Netzwerk Wasserkooperation

NRÜ 051121

Nachrichtenüberblick November 2005




‘Blue Planet’


70% of the Earth is covered by water. Yet only 2.5% of the world’s water is freshwater, while 97.5% is oceans. Only 0.3% of the world’s freshwater is available from rivers, lakes and reservoirs; 30% is groundwater, while the rest is stored in distant glaciers, ice sheets, and mountainous areas – all places that we can hardly access.


Lake Baikal, situated in south-east Siberia, is the oldest (25 million years) and deepest (1,700 m) lake in the world. It contains 20% of the world's total unfrozen freshwater reserve. Known as the 'Galapagos of Russia', its age and isolation have produced one of the world's richest and most unusual freshwater faunas.


Most of our food is made up of water: tomatoes (95%), spinach (91%), milk (90%), apples (85%), potatoes (80%), beef (61%), hot dogs (56%).


Currently, over 80 countries, representing 40% of the world’s people, are subject to serious water shortages. Conditions may get worse in the next 50 years as populations grow and as global warming disrupts rainfall patterns. A third of the world lives in water stressed areas where consumption outstrips supply. South West Asia faces the greatest threat. Over 90% of the region’s population is experiencing severe water stress, with water consumption exceeding 10% of renewable freshwater resources.






Workshop im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts:

Virtueller Wasserhandel

Ein realistisches Konzept zum Umgang mit Wasserarmut in Entwicklungsländern?

07.12.2005, Bonn

... Das Konzept des „Virtuellen Wasserhandels“ beruht auf der Idee, dass wasserarme Regionen oder Länder ihre Nahrungsmittel - und somit das in diesen „virtuell“ enthaltene Wasser - vermehrt aus wasserreichen Regionen importieren, um eigene Ressourcen zu schonen. Dieser Ansatz wird seit einigen Jahren in der Fachwelt kontrovers diskutiert. Kann dieses Konzept politisch und wirtschaftlich sinnvoll durchgesetzt und gleichzeitig ökologisch und sozial verträglich gestaltet werden und wenn ja, wie?.....


Ansprechpartner: Susanne Neubert, Lena Horlemann


DOKUMENTATION der Kick-off-Veranstaltung:

Workshop: Virtueller Wasserhandel - Facetten eines umstrittenen Konzepts






22 March - World Day for Water 2006

… will be guided by the theme 'Water and Culture' under the leadership of UNESCO …






Is water a human right? (Bindu Lohani, Asian Development Bank)

November 21, 2005 Consider these stark facts: Over one billion Asians lack access to safe drinking water. Half of the 3.5 billion people living in the region are without adequate sanitation. Pollution levels in Asia’s rivers are among the highest in the world, while forest cover is among the lowest. Between 1950 and 1995, the amount of water available to each person in Asia dropped by more than half. That figure could halve again by 2025. Simply put, people in the world’s most populous region are running out of water fast. Competition for water and conflict over access to this precious resource is increasing. … But if it is a resource, and in fact a right, how can it be managed effectively? Why should people have to pay their water bill for something that is their basic human right? The answer is that water, if it is to be conserved and managed, must be seen as both a resource and as a service … What most governments in Asia are asking people to pay for is not for the water as a resource, but for the cost of delivering that water to people’s homes. … The time has come to move beyond the debate about whether water is a resource, a right or a service. We should be focusing our efforts on conserving and managing the water we have to see that the benefits can be shared by the largest number of people possible.


In Afrika und Amerika fließt viel mehr Wasser als gedacht

19./20. 11. 2005... beruhen auf Daten der beiden Grace-Satelliten, die die Erdanziehungskraft messen ... Einem Team des Geoforschungszentrums Potsdam (GFZ) und anderer Institute ist es gelungen, daraus die Wassermenge am Boden zu errechnen - denn die Wassermassen verstärken die Gravitation ... Vielleicht kann - angesichts der klimabedingten befürchteten Zunahme von Trinkwasserknappheit - mit den Grace-Daten künftig sogar rechtzeitig vor übermäßigem Grundwasserverbrauch gewarnt werden ... Und schließlich sollten sich Eingriffe des Menschen in den natürlichen Wasserkreislauf in den Satellitendaten niederschlagen - derzeit wird geprüft, wie das im neuen Drei-Schluchten-Damm in China gestaute Wasser die Erdanziehungskraft der Region ändert.


