Netzwerk Wasserkooperation



77 -    24.08.2005



"Enforcement without education is heavy-handed, while education without enforcement is naive."

Terry Tamminen

California Environmental Protection Agency Secretary 11/2004





2005  World Water Week

with the 15th Stockholm Water Symposium

Drainage Basin Management - Hard and Soft Solutions in Regional Development

2005 August 21-27 in Stockholm


… unter anderem mit folgenden Veranstaltungen:


21 August, 2005

CSE Workshop: The Political Economy of Defecation - Tales of water and excreta

The imperative of rainwater harvesting, reuse and recycling in cities of the South


22 August, 2005

A Plan to End Poverty: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals by Investing in Development


24 August, 2005

UN-Water Seminar: The 24 UN-system entities that work on water issues will outline different aspects of their work through UN-Water, particularly global monitoring and reporting activities


25 August, 2005

Finance for Water Solutions: How Capital Markets, Banks, Insurers and Asset Managers Can Work for Water


From the Millennium Summit to 2015: Why Managing Water Resources and Expanding Water Supply and Sanitation Services is Vital to Meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – and What Needs to be Done


Transboundary Water Governance as a Manifestation of a Trialogue

… relationship between government, society and the economy is a “trialogue.” The interaction between water, land and society forms another complex. Nationally, these relationsships and interactions are difficult enough; transboundary contexts compound the complexity ...


27 August, 2005

SIWI Seminar: Benefit Sharing from Integrated Land and Water Use in River Basins

… food security and environmental sustainability depend on a paradigm shift. Design of land and water use within basins in order to achieve optimal use of basin resources is highly relevant. A resource use strategy must be combined with a policy where the derived benefits can be properly accessed and shared ...





South African Students Win Stockholm Junior Water Prize

20054, Aug. 23 … Motshodi, and Sechaba Ramabenyane from South Africa were awarded the prestigious Stockholm Junior Water Prize … students at Setjhaba Se Maketsee Combined School in South Africa, received the Prize from HRH Crown Princess Victoria on behalf of the Stockholm Water Foundation … awarded the Prize to the South African group of students for their project, "Nocturnal Hydro Minimiser, an electrically operated automatic water system" …


"Die Wasserfrage ist eine Armutsfrage" - Eine Konferenz in Stockholm wirbt für die gerechtere Verteilung und Nutzung der Ressource

23.08.2005 Mit dem Aufruf zu einer intelligenten Nutzung der knappen Ressource ist am Montag in Stockholm die Weltwasserwoche eröffnet worden. Experten aus hundert Ländern wollen dort Möglichkeiten zur besseren Verteilung und Nutzung von Wasser besprechen ... Die Verteilung der knappen Wasservorräte könne soziale Unruhen auslösen, die die Entwicklung der Gesellschaft behindern ... Dennoch sei die Trinkwasserversorgung international kein Topthema ... "Der Klimafrage wird beispielsweise wesentlich mehr Platz eingeräumt." Ursache dafür sei, dass "die Wasserfrage eine Armutsfrage" sei: Der Mangel an Wasser und Sanität betreffe fast ausschließlich "arme Menschen mit äußerst begrenztem politischem Einfluss" ... "Die Klimafrage hingegen trifft auch die reichen Länder. Daher der Unterschied an Aufmerksamkeit." Dabei seien Investitionen in bessere Wasser- und Sanitätsanlagen ein sicherer wirtschaftlicher Gewinn ...


DEVELOPMENT-AFRICA - Water, Water Everywhere...

2005, Aug 23   - The crisis-weary African continent, which has two of the world's longest rivers -- the 6,400-kilometre Nile River and the 4,370-kilometre Congo River -- is suffering from a virtual economic paradox: a shortage of water amidst potentially plentiful supplies … "The need for water resource infrastructure in Africa is clear. The same arguments are also applicable to many other countries in the developing world" … warned that the construction of dams should be conditioned on two factors: first, people affected or displaced by a dam should be guaranteed benefits of some nature -- "and they should also be better off after the construction of the dam than they were before ... Linking water with democracy -- two widely divergent subjects … "the progress that is currently being made towards peace and the democratisation of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) can unlock the hydropower potential of the Congo River, and this can be the key to unlock the economic potential of the whole African continent" … failure … will lead to rising insecurity "since extreme poverty is an important driver of conflict" …




Schon mal einen Blick ins nächste Jahr ...  IWRM  im Fokus ....:


Advanced Training Course on ‘Integrated Watershed Management’ (INWAMA)

Organizers: Department of Geoinformatics of the University of Jena, Germany

5–25 June 2006, Beijing, China; 4–22 September 2006, Kanpur, India

… interdisciplinary Asian-European partnership project … offers advanced synergetic master’s level course in the field of Integrated Watershed Management (IWM) … course will focus on natural as well as social sciences, including systems analysis, modelling, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), water law, water governance and data management ...



