf�s doubt into anger as he stepped forward into the room.

Purposely Theodore lifted his right footpaw over the largest group of furs.  Their weapon�s fire concentrated on his pawpads causing intense pain.  So the macro slammed his paw down and smiled as their bodies exploded into mush.  Warm blood squirted up between his toes and underneath his pawpads.  The soothing sensation relieved the soreness caused by the gunfire.

After taking the time to grind them from side to side, finishing off any partially crushed survivors, the wolf took a moment to inspect his handiwork.  The squished remnants below didn�t even resemble the furs.  It looked more like a pile of bloody ground meat.  The whole experience left the wolf feeling powerful and energized.

Yet the titan�s job wasn�t quite done.  Theodore quickly scanned the room to locate the rest of his prey.  Most of them went for the only other exit to the room, only to find it completely sealed and bulletproof.  With a ruthless grin, the wolf headed straight for them. 

By now most of the furs were out of ammunition and reverted to the last option of the doomed, begging.  Unfortunately they quickly found that the wolf was more interested in trampling than showing mercy.  Theodore smiled viciously as he took time to slowly crush his prey, one at a time, savoring their torment.
After executing another dozen furs, he turned his attention to the rest of the warehouse.  The remaining survivors had scurried away and were hiding among the crates in the room.  But their efforts were in vein since the giant could smell their petrified scents.

�Come out and I�ll make this quick.�  He announced like a god pronouncing judgment upon them, �But if you make me come after you��

�Please I don�t want to die!�  A terrified figure cried out as he emerged from the crates. 

However his pleas fell on deaf ears as the macro wolf pressed a footpaw down on him.  The loud rewarding crunch ended the criminal�s miserable existence. 

As Theodore allowed the warm mush below to caress his pawpads another scurry caught his attention.  He quickly swung around and reached out with an open hand.  Callously he squeezed the captured insect, causing its insignificant body to compress.  The little fur cried out in pain until he popped, spilling gruesome contents out until the ground.

The final two insects made a mad dash for the airlock room.  Their attempts to escape were immediately halted as the wolf snatched them up also. 

With a horrifying roar, Theodore opened his massive jaw and tossed the first one in.  He toyed with him for a few moments before biting down.  Unfortunately the contents of his victim did not meet with the wolf�s tastes and the remains were spat out onto the floor like used chewing gum.

Looking to his last prisoner, the wolf again opened his mouth and tossed him in.  This time Theodore choose just to swallow.  The morsel�s attempts to struggle only succeeded in tickling his throat.  However the fur�s efforts were in vein as his tormented twitching signaled an agonizing demise in the titan�s corrosive stomach.

Theodore then took a moment to lie there on the warehouse floor and relax.  He folded his legs out and pressed the soles of his feet together, cherishing the feeling of warm gore on his soles.   

�Do you feel better?�  A familiar voice asked. 

The wolf turned over to find Melanie standing next to him and replied with a grin,  �Much better.�

�Good.  Now you�ll be able to control your urges.  There�s something about satisfying the urge�  Well let�s just say your body won�t crave the hunt as bad anymore.�  Melody explained in a experienced tone, �There�s a shower in the main hall.  Ralph will show you were to find it.�

As instructed, the wolf made his way back to the airlock and returned to normal size.  Melanie knew nothing else really had to be said.  All of the temptations of his predatory side seemed to have calmed down now.  His only remaining desire was a shower.

The artwork contained on this page is copyrighted to Chaswari and has been used with permission.
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