Netzwerk Wasserkooperation


Nachrichtenüberblick Januar 2006


… Perhaps this year we will grasp the truth:

true energy security comes from diversifying approaches,

using objective research and sound science,

not subsidies, rationing, and price manipulation …


... Energie-Sicherheit liegt zwar außerhalb der Thematik dieses Newsletters ... angesichts der Aktualität und der zu erwartenden bleibenden Brisanz, erlaube ich mir aber dennoch diesen Veranstaltungshinweis:


„Zukunft braucht Sicherheit“

Energiepolitik als Grundlage einer nachhaltigen Sicherheits- und Wirtschaftspolitik

Jahreskonferenz "Erneuerbare Energie 2006" (ee06)

15. / 16. Februar 2006, Berlin

... Energiepolitik ist längst eine Querschnittsaufgabe von Sicherheits-, Außen-, Wirtschafts- und Umweltpolitik. Die Verknappung und Verteuerung der Rohstoffe konfrontiert die Politik schon heute mit wirtschaftlichen wie auch geostrategischen Problemen. Die Abhängigkeit von Energieimporten und knapper werdenden Rohstoffen bei weltweit steigender Nachfrage hat längst Einfluss auf unsere Versorgungssicherheit und betrifft daher grundlegende Sicherheitsinteressen. Wie stellt sich die nationale und internationale Sicherheitslage unserer Energieversorgung dar? Sowohl die Energiekosten für die Wirtschaft als auch die volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten der Energieversorgung sind wichtige Faktoren im politischen Entscheidungsprozess. Wie wirken sich Klimawandel und Ressourcenknappheit auf die Energiepreise für Unternehmen und Verbraucher aus? Wie werden sich diese Kosten in den nächsten Jahren entwickeln?...


Träger u.a.: Bundesverbandes Erneuerbare Energie e.V. (BEE) ...

auch in Zusammenarbeit mit: NATO Forum on Energy Security







Climate fears, water shortages haunt Europe

Jan 10, 2006 - France and Spain are ringing alarm bells over the climate, fearing a repeat of last year's drought that sparked deadly forest fires, costly crop failures and widespread water rationing in southern Europe … The European Environment Agency (EEA) says water shortages and soaring temperatures in southern Europe are becoming the norm, and its climate models suggest much of the continent may start to become drier as deserts advance ... France imposed water rationing across the country in 2005, slapping irrigation curbs on farmers and hosepipe bans on the public ... harsher curbs would be enforced this summer if water levels remained unchanged by the end of March … Britain's Environment Agency has warned that a winter with low rainfall in southern England could cause a "serious drought, widespread environmental damage and restrictions on water use" … Spain's cereal crop was devastated by last year's drought, while hydroelectric power generation -- one of the cheapest and cleanest ways of producing electricity -- fell to its lowest in 48 years …


Water shortage blamed on mismanagement

January 10, 2006 ... Questions have emerged regarding water management after the Government announced plans last week to start water rationing in Nairobi due to dwindling reserves at Ndakaini dam. Analysts argue that even though water scarcity is real owing to adverse climatic conditions, there is a crisis of management. The focus is designing the real solutions to the world’s water problems ... The stark reality is that water resources are not being protected to conserve even the little available ... Water sources continue to be interfered with or depleted altogether as vital catchments disappear through squatter settlements. In Kenya, like in the rest of East African region, concern is growing that lack of adequate water could have serious impact on the development agenda, including poverty reduction, health, environmental sustainability, private sector growth and good governance … Nairobi, Kisumu, Eldoret, Mombasa, Nyeri and Kericho among other cities have experimented with privatisation with seemingly little success ...

Siehe auch:

January 6, 2006  Nairobi’s water source could dry up by May …


Pipeline envisioned to guarantee water supply to Macao

2006-01-10… mulling over the construction of a special pipeline that will be helpful in guaranteeing a stable water supply to the special administrative region in the future … would be built between the existing No. 6 and No. 7 water diversion tunnels that connect to Zhuxiandong Reservoir, a key source of fresh water to Macao … The advance of the salt tide on the Pearl River has been aggravated due to factors such as a drastic drop in the volume of water inflow from its tributaries since autumn last year … threatening water security in cities such as Zhuhai and Macao …


Rocket threat prompts water company to stop using chlorine gas

January 8, 2006   Israel's water company has stopped injecting chlorine gas at a facility near the Gaza Strip for fear that Palestinian-fired rockets would hit tanks holding the potentially deadly substance …No rockets have fallen near the Mekorot Water Co.'s installation near Ashkelon, but preventively, the company has begun using the far more expensive liquid hypochlorite instead of chlorine gas to disinfect the water supply … "If chlorine gas is hit in a terror attack, it is environmentally toxic," ... "If liquid hypochlorite is hit, it spills into the ground," causing limited, short-term damage ...


China setzt auf die Kraft von Wind und Wasser - Vorbild Deutschland - Weniger Umweltbelastung

3. Januar 2006 ... will die Führung Wasser, Wind und Sonne stärker nutzen. Zum Jahreswechsel trat das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz in Kraft, nach dem China im Jahr 2010 zehn Prozent seines Energiebedarfs aus diesen Quellen decken will. Derzeit liegt der Anteil bei fünf Prozent. Das nach deutschem Vorbild konzipierte Gesetz verpflichtet Stromnetzbetreiber, einen bestimmten Anteil regenerativer Energien einzuspeisen. Dadurch entstandene höhere Kosten werden auf alle Verbraucher umgelegt. Für Paul Suding, Umwelt- und Energieexperte der Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit in China, sind das ehrgeizige, aber realistische Ziele. "China will seiner internationalen Verantwortung im Klimaschutz gerecht werden" ... liegt Chinas Zukunft in der Wasserkraft, das ein Sechstel des Energiebedarfs stellt. Mit seinen vielen Flüssen im Süden und Westen des Landes verfügt China über das größte Wasserkraftpotential der Welt. Fast jeder Fluß ist bereits gestaut, dennoch soll sich die installierte Wasserkraftleistung, derzeit 108 Gigawatt, bis 2020 verdoppelt haben ...


