Netzwerk Wasserkooperation

Nachrichtenüberblick Februar 2006





2 February 2006: World Wetlands Day


Convention on Wetlands - Ramsar Convention (1971)


…. Wetlands are: areas of marsh, fen, peatland or water, whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at low tide does not exceed six metres. Wetlands are among the world’s most productive environments. They are cradles of biological diversity, providing the water and primary productivity upon which countless species of plants and animals depend for survival. Humans have damaged wetlands by damming, dyking and canalizing rivers, converting floodplains to aquaculture, planting trees on bogs, draining marshes for agriculture, forestry and urban development and ‘mining’ them for peat, often with heavy state subsidy. But throughout history, agricultural activity has been the most important single cause of damage, with wetlands drained to provide croplands. 50% of the world's wetlands have been lost in the past century alone …


The Ramsar Convention Manual: a Guide to the Convention on Wetlands

Ramsar Convention Secretariat, 2004


Ramsar Convention on Wetlands


RAMSAR - MAB Joint Website






Neuer Direktor am Friedensforschungs-Institut

30.01.06   Das Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik (IFSH) an der Universität Hamburg steht mit einem neuen Direktor für "Kontinuität mit ein paar Änderungen". "Es hat wenig Sinn, an der bisherigen Arbeit zu rütteln", sagt Michael Brzoska, der sein Amt am 1. Februar antritt. "Es gibt in einigen Bereichen noch keine klare Linie, etwa bei der Abrüstung", kündigt er Änderungen an. Auch in anderen Forschungsbereichen des IFSH könnten neue Schwerpunkte entstehen ... Im Zentrum für Europäische Friedens- und Sicherheitsstudien (ZEUS) sieht Brzoska einen Bedarf für mehr Arbeit an der europäischen Verteidigungspolitik ... "Noch etwas unentschlossen" ist Brzoska bei möglichen neuen Feldern für die Interdisziplinäre Forschungsgruppe Abrüstung, Rüstungskontrolle und Risikotechnologien (IFAR). "Hier müssen wir noch einige Sachen ausdiskutieren." Er könne sich aber vorstellen, daß etwa die Weltraumtechnologie in die künftige Forschung mit einbezogen wird ... Den geringsten Änderungsbedarf sieht der neue IFSH-Direktor im dritten Forschungsbereich, im Zentrum für OSZE-Forschung (CORE) ...


BICC Staff


PM issues blunt warning on climate change

January 30, 2006 … Tony Blair warns that the impact of climate change may be more serious than previously thought in a new government report on global warming published today. The report raises fears that both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets are likely to melt, leading to a devastating rise in sea levels … "It is clear from the work presented that the risks of climate change may well be greater than we thought" … The report also warns that the EU may have to adopt tougher climate change targets …,,1698216,00.html#article_continue


Metito says that 'Water Must Be Managed by the private sector'

January 30 - 2006   Metito, the international desalination, water, and wastewater treatment specialist, made a strong case for greater private sector involvement in the water sector, at Public Private Partnership conference in Dubai …


Soz hopeful of resolving all water disputes with Pak amicably

January 30, 2006   Newly-appointed Union Water Resources Minister Prof Saif-ud-Din Soz today expressed the hope that all water disputes with Pakistan will be resolved amicably … ''I will shoulder the responsibility and go into the nitty-gritty of the problems. We will be talking to Pakistan and make efforts to resolve all water disputes amicably'' … ''It is a huge responsibility for me. Though the Water Ministry from outside looks small, there is a lot of work. The task is very hectic. It is my perception that I have to serve both the people and the party'' … On whether he would continue to hold ''back channel'' talks with separatist leaders, Prof Soz said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had clearly stated that his doors were open for all those who abjured violence and were willing to come to the negotiating table … said the Centre had decided to broaden the ambit of the ongoing dialogue process and was likely to hold talks with representatives of the people from Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh divisions ...


City to use water fleas in homeland security measure

Jan. 29, 2006Much as coal miners used canaries to detect toxic gases in mines, the city will use a type of water flea to test reservoirs for toxins that could be dumped by terrorists. The Altoona City Authority said it will use Daphnia water fleas to check water in the reservoirs ...


