Mai 2005


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, zumindest schon mal die Nachrichten + einige Termine vorab ... - konsum . globalisierung . umwelt

Wie h�ngen Umweltzerst�rung und Globalisierung zusammen?

03. bis 05. Juni in der Universit�t Hamburg

Der Kongress von ATTAC, BUND und GREENPEACE, in Kooperation mit der Heinrich B�ll Stiftung und dem Wuppertal Institut f�r Klima, Umwelt, Energie.






Insecurity and development

Regional issues and policies for an interdependent world

Bonn, 21 - 24 September 2005

� is intended to provide an important forum to take stock of the state of the art regarding the issues linked to insecurity and development, and to reflect and discuss policy recommendations derived from them. The conference will also provide an opportunity to compare European perceptions of insecurity and development with perceptions in other world regions ...



Call for Research grants on Water and Food

application deadline: 30 June 2005

The International Foundation for Science (IFS) and the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water & Food (CPWF) are calling for research proposals open to young scientists. Research themes should focus on at least one of five areas: crop water productivity improvement, water and people in catchments, aquatic ecosystems and fisheries, integrated basin water management systems, the Global and National Food and Water System ...






Power is fine in Delhi, not water

May 26, 2005�� The Delhi government today said the Capital was not facing any power shortage but the availability of water was not satisfactory. The Cabinet reviewed the power and water situation in the capital city � Low frequency due to the use of low-quality equipments in the neighbouring states have led to powercut in several areas � The Cabinet also took a note of the problems related to water, after which, Dikshit said, �The situation is not satisfactory� �


Centre asks UP to immediately release water to Delhi

2005 MAY 25 Recognising Delhi's problems, Union Water Resources Minister Priyaranjan Dasmunsi has dashed off a letter to UP Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav, pointing out that the state had enough water in view of good snowfall in the mountains this winter and was in a position to part with some of it for Delhi's Sonia Vihar Treatment Plant ... The construction of the Sonia Vihar plant, built at a cost of Rs 800 crore and touted as capable of ending Delhi's water woes, was completed last year and ever since it has been waiting for water to become functional.


Govt denies report on Russian water diversion plan

2005-05-25China's water resources authority denied media reports on "a water diversion project from Russia's Lake Baikal to northern China" �. the ministry "has no plan to carry out research on water diversion project from Lake Baikal," � The ministry has also no contact with any foreign institute on similar project�


Thirstiest crop: 21,000 litres of water to produce 1kg of rice

May 25, 2005was surprised by the virulent summation of his industry in a new CSIRO study, which found that, of 135 industries analysed, rice was one of the nation's most costly - financially, socially and environmentally. Australia's 2500 rice farms were found to be 200 times more water intensive than the average industry and to generate four times as much greenhouse gas. A 1kg bag of rice costing $2.50 required 21,000 litres of water to produce ... By comparison, a $2.50 bottle of beer needed 122 litres of water � But if rice farmers, who export most of their product, paid the rate for water that respected scientist Peter Cullen says they should be charged - about $1000 per million litres - it would be uneconomic to farm for rice in the Murray-Darling basin. On this basis, 1kg of rice would cost about $21 in water alone ...,5744,15398923%255E2702,00.html


Umwelt-Experten warnen: Jordan und Totes Meer trocknen aus

24.05.2005 ... haben ... vor der baldigen Austrocknung des Jordans gewarnt ... m�ssten die vier Anrainerstaaten die �bernutzung des Wasserreservoirs stoppen ... fordert ... in einer "Jordan-Deklaration" die Staaten auf, die �kologischen Probleme anzugehen und den Fluss unter das Regime einer gemeinsamen Beh�rde, �hnlich der "Rheinkommission", zu stellen ... werde das Jordan-Wasser entgegen �konomischen und �kologischen Regeln �bernutzt ... schlagen ... vor, den Jordan und das Tote Meer zu Welterbest�tten der UNESCO zu erkl�ren ...


Low-cost technology converting seawater into potable water launched

May 24, 2005Union Science and Technology Minister Kapil Sibal dedicated to the nation � a new technology that promises to convert sea water into potable water at a cost of just three to six paise per litre ... The technology works by utilising the differences in the temperature of water on the surface of the sea and that deep inside the ocean ...


Indus Water Treaty: Is Pakistan serious about it?