New state water policy to be tabled in next session

19th NOV    A comprehensive water policy for Kerala drafted by the Kozhikode-based Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (CWRDM) would be tabled in the next session of the assembly, State Water Resources Minister Thiruvanchoor Radhakrishnan … he said the new policy was aimed at protecting the state's interests while dealing with inter-state water disputes. Many national water bodies were giving verdicts against the state's interests on water disputes ...


Sea ice: new source of irrigation water supply

2005-11-18 Chinese scientists have developed a method of extracting fresh water from the ocean's winter ice … salinity of the water extracted from the ice is below 0.2 percent, which is within the threshold for potable water. The extraction process costs about four yuan per ton … the technology has matured and meets the basic requirements to launch large-scale experiments prior to full scale industrial production ... plans to build a major 'sea ice' water utilization demonstration project that will be used to irrigate various cash crops …


Vater Balchasch vorm Sterben bewahren- Der größte See Kasachstans droht wie der Aral-See auszutrocken

5-11-2005 ... Aralsee ... schrumpfte ... um zwei Drittel seiner Fläche und drei Viertel seines Volumens - und stürzte seine Umgebung in eine ökologische Krise. Der Balchasch-See im Südosten Kasachstans könnte schon bald seinem Beispiel zu folgen. Insbesondere der Wasserbedarf Chinas könnte sich dann zum Problem entwickeln ... etwa drei Millionen Menschen, etwa ein Fünftel der Bevölkerung Kasachstans, sind komplett vom Wasser des Sees und seiner Zuflüsse abhängig ... der Ili-Fluss, der wichtigste Zufluss des Balchasch, entspringt aus chinesischem Territorium. Im Reich der Mitte hat man den Wert der Ressource Wasser erkannt, und den Reichtum, den der Ili spendet, fest in die Aufbaupläne für die rückständige Grenzprovinz Xinjiang integriert. Schon jetzt zweige China einen enormen Teil des Flusswassers für Bewässerungsprojekte ab ...


China tightens drinking water regulations

Nov. 6  -- A study says it will cost billions of dollars for cities in China to upgrade their water treatment systems to meet tougher new standards … large cities such as Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hangzhou have invested heavily to introduce deep-processing technology … to bring the quality of tap water up to par with European drinking water standards in the next couple of years …




u  Links  /  Hintergründe


Fünfte Werkstattgespräche über Wasser (2005): Globale und nationale Wasserpolitik in Transformations- und Entwicklungsländern

26. – 27. Oktober 2005   Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn


Dokumentation / Präsentationen:


Zusammenfassung / Einführung:$FILE/5-Zusammenfassung%20zum%20F%C3%BCnften%20WG_05-06-05.pdf



Water and Education


Water Alert!

LEIDER  NICHT  IN  DEUTSCH … interactive game developed by UNICEF … is intended to engage young people in an adventure of strategy and survival that explores real life situations. The object of the game is to ensure that the people in a drought-challenged village … have water …


Project WET (Water Education for Teachers)

… non-profit water education programme and publisher for educators and young people between the ages of 5 to 18 … dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids … contains links to local project WET, publications …


Cyberschoolbus Water Quiz

… UN proposes a Water Quiz that is embedded in an agricultural setting where you can learn interesting facts about water and the way it is used …


Water Science for Schools

… U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) website offers information on many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps and an interactive centre …


Global Rivers Environmental Education Network

provides links to online information … multiple aspects of watershed protection … background information …




Herzliche Grüße von der Elbe

Jörg Barandat



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