Salty waste water a tricky dilemma

January 29, 2006 … Salt management is an emerging issue that requires a meaningful discussion and consideration of real solutions that are environmentally and economically sustainable. To identify solutions, the problem also must be fully understood. Karl Longley, a California State University, Fresno, professor and longtime regulator on the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, has described salt management as a "dilemma," a predicament that defies a satisfactory solution … While there are appropriate levels of minerals and salts beneficial to crops, no statewide standards or limits exist for discharging salts … The dilemma is created by the fact that no proven technologies exist for treating salt. We have been immensely successful in removing the sugars, fats, proteins and other organics left over from the cheese-making process. However, unlike organics, salts cannot be treated … Salt management is a complex dilemma requiring cooperation from all involved. It is time to recognize the problems and focus on solutions …


YEMEN: Water shortages a looming disaster, say experts

24 Jan 2006    … Yemen is one of the most water scarce countries in the world, where the average per capita share of renewable water resources is 125 cubic metres per year, according to government estimates. This represents one-tenth of the average in most countries of the Middle East and North Africa, and one-fiftieth of the world average. Further, according to a recent UNICEF report, Yemen has the world's fourth fastest growing population, which will increasingly reduce each person's available share of fresh water. Experts in the government and from donor nations describe the problem as a looming national disaster …


Pak water crisis may cloud peace talks

22/01/06 Pakistan’s acute water crisis may have serious fallout on Indo-Pak dialogue. Though Gen Pervez Musharraf didn’t mention the ongoing tension over the Baglihar project in Jammu & Kashmir during his recent televised address on water, the issue may surface anytime in future ... The Bank [World Bank] may facilitate setting up of a court of arbitration if the neutral expert fails to resolve the difference … Interestingly, Musharraf considers the issue of water scarcity and dams in Pakistan as “important and complex” … water could be a question of life and death for those living in Sindh province.A water expert … “For Pakistan, shortage of water has become a very serious matter. It may turn out to be a life and death situation soon. I will not be surprised if water dominates India-Pakistan talks in future.” … “If Pakistan comes out of the present crisis of water shortage, it’s good for the entire region. Otherwise, water disputes may emerge in already-troubled India-Pakistan ties. In Sindh, people are agitating against construction of big dams, but dams are a solution, and Pakistan government has made up its mind to go ahead with several dams.” Gen Musharraf recently announced that the country would construct a number of dams including Basha, Kalabagh, Akori, Munda and Koramtangi by 2016. At present, China is constructing seven major dams (above 200 feet), Turkey 22, Japan 35, Iran 28 and India six.,curpg-1.cms


Low water table and salty water threaten city

January 21, 2006   The city of Lahore is expected to face a serious clean-water threat in near future because of the decrease in the sweet water level over the last couple of years, which is allowing brackish water from suburbs to flow into the city, Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) officials … According to reports, around twenty people died of water contamination in Data Gunj Baksh Town in 2005 … According to a Water Resource Strategy study, over 25,000 people are suffering from various diseases in Lahore because of contaminated water ...


World Bank report on Pakistan water resources: Water economy: running dry

January 18, 2006   Pakistan is one of the world’s most arid countries, with an average rainfall of under 240 mm a year. The population and the economy are heavily dependent on an annual influx into the Indus river system (including the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej rivers) of about 180 billion cubic meters of water, that emanates from the neighbouring countries and is mostly derived from snow-melt in the Himalayas. Throughout history, people have adapted to the low and poorly distributed rainfall by either living along riverbanks or by careful husbanding and management of local water resources. One of the greatest of human civilisations – the Indus Valley civilisation (Harrapa and Mohenjo Daro) – flourished along the banks of the Indus ... This precarious, low-level balance between man and water was decisively shifted with the advent of large-scale irrigation technology in the 19th century. The Indus irrigation system became the largest contiguous irrigation system in the world. The desert literally bloomed, with irrigated agriculture providing the platform for the development of the modern economy of Pakistan … This hydraulic economy has faced and surmounted three massive challenges in the last half century … So the modern history of water development and management in Pakistan is one in which the glass can be seen as more than half full. But, as this report will show, the glass can also be viewed as much more than half empty too. Once again, the survival of a modern and growing Pakistan is threatened by water ...


Separate Water Treatment Key to Harare's Problems

January 18, 2006   BASED on water quality tolerance, urban water supplies fall into two main categories -- high and low quality water. High quality water meets World Health Organisation (WHO) standards and is used for drinking and cooking. Low quality water is used in urban agriculture, conveyance of human excreta in sewers, refilling swimming pools and other non-phytosanitary uses. These account for more than 90 percent of urban water uses … The feasibility of supplying split water quality for the dual objectives has to be investigated to reduce water supply costs to consumers and the Harare City Council while ensuring that the dual objectives are met for all purposes … In essence, if parallel water supply systems were introduced to serve the two fundamental urban water users, the sustainability of water resources management and land use planning would be improved. The hierarchy of user needs would be integrated in designing intervention measures.