2005-05-24 That the �next war will be fought over water�, is amply borne out from the fact how Pakistan is constantly trying to link the issue of three rivers--Jhelum, Chenab and Sindh--- to the resolution of the Kashmir �dispute� � Pakistan, in fact, wants �physical control� over the upper reaches of these rivers to �secure their maximum utilisation for the growing needs of West Pakistan�, says former Pakistan President, Field Marshal Ayub Khan, in his book �Friends not Masters� ... Pakistan will withdraw its case from the World Bank and India will suspend construction on the Baglihar project,� according to the daily. The World Bank has now appointed a Swiss civil engineer as the neutral expert to sort out the differences between India and Pakistan ... If water is the real problem for Pakistan, it should make water harvesting and its recycling mandatory. Instead of wasting billions of dollars on nuclear missiles and its proliferation, it needs to build dams, develop water sheds, de-silt ponds and rivers, and recharge wells to improve water table �


Environmental bill cuts clean-water funding

May 21, 2005WASHINGTON - The House passed the nation's yearly environmental budget Thursday night, even though Democrats say it guts clean-water programs. Rep. John Salazar, D-Colorado, voted against the $26.2 billion appropriations bill for the Interior Department and Environmental Protection Agency. The bill passed 329-89 � "Clean water is the right of every American, and we need to preserve our open spaces for future generations," Salazar said in a prepared statement. "If the measures in this bill aren't changed, Colorado's clean water and conservation efforts will be devastated" �


Aussie city almost out of water

May 20, 2005 GOULBURN, Australia-- The rolling hills around this historic city were once renowned as some of Australia's best grazing land. After four years of drought they are as bleached and lifeless as old bones "It's a major wake up call for Sydney," Goulburn Mayor Paul Stephenson told The Associated Press. "If we're dry up here, then there's nothing going into their catchment because we are their catchment"


Draft water policy placed before cabinet

2005 May 19�� ISLAMABAD -- The draft National Water Policy seeking the setting up of a permanent National Water Council led by the prime minister to take decisions on water-related issues and inter-provincial conflicts has been submitted to the federal cabinet for approval. An official statement of the ministry of water and power said that the draft policy had been submitted to the cabinet for placing it before the next meeting for approval to ensure sustainable utilisation of water resources � Pakistan is faced with an emerging water crisis in various forms, including increasing demand of water for drinking and sanitation, and the policy will provide national direction for sustainable use of these resources. The policy envisages that national water resources planning and development should be undertaken in a holistic, integrated and sustainable manner ... The policy says that to meet the year 2025 water requirement, with a nominal annual increase of two per cent in export, the agriculture water requirement at farm gate is estimated to be about 20 MAF of additional water, assuming 50 per cent increase in crop yields due to non-water inputs. For comparative purposes, the requirement for agriculture will be around 40 MAF at the farm gate assuming a 25 per cent increase in yields. The policy is based on an assumption that the population would grow to 168 million by 2010 and 221 million by 2025, with an average annual increase of 1.81 per cent ... The commission shall implement the national water policy and strategy and assist the National Water Council in taking crucial decisions on water-related issues and conflicts �


Secure water is needed before we're in too deep

May 19, 2005 Looming tougher restrictions won't solve the crisis in the long term � With many towns threatened by drought, Sydney facing permanent water restrictions and 90 per cent of NSW drought-declared, the state's political leaders are stifling debate with misrepresentations � Unlike most natural resources, water is totally recyclable. Most countries and cities rely on indirect recycling, where the discharge of effluent from one city into a river is regularly used by other cities downstream ... Our water infrastructure (supply, sewer and stormwater) will have been refurbished using funds from realistic pricing regimes, and future generations of Sydneysiders will not have to worry about water security ... Under a sustainable water cycle management approach, Sydney could increase supply and meet new demand. In addition, Sydney would also address its long-neglected stormwater flows and quality problems, and by creating a sustainable supply, environmental flows could be readily delivered to the Hawkesbury-Nepean river system and the community of the Shoalhaven catchment would not have to have its water transferred to meet Sydney's uncontrolled thirst ...


TANZANIA: Row over water contract could mean continued shortages

18 May 2005DAR ES SALAAM, - Hundreds of thousands of Dar es Salaam residents could continue to experience acute water shortages if a row between the Tanzanian government and a private international water company remains unresolved. The government announced on Friday it had terminated a 10-year contract with City Water, for what it described as "poor performance" ...


Wenn das Wasser knapp wird

17.05.2005 - Geologen wollen Engp�sse in der Wasserverrsorgung durch Computermodelle besser vorhersagen und damit Krisen vorbeugen. Die Wissenschaftler haben bereits f�r verschiedene Flussgebiete Prognose-Modelle entwickelt ... Sozialwissenschaftliche und �konomische Parameter in ein naturwissenschaftliches Modellsystem zu integrieren ist ungew�hnlich ... Das Ziel: die Modellsysteme so aufzubauen, dass sie sp�ter von Politikern, B�rgermeistern und Beamten genutzt werden k�nnen, um die Folgen ihrer Entscheidungen besser abzusch�tzen ...