Pressure to export water to U.S. could grow

Jan. 2 2006  … "Canada has probably one of the largest resources of fresh water in the world" … "Water is going to be - already is - a very valuable commodity and I've always found it odd where Canada is so willing to sell oil and natural gas and uranium and coal, which are by their very nature finite. But talking about water is off the table, and water is renewable. It doesn't make any sense to me" … Officially, the U.S. government says it's not interested in Canadian water. But many believe the issue will soon break into the open ... U.S. water shortages are becoming critical ...



2006, 2 Jan. - A group of Indian pilgrims angry at a water shortage have attacked a branch office of India's diplomatic Haj Mission in Mecca which had organised their accomododation in Saudi Arabia. Computers, printers and furnishings were destroyed in the weekend incident in which on Muslim pilgirm was injured …


Water board bids to buy Army operation

Jan. 1, 2006  The Honolulu Board of Water Supply is negotiating to buy the U.S. Army's water system on Oahu, a deal that would significantly expand its customer base … Acquiring the Army's water systems would be attractive since it would give the agency more control of the island's water supply and a reliable base of customers in military housing … The military is turning more toward privatizing such operations as housing, security and transportation so service members are available for more critical duties …


Parliamentary committee on water resources’ presents report in Senate - Opposition rejects standing committee on water resources

December 30, 2005  The government … presented the much-delayed parliamentary committee for water resources’ report in the Senate in connection with the construction of big water reservoirs in the country … No one can deny the fact regarding construction of new and big water reservoirs, however the decision in this connection should be taken with evolving national consensus … Opposition in senate has rejected senate standing committee on water resources terming it illegal and unconstitutional ...


Water projects target industry privatisation

29/12/2005— The Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) will carry out two major water and irrigation services projects in the country … will privatise water supply and wastewater disposal services in various governorates in an attempt to establish better services to consumers nationwide ... The second project, which will take place in Madaba, is the first step in the implementation of the ministry's 2004 Micro-Private Sector Participation agreement (Micro-PSP). It involves the introduction of qualified local private sector companies in the operation and management of water supply and wastewater disposal services ...


MIDDLE EAST: Interview with Middle East water expert

28 Dec 2005   - Water availability in the Middle East will continue to remain problematic and a potential source of conflict, according to water expert Dr Walid Saleh ... MENA has 5 percent of the world's population with less than 1 percent of the available freshwater resources … The annual water availability in the region ranges from a high of about 1,800 cubic metres per person in Iran to less than 200 cubic metres per person in Jordan, the West Bank/Gaza and Yemen. By 2025, regional average water availability is projected to be just over 500 cubic meters per person per year. While conventional water availability remains relatively constant, the demand is increasing sharply as a result of population growth, increases in household income and irrigation development. Population growth and rapid development are constantly placing increasing demands on the limited water resources … Unless improved water management plans are put in place, a series of water-related issues will interact to cause major environmental problems in the future … Jordan and Yemen are the worst affected by water scarcity due to their limited water resources, limited rainfall and lack of finances … The situation has been exacerbated by the fact that Jordan shares most of its surface water resources with neighbouring countries, whose control has partially deprived Jordan of its fair share of water … Despite the efforts being made, the complexity of the water and environmental issue calls for a stronger commitment, especially with regard to legislative frameworks, resources allocated to ensure environmental protection, coordination between policies and strategies and the availability of a comprehensive environmental database … Water will continue to be a major challenge in the MENA countries …




u  Links  /  Hintergründe


Water and Ethics: A Historical Perspective



Water and Civilization

UNESCO - Sound of our Water project website


Water Myths and Stories

UNESCO - International Year of Freshwater 2003 website


Sacred Springs and Other Water Lore website


Water: Sacrality and Lore Wells, Springs, Pools, Lakes website

Water of contention - Water Wars- the Wars of the next century – I + II

Water wars everywhere I+II



In eigener Sache: ich bin zum 01.04.06 zum Einsatzführungskommando der Bundeswehr, Potsdam:


in die Abteilung CJ 7 (Ausbildung, Übungen - Bearbeitung/Auswertung, Simulation) versetzt.


Seit 1993 habe ich – mit kurzen Unterbrechungen im operativen Geschäft – in den Feldern Außen-, Sicherheits- und Militärpolitik gearbeitet.


In meiner neuen Verwendung bin ich dann wieder „Lehrling“, darf also von der >Transformation der Bundeswehr< profitieren ... dazu Verteidigungsminister Peter Struck in "Europäische Sicherheit", Januar 2005:


Jede Behauptung, Transformation sei:


… we the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the grateful. We have done so much for so long, with so little, we are now qualified to do anything with nothing …


widerspricht also jeder Absicht und Realität. Ich werde mich daher – unter weitgehender Aufgabe meiner bisher erworbenen Kompetenzen, die ja bekanntlich sowieso nur den Blick für Wesentliches verstellen – mit allergrößter Freude an meine neuen Aufgaben machen.


Herzliche Grüße – noch - von der Elbe und demnächst wohl vom Schwielowsee


Jörg Barandat


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