During the Rambo saga , Rambo meets a lot of people who are not always his friend. He sure also has some allies and friends like his commander Trautman and Co Bao.
I got the pictures of Co Bao and Kourov from Robert Boda - Slovakia ( see also my links section). All his foes and friends will be described here about their history and how they met John Rambo.

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This is Co Bao and she met Rambo when he had to photograph the POW's. She works for the Intelligence Agency after her father was murdered, but she wants to go to America one day. Later on in the movie she asks Rambo to take her with him and they fall in love. When they want go away Co gets shot and dies in Rambo's arms. Then Rambo gets mad and takes revenge.
"Rambo.....your not expandable"

This is a gigantic Spetznaz Commando of the Russian Army in Rambo III. His name is Kourov and is some sorta sidekick of Colonel Zaysen. He hunts down Rambo and Trautman in a cave after Rambo rescues Trautman. Rambo and Trautman kills the whole Spetznaz team then Rambo almost got shot but Trautman saves him. Rambo says to Trautman that he should go up to the surface while he takes care of the remaining men. He sees Kourov and shoots a explosive tipped arrow at him but kourov takes an teammember in front of him and the arrow explodes. Rambo thinks he's dead and continues killing the remaining men. After he wasted them all he returns to the surface , climbing up the rope. After he got out he gets grabbed by kourov who was awaiting Rambo. They have a big man-to-man fight but finally Kourov has him in a bear-hug grapple, and tries to squeeze Rambo unconscious. Quickly, Rambo pulls out the pin of the grenade which is attached to Kourov's suit. Kourov gets frightened and tries to pull off the grenade of his suit but gets a roundhouse kick delivered by Rambo and falls into the cave. Then the grenade exlodes and kourov is history

Moussa Chanin , a man who deals in weapons. He helps Rambo a lot by delivering him weapons such as explosives. He also guides him to one of the last afghanistan rebel villages. Along the way he tells Rambo stories about the people of Afghanistan.
"You are not with military or not mercenary. What are you ? A lost tourist ?"

This is Rambo's new commander during his last mission in Vietnam to save the POW's ( Prisoners Of War ), Murdock. Murdock doesn't like Rambo from beginning, when they meet each other. He tells Rambo that his mission is to photograph the area were the POW's are held. During the mission , Rambo actually frees one POW and they are escaping to the extraction point. A chopper is on it's way to pick up Rambo but it's called back by Murdock after he heard that Rambo rescued a POW. Rambo is double-crossed by his supervisor and swears revenge.
In the end of the movie he comes back to the military base together with all the POW's. He quickly grabs a M60 of the helicopter and goes to Murdock's office. Murdock frightens when he hears Rambo, shooting everything apart what crosses his way. Rambo finally encounters Murdock and teaches him a lesson which will not be forgotten by Murdock.

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