Pak alleges India violated Indus Water Treaty

2005 MAY 16Pakistan today alleged India has violated the Indus Water Treaty in building the Wullar Barrage, Kishenganga projects and the Baglihar dam on which the World Bank has appointed a neutral expert to look into the differences between the two countries


140 Liter Wasser f�r eine Tasse Kaffee

14.05.2005�� Virtuelles Wasser. �sterreich ist beim Wassereinsatz sehr effizient, sagt eine Studie. Jeder �sterreicher verbraucht durchschnittlich 150 Liter Wasser pro Tag - f�r den direkten Konsum, f�r die Hygiene und anteilig f�r die Wirtschaftsproduktion. Doch diese Zahl ist nicht einmal die halbe Wahrheit. Denn allein mit dem Konsum einer Tasse Kaffee ist ein Verbrauch von 140 Liter Wasser verkn�pft. Und zwar in Form von "virtuellem Wasser". Darunter versteht man jene Wassermenge, die in ein Produkt quasi "eingebettet" ist, weil sie zur Produktion des Gutes erforderlich war. In dieser Rechnung ist es unerheblich, ob das Wasser aus k�nstlicher Bew�sserung ("blaues Wasser") oder direkt aus Niederschl�gen ("gr�nes Wasser") stammt ... Seit der Londoner Geograf Tony Allan Mitte der 90er Jahre das Konzept des "virtuellen Wassers" begr�ndet hat, wurden unz�hlige interessante Fakten ver�ffentlicht. Laut Unesco stecken in einem Kilo Weizen 1100 Liter Wasser, in einem Liter Milch 800 Liter Wasser, in einem Kilo Eier rund 4500 Liter und in einem Kilo Rindfleisch sogar 22.000 Liter. So beeindruckend solche Zahlen sind: Das Konzept des "virtuellen Wassers" hat auch gravierende �konomische Konsequenzen - und zwar wenn man verschiedene L�nder vergleicht. Denn �ber den Umweg des "virtuellen Wassers" werden gigantische Wassermengen auf der Welt umverteilt ...


Communities World-Wide Challenge Transnational Water Company, Suez, at Annual Shareholders' Meeting

2005 May 13 As Suez holds its annual shareholders' meeting today, people around the world are challenging the water giant's irresponsible and dangerous practices. Suez -- one of the world's largest private suppliers of water and sanitation services -- is positioned to profit from water scarccity and to make the global water crisis worse � "Water is a basic human right and people's lack of access to water is an emerging global crisis. The United Nations estimates that by the year 2025, two-thirds of the world's population will not have access to enough water if current trends are not reversed. Suez is a leader in an industry that is turning a right into a commodity. Our members are joining with people around the world to reject Suez's abuses," says Corporate Accountability International Executive Director Kathryn Mulvey ... Corporate Accountability International has joined the growing number of labor and environmental groups who are challenging Suez's abuses, and is highlighting its failure to meet the Standards of Political Conduct for Corporations ...


Kraft: Zugang zu sauberem Wasser ist mit entscheidend f�r eine friedliche und nachhaltige Entwicklung der Menschheit

13.05.2005 - Neues Institut in Duisburg b�ndelt Know-hhow zur Wasserentsalzung Die Aufbereitung salzhaltigen Wassers f�r Trink- und Prozesswassernutzung ist ein Thema von gro�er wirtschaftlicher und politischer Tragweite. Angesichts der global zunehmenden Knappheit von verwertbarem Trink- und Prozesswasser ist die Brackwasser- und Meerwasserentsalzung ein viel versprechender Ausweg aus der sich abzeichnenden Wasserkrise ... Wissenschaftsministerin Hannelore Kraft: "Das bei der Wasserentsalzung vorhandene Know-how soll in dem neuen Institut Ce-Des geb�ndelt werden. Damit passt das Zentrum ideal in das Forschungskonzept 2010. Denn die Verf�gbarkeit von hochwertigem Wasser zu akzeptablen Preisen ist eine herausragende Aufgabe im 21. Jahrhundert und verhei�t exzellente Marktchancen weltweit"...


Make water harvesting mandatory: Kalam

May 12, 2005�� New Delhi�� President ABJ Abdul Kalam on Wednesday called for making water harvesting mandatory for all buildings and said necessary legal provisions should be made in this regard � Inaugurating the National Water Convention 2005, he said schemes should be formulated to ensure availability of minimum 25 kilolitre of water annually for each citizen in the country. The schemes chosen for this purpose should also ensure availability of water for producing 400 million tonne of grains annually by 2020� National Water Conventions are held normally once in two years, where water resources engineers, scientists, academicians, non governmental organisations and others deliberate and discuss about various pressing water related issues.