3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management

26-28 September 2006, Bochum, Germany

… will provide a platform for the international exchange of research relating to Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) ...



2nd Goettingen GIS and Remote Sensing Days (GGRS2006): Global Change Issues in Developing and Emerging Countries

4-6 October 2006, Goettingen, Germany

… (GIS-Geographic Information Systems) … main topics are the following watershed management, land degradation and desertification …






HWW und HSE vereinen sich zu "Hamburg Wasser"

24.08.05   Die Hamburger Wasserwerke (HWW) und die Stadtentwässerung (HSE) werden sich zusammenschließen. Die beiden staatlichen Unternehmen werden zum Jahresende zu einem Gleichordnungskonzern "Hamburg Wasser" zusammengefaßt. Das neue Unternehmen bleibt zu 100 Prozent im Besitz der Stadt ... Mit dem Zusammenschluß entsteht in Hamburg das größte städtische Wasser- und Abwasserunternehmen Deutschlands. Ziel ist es, durch Kostenoptimierungen und eine gemeinsame Vermarktung der Kompetenzen bei der Wasserversorgung und -Entsorgung, die Preise und Gebühren stabill zu halten ... HWW-Chef Beckereit erklärte, das Unternehmen wolle seine Dienstleistungen in Norddeutschland und seine Beratungstätigkeit weltweit ausbauen ..:


Democrats want water diversion plan axed

24 August 2005  The Democrat party is opposing the government's plan to divert water for use by industry in Rayong, saying a water management company will enjoy huge profits while farmers will be left high and dry … The company should share its profits with local people if it was going to benefit further from handling the water diversion . The government should listen to local people on water management by forming a joint water management committee to include representatives from local industries and the public …


Water returns to Iraqi marshlands - The marshlands of Iraq, which were drained during the early 1990s, are returning to their original state.

2005/08/24  Under Saddam Hussein, the area of marsh was reduced to a tenth of its former size, as the government punished people living there for acts of rebellion ... The marsh area, near the confluence of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, was first affected by drainage programmes in the 1950s ... "The near-total destruction of the Iraqi marshlands under the regime of Saddam Hussein was a major ecological and human disaster, robbing the Marsh Arabs of a centuries-old culture and way of life as well as food in the form of fish and that most crucial of natural resources, drinking water," United Nations Environment Programme executive director Klaus Toepfer said in a statement ... it will take many years before the area is fully restored to its original condition - if, indeed, that is possible, with dams in Turkey, Syria and Iran reducing the amount of water which flows down the Tigris and Euphrates ...


Water hearing draws hundreds - Waukesha utility wants ground, surface waater regulated equally

Aug. 23, 2005   Water-starved Waukesha will cap its daily water consumption at about 20 million gallons daily if a draft agreement that protects Great Lakes water regulates ground water, and not just surface water … “we believe the use of Great Lakes ground water should be regulated with the same protections as Great Lakes surface water. It's well-known that ground water aquifers and surface waters are connected" … Waukesha is among the few municipalities that are within the Great Lakes ground water divide, but not the surface water divide …


EPA Will Study Perchlorate's Damage to Drinking Water Supplies

8/22/2005 The U.S. EPA plans to study the extent of damage done to drinking water supplies by a component of rocket fuel -- another step toward possible federal regulation of the chemical … California health officials are making perchlorate contamination a top priority after discovering the chemical in 529 drinking water supplies. In 2004, the state set a nonbinding goal for perchlorate in drinking water at 6 ppb. "California is concerned," said Celeste Cantú, executive director of the State Water Resources Control Board. "Everywhere we test, we find it" …


Pictet Water Fund: Aus knappem Wasser Kapital schlagen

19.08.05  Die augenblickliche Dürre in Spanien und Portugal verdeutlicht es: Wasser ist eine der wichtigsten Ressourcen für die Menschheit. Warum daraus nicht Kapital schlagen, hat sich das Schweizer Bankhaus Pictet schon 2000 gedacht ... Fondsmanager Hans Peter Portner hat die Auswahl aus rund 200 Werten, von denen maximal 70 den Weg in den Fonds finden. "Meine Titel stammen aus der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette des Wassers, von der Aufbereitung über den effizienten Gebrauch bis hin zu Mineralwasser oder zu Entsorgern" ... Aus drei Gründen macht es für Portner Sinn, in Wasseraktien zu investieren: "Wasser ist zu billig, es gibt zu wenig geeignete Infrastruktur und das Wasser ist häufig nicht am richtigen Ort" ...