Wasser - der Megatrend des 21. Jahrhunderts - Anlagestrategie

14. Januar 2006   In Zeiten, in denen sich die Sorgen der Welt auf die Verfügbarkeit von Rohöl und seit kurzem auch von Erdgas konzentrieren, wird viel zu häufig übersehen, daß die Menschheit künftig eine erhebliche Verknappung von Trinkwasser fürchten muß. So wird mit Blick auf die rasant wachsende Wassernachfrage und die gleichzeitig zunehmende Verschmutzung gerade in Schwellenländern wie China oder Indien Trinkwasser zu einer immer kostbareren und beschränkteren Ressource werden … macht deutlich, wie außerordentlich facettenreich das Thema Wasser ist. So können Aussagen wie "Wasser ist global betrachtet ausreichend vorhanden" und "fünf Millionen Menschen sterben jährlich an Wassermangel" gleichberechtigt nebeneinander stehen. Denn beide sind "wahr". Sie weisen zugleich auf die grundlegende, vor allem aus Unternehmens- und Investorensicht bedeutsame Problematik hin: wie kann Wasser möglichst effizient verteilt und genutzt werden? … Der Staat allein kann bei anstehenden Investitionssummen im hohen dreistelligen Milliarden-Dollar-Bereich kein Garant mehr für eine bedarfsgerechte Wasserversorgung sein. Als Lösungsweg bieten sich öffentlich-private Partnerschaften an … Wasser ist für Wirtschaft und Leben unverzichtbar … Attraktive Chancen für Investoren sind daher entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette des Wassers zu finden …



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The Value of Scarce Water: Measuring the Inefficiency of Municipal Regulations

Working Paper 06-01. Jan 2006 … Rather than allowing water prices to reflect scarcity rents during periods of drought-induced excess demand, policy makers have mandated command-and-control approaches …




paper 47: Munir Ladaa - Transboundary Issues on the Caspian Sea Opportunities for Cooperation, January 2006


... angekündigt – in Erscheinung:

paper 46: Lars Wirkus - Water, Development and Cooperation-Comparative Perspective: Euphrates-Tigris and Southern Africa, January 2006


brief 33: Volker Böge - Water, Conflict and Transboundary Water Governance:

Southern African Experiences, January/February 2006



Broschüren zum Thema Wasser

In der Broschüre "Wasserzeichen" wird der Status-Quo der österreichischen Wasserwirtschaft erfasst und aufgezeigt, wo dieser "österreichische Wasserweg" in Zukunft hinführen wird ...




Eine Leitlinie für unser Wasser



GLOWA – Globaler Wandel des Wasserkreislaufes / GLOWA – Global Change and the Hydrological Cycle

... Programm GLOWA des BMBF (Globaler Wandel des Wasserkreislaufes) gilt als ein Pilotprogramm ... sollen wissenschaftlich fundierte Instrumentarien für eine vorausschauende und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung großer Flusseinzugsgebiete entwickelt werden, und zwar unter Berücksichtigung (globaler) Veränderung der Umwelt und der sich ebenfalls ändernden sozioökonomischen Randbedingungen ... Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) 2005


siehe auch: Wasser - Ressource für das Leben



Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung (ISOE)



Forschungsschwerpunkt Wasser und nachhaltige Umweltplanung


Projekt: Evaluationsnetzwerk für transdisziplinäre Forschung - Evalunet

... wie können transdisziplinäre Forschungsansätze in allen Bereichen der Forschungslandschaft dauerhaft gestärkt werden? Wie müssen belastbare Evaluationsindikatoren und -instrumente beschaffen sein, um nicht nur die Evaluation sondern auch die Qualitätssicherung von transdisziplinären Forschungsvorhaben zu gewährleisten? Das Vorhaben Evalunet zielt darauf, praxistaugliche Verfahren und Kriterien für die Evaluation transdisziplinärer Forschung zu erarbeiten. Das breite Spektrum der Forschungsinhalte und Forschungssettings der innerhalb von Evalunet evaluierten transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekte war dabei eine zentrale Voraussetzung, um einen praxistauglichen Leitfaden für die transdisziplinäre Forschung zu erarbeiten, der als ISOE-Studientext, Nr. 13 veröffentlicht ist ...


A Guide for the Formative Evaluation of Research Projects

… is now electronically available in English and German  The Evaluation Network for Transdisciplinary Research has spent several years working on the question of how the quality of transdisciplinary research processes can be secured and evaluated. As the central result, the "Guide for the Formative Evaluation of Research Projects" was published in the German language at the end of 2005. The Guide is now also electronically available in English ...




Geographische Rundschau

Heft 02/2006  Wasserpolitik




Herzliche Grüße – noch - von der Elbe ... und einen hab` ich noch zum Thema:

Biermösl Blosn: Das Wasser g'hört zum Waschen

... noch nie wurde ein so schöne Bogen vom Wasser zur Politik übers Tiramisu geschlagen:



Jörg Barandat


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