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There were thousands of men on shore, roughly dressed serfs laboring in a field of tree stumps. 'Heretic knights!' a man at the edge of the water screamed.
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Warning shouts come from above, and then shots crack out above and the water in front of the man flicks up in tall splashes. He is helped back up the grassy slope by those on the path they're moving round, following you as the soldiers dip you under again and I thrash after you.
He said it in such as way as to hint that Cora and her friends were guilty of either a wrong approach or collective stupidity. Well, that was fine with her.
The Duke concealed his terror as best he could, but it was terror he felt. To be standing on the lip of Hell, accused of the crime before him, was a terrifying prospect.
The newer buildings were faced with colorful stonework, many of marble and quartz, giving them a soft white, blue, or pink color. The cobblestones in the streets were clean, and gutters ran free of the clogs and debris Pug had seen in the other cities.
All afternoon and evening I've been in meetings with Drefan, General Kerson, and a number of officers. Drefan wants to move the troops back to D'Hara-for us all to go to D'Hara.
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