Siehe auch: 01.08.2005 Investition: "Öl ist ersetzbar, Wasser nicht"


Wertschöpfung von Wasser im Berggebiet soll erhöht werden

18.08.2005   Die Wertschöpfung der Ressource Wasser im Berggebiet soll erhöht werden. Diese Forderung haben gut 170 Teilnehmer an der ersten Jahresveranstaltung des Kompetenznetzwerks "Wasser im Berggebiet" ... erhoben ... Zentraler Zweck des Netzwerkes ist es, in effizienter Weise zur erhöhten Wertschöpfung und Erhaltung von Arbeitsplätzen im Berggebiet beizutragen. Hierfür soll das vorhandene Wissen im Wasserbereich vernetzt und weiterentwickelt werden ...


Water shortage worsening: Suriya

15 Aug 05  Industry minister Suriya Jungrungreangkit admitted over the weekend that the water shortage problem in the eastern seaboard industrial estate is really worsening and the government will try its best to ensure that water resource for industrial use is sufficient for the remaining months of this year ...


Deutsches Unternehmen gewinnt Trinkwasser aus der Luft

15.08.2005 ... Bergbautechnologie löscht Durst von Millionen ... Wasser kennt aber neben dem flüssigen und gefrorenen noch einen weiteren Zustand - den gasförmigen: In Form von Luftfeuchtigkeit enthält die Atmosphäre mit etwa 5.000 km3 rund zehnmal mehr Wasser als alle Flüsse der Welt zusammen. Diese bisher ungenutzte Quelle zu erschließen und damit den Durst von Millionen zu stillen, hat sich die Aqua Society, Inc. zur Aufgabe gemacht. Aqua Society hat mit "Aquamission" eine Technologie entwickelt, die ursprünglich aus dem deutschen Bergbau stammt und die in der Erdatmosphäre gebundene Luftfeuchtigkeit mittels Kondensation als Trinkwasserquelle erschließt ... Während die Geräte im Bergbau in erster Linie dazu dienen, die Luft zu kühlen - wobei sich als Nebenprodukt Kondenswasser bildet, steht dieser Effekt bei dem Verfahren zur Trinkwassergewinnung im Vordergrund ... Das Verfahren zur Trinkwassergewinnung aus der Luft wird derzeit in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten einem Langzeittest unterzogen ...


Great Lakes water demand rises

2005  Aug. 12  -- The battle for fresh water from the Great Lakes is expected get worse as aquifers are depleted in the United States… The New York Times reported that in 1892, one speculator tried to pipe the Waukesha water to Chicago but the pipe layers were chased away by town residents with pistols, pitchforks and fire hoses. Authorities who control the Great Lakes are not sure any of it should go to communities like Waukesha, which is 15 miles from the lake's shore but outside of its watershed …


China strives to cut damage to cultural heritage in water diversion projects

2005-08-12 -- When modernization meets ancient relics, the balance of favors leans to the former in today's China, a country where problems such as poverty and shortages of energy seem more urgent than protecting cultural heritage ... debate has attached itself to the on-going massive project of diverting water from the south to the north, which will affect a reservoir of precious Chinese cultural artifacts, as it courses through the hinterland of China's ancient civilization … Experts say the cultural heritage sites affected by the south-north water diversion project are much more valuable than those in the Three Gorges ... The coming two decades will see more large-scale construction projects in China. Experts say China should sum up lessons and experience of cultural heritage protection gained in undertaking large projects and seek a balance between modern development and the protection of ancient history and culture ...


Can't release more water: Dharam to PM

August 5, 2005 Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today rang up Karnataka Chief Minister N Dharam Singh, urging him to release more water from the Almatti dam as per neighbouring Maharashtra's request, but was told about the state's difficulties in doing so ...


Jaya writes to AP CM on Krishna water release

August 5, 2005   Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa has requested her Andhra Pradesh counterpart Y S Rajasekhara Reddy to ensure Krishna water supply for Chennai city this year as per the 1983 agreement …


Wer das Wasser hat, hat die Macht

04.08.2005  Hungersnot im Niger, Swimming Pools in der Wüste – was den einen mangelt, wird andernorts verschwendet. Drohen Kriege um das »Erdöl der Zukunft«? ... Wasserkrisen sind also nicht neu. Aber sie waren früher regional begrenzt – und geraten heute in den Strudel globalisierter Prozesse, die meist isoliert betrachtet und gestaltet werden. Dabei hängen fossile Energienutzung, Agrobusiness, westlicher Lebensstil, Zentralisierung, Verstädterung und Verwüstung untrennbar zusammen, ihre ökologischen Folgen schaukeln sich gegenseitig hoch ...