Rain Water Harvesting

2005 MAY 12�� NEW DELHI Setting an example to highlight the importance of rain water harvesting, Lok Sabha Speaker Somnath Chatterjee today decided to offer Parliament House premises and his official residence for such water conservation. Making a statement in the House, Chatterjee also announced his decision to constitute a Parliamentary Forum on Water � "Let us hope the system of rain harvesting will be in place before the onset of monsoon" �


Swiss water expert to mediate in dam dispute

May 11, 2005 The World Bank has named a Swiss, Raymond Lafitte, to mediate in a dispute between Pakistan and India over a dam India is building in Kashmir � "Both India and Pakistan have found Professor Lafitte suitably qualified as a neutral expert," commented the Washington-based bank in a statement. "His findings will be made known in time"�


Global warming spells out water shortage

2005-05-11 A third of the world's population lives in countries that find it difficult or impossible to meet water needs, a proportion that could double by 2025, said Rajendra K. Pachauri, chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) � at a conference of the IPCC Working Group I for the Fourth Assessment Report held in Beijing � Climate changes, including rising temperatures and sea levels, precipitation change, droughts and floods may wield great power over human and natural systems � Water shortage will be the most serious issue, affecting food production and bio-diversity as well as human water consumption � The world has to rethink socio-economic development, including economic growth technology and population governance, to adapt to these changes �


Beijing residents to drink water from Yangtze

2005-05-11 An emergency project to divert water from nearby Hebei Province is expected to be completed next year and to start to pump water to this thirsty Chinese capital city in 2007 � The new waterway is also part of China's massive project to divert water from the Yangtze River to north China, which will be finished by 2010. From that time on, 1 billion cubic meters of water will be able to be transported to Beijing through the conduit �


A water conflict in Kashmir

May 09, 2005 � �Why not prevent them from getting water?� he thought out aloud. The idea finally did not find favour with the CCS. The Indus Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan is the one agreement that has survived all vicissitudes in the fractious relations ��While all the provinces are suffering from a shortage of water, there is a tendency to force Sindh to bear a disproportionately high share of the burden than Punjab. The Army leadership is keen on ensuring water supply to Punjab at the cost of Sindh,� � So if we�ve identified the cause � of the India-Pakistan conflict, which is water, how must we treat the symptoms, which are terrorism, militarisation, and the growth of fundamentalism �


OSCE holds meeting on managing water resources of the Sava river basin

9 May 2005--- An OSCE workshop aimed at improving water resource management of the Sava river will be held in Sisak from 9 to 11 May. The event is organized by the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). It aims to create a network of local actors who will share their knowledge in tackling common problems such as access to fresh water and pollution prevention ...


Water-saving more urgent than ever

2005-05-06 Water conservation will have become a way of life across the nation by 2020 to match a relatively well-off society. The crux of building a water-saving society in China will depend on what we are going to do in the next 15 years � building a water-saving society is the best strategy for China to tackle an ever-increasing water crisis a problem facing the country since last century � Today, among 660 Chinese cities, more than 400 are short of water, and the situation is very bad in more than 100 cities including Beijing and Tianjin �


Province worries another water battle with U.S. on the horizon

May 02, 2005- Manitoba is closely watching another water project in North Dakota that it fears has the potential to harm provincial waterways. The Northwest Area Water Supply Project would pipe water from a lake in the Missouri River drainage basin to the city of Minot in the Hudson Bay drainage basin ...


OSCE Centre organizes meeting on water management in Uzbekistan

5 May 2005 - Agricultural and water management projects in Uzbekistan are the focus of a meeting, organized by the OSCE Centre in Tashkent today. The event brings together government officials, donors, representatives ...


PM launches National Programme for restoration of water bodies

April 30, 2005 ... Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday launched the National Programme for Repair, Renovation and Restoration of Water Bodies linked to agriculture in Kabeerdham district in Chattisgarh. Dr Singh said the objective of the project was to repair and augment storage capacity of water bodies besides recovering and extending their irrigation potential. The repair and restoration of more than 50,000 small water bodies could help fight the problem of drought in a state like Chhattisgarh. Union Water Resources Minister Priya Ranjan Dasmunshi said his ministry had drawn up a scheme for a total outlay of Rs 300 crore for the remaining period of the 10th Five Year Plan after Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram announced in the 2004-05 budget to take up a scheme for restoration of water bodies ...



Beste Gr��e

J�rg Barandat


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