Project to replace leaky section

August 4, 2005   Nevada's largest water agency plans to weigh in on a water-rights dispute along the California-Mexico border, saying its outcome could directly affect users in the Las Vegas region ...


Protocol on Water and Health

3 August 2005 World Health Organization - Press Release … The Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes [ECE-Übereinkommen >>>    J.B.] enters into force on 4 August 2005, following ratification by the minimum 16 countries: Albania, Azerbaijan, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Romania, the Russian Federation, Slovakia and Ukraine [ ??? Und Deutschland ??? ] ...


Danke dem Kollegen U. Schröder, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde für diesen Hinweis!


Army knocks at HC door for water

August 02, 2005   It’s a war over water. And this time, a garrison of the Indian Army is battling none other than a district administration. With the Leh civil administration deciding to stop water supply to its garrison and general hospital, the Army has now taken the battle to the precincts of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court. ‘‘The civil administration has passed an order directing the Army to stop operation of the bore-well,’’ Army’s 14 Corps petitioned the Court, adding that the bore-well had been supplying water to the Army and civil population since 1983 … With the military hospital and garrison without any water, the issue has led to a major confrontation between the Army and the civil administration. This controversy first came to light in 1995 after a dispute between Army and the residents of the Skara village over the bore-well and its surrounding pasture area …


Die Krise mit dem Wasser

01.08.2005... Das Land, das unter der schlimmsten Dürre seit 60 Jahren stöhnt, steuert auf die wohl größte Wasserkrise des Jahrhunderts zu ... Umweltministerin Cristina Narbona warnt, dass die seit zehn Monaten dauernde regenlose Zeit womöglich erst der Anfang einer mehrjährigen Trockenperiode sein könne: "Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass das kommende Jahr auch ein Trockenes sein wird." Während viele Städte Notfallpläne für eine Zukunft mit wenig Wasser ausarbeiten, geht die Wasserverschwendung an vielen Orten weiter. Blühendes Beispiel für die Lust am ungebremsten Konsum sind etwa die 297 Golfplätze, die meist mit Trinkwasser beregnet werden ... Jeder Golfplatz konsumiert soviel wie eine Stadt mit 15.000 Einwohnern. "Das Verrückte ist: Wasser ist in Spanien ein rares und wertvolles Gut. Aber es ist viel billiger als in jedem anderen Land Europas", sagt Enrique Cabrera, Professor an der Universität Valencia. Der Kubikmeter kostet den Verbraucher im eher trockenen Spanien nur ein Viertel dessen, was etwa im regenreichen Deutschland dafür hingelegt werden muss. Das führt dazu, dass der Wasserkonsum der Nation kontinuierlich steigt statt zu sinken. Ans Wassersparen oder die Wiederaufbereitung von Abwasser denkt kaum jemand ...







- Lake Chad:

- Global Freshwater Resources:


Youth and the Millennium Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities for Implementation

By Ad Hoc Working Group for Youth and the MDGs. 2005 … outlines how young people can be included in the strategies that Member States and the United Nations system are creating for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) ... Water-related topics related to the MDGs and potential water actions and projects are included …


Wasser und Abwasser für die Grundschule

Universität Bayreuth   Power-Point-Präsentation (47-Seiten)

1.Wasser als Lösemittel - wie bringt man Alltags- und Fachbezug zusammen?

2.Erfahrungen mit Wasser - Beobachtungen an einem Alltagsphänomen.

3.Wassergüte - chemische Bezüge.

Hinweis übernommen aus Wasser-Wissen-Newsletter Nr. 138 (




u  Links


learn: line.NRW

Agenda 21 in Schule und Jugendarbeit

Beitrag des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Umsetzung der „Agenda 21“ im Bildungsbereich



International Lake Environment Committee (ILEC)

… to advance international cooperation for the conservation of lake environments and promote environmentally sound management … contains a world lake database and world lake vision ...


Young Water Action Team (YWAT)

… global network of young water professionals and students between the ages of 18 and 30 with members in more than 40 countries ... to increase young people awareness, participation and commitment of water-related issues ...


Youth Water Network (YWN)

… to increase youth participation in order to achieve sustainable water management through the processes of democracy, education and solidarity ...


Indigenous Perspectives on Water and Development

… promote better understanding of indigenous perspectives on water and development among non-indigenous water professionals, and to enhance dialogue between indigenous political and spiritual leaders on one hand and the agents of water resources development on the other …


Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN)

… an alliance of grassroots indigenous peoples whose mission is to protect the sacredness of Mother Earth from contamination and exploitation by strengthening, maintaining and respecting the traditional teachings and natural laws ...


UNESCO - World Heritage

seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity …




Herzliche Grüße von der Elbe

Jörg Barandat


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