68 -��� 06.04.2005






"State of the World 2005: Redefining Global Security"

Herausforderungen f�r die deutsche Politik

27. April 2005

im Ausw�rtigen Amt, Berlin




Evangelische Akademie Loccum


Investieren in �kologie & Frieden - Perspektiven transatlantischer Kooperation

Internationales Young Leaders Forum in der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum

29. April - 1. Mai 2005



Armutsbek�mpfung durch Umweltpolitik - Scheitern die Millennium-Entwicklungsziele an der mangelnden Ber�cksichtigung der Umwelt?

Interdisziplin�res Kolloquium 8. - 10. April 2005

in Zusammenarbeit mit dem WBGU







Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) awarded prestigious 2005 Stockholm Water Prize

.. CSE has been awarded the prestigious 2005 Stockholm Water Prize for its work in promoting a new paradigm of water management, based on community-led rainwater harvesting ...





CSE: http://www.rainwaterharvesting.org


March 25, 2005: Ms Sunita Narain, Editor of the science and environment fortnightly, �Down To Earth', is the recipient of the Media Foundation�s 2004 Chameli Devi Award for an Outstanding Woman Mediaperson ...



CSE - Down To Earth Magazine, Mar 31, 2005

In deep water - A national programme on restoring waterbodies is mired in flaws

In the 2004 budget, tabled last July, finance minister P Chidambaram had announced with fanfare the Rs 100 crore National Programme for Renovation, Restoration and Repair of Waterbodies linked to Agriculture. But not much has happened since ...





Auszeichnung f�r Projekt �Friedenssicherung und Nachhaltigkeit� - Wehrbereichskommando II arbeitet mit der UNESCO

03.03.2005- Auf Europas bedeutendster Bildungsmesse "didacta" in Stuttgart ist gestern das Kooperationsprojekt "Friedenssicherung und Nachhaltigkeit" ausgezeichnet worden. Damit z�hlt die im Herbst vergangenen Jahres zwischen dem Ministerium f�r Umwelt und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Wehrbereichskommando II geschlossene Vereinbarung zu den ersten offiziellen deutschen Beitr�gen zur UN-Dekade "Bildung f�r nachhaltige Entwicklung" ...





Weitere Links:











400,000 to relocate for water project

2005-04-06 --- Up to 400,000 people are facing relocattion to make way for a project diverting water from the Yangtze River to China's parched north, it was revealed yesterday ... "The South-North water diversion project will involve over 100 counties in seven provinces and municipalities with 300,000 to 400,000 locals to be relocated," ... by 2050, the system will be capable of transferring 44.8 billion cubic metres of water annually, equivalent to "a second Yellow River" ...



Senate proposes water policy shift, fees for consumers

April 4, 2005� The state would dedicate water resources to protect critical bays and estuaries, and Texans could face millions in new fees on water consumption under a Senate bill introduced today to guide the state's future water use ...



Family event teaches water preservation

April 3 2005 About 2,200 people came to Tree Tops Park on a recent Saturday to learn about the importance of water for people, animals and plants. Water Matters Day 2005 featured educational exhibits and workshops that taught homeowners the role they play in water management and showed children how to conserve water, protect the environment and be responsible when purchasing pets or encountering animals in the wild ...



Environmental journalists give priority to water safety

2005-03-31-- Water safety will be the priorityfor this year's "Chinese Environmental Century Tour," which is conducted annually by a group of environmental journalists from top news media in the country, announced the organization committee of the "Chinese Environmental Century Tour" �



States vital to get water plan up

March 30, 2005 - Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson has said he is confident Tasmania and Western Australia would get behind the federal government's national water plan to ensure it was up and running by 2014. The $2 billion National Water Initiative includes the establishment of a National Water Commission that would then oversee the creation of a national water market ...



Overcoming the Water Problem

March 25, 2005 -- ... The water problem has of late become of great concern not only to Ethiopia but also to many African countries. At a recent conference attended by 1000 delegates in Addis Ababa, water experts said that Africa was facing a water crisis affecting 300 million people. A recent WHO/UNICEF report reveals that more than 2.6 billion people in the world do not have basic sanitation and more than one billion people still use unsafe drinking water � Water originates outside the borders of many countries - for instance, the Nile, which is the world's longest river and in principle the base on which the Egyptian civilization is founded is becoming a source of serious disageement between countries situated along the river or its tributaries. A treaty in 1929 between Egypt and the then colonial power Britain made sure no other countries along the river were allowed to use the water for irrigation or power generation. But the treaty is being increasingly contested. A German organization, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, said recently that the treaty must be regarded as obsolete and only post-colonial agreements can be considered valid ...



Reflections On the World Water Day: Respect the Environment

March 24, 2005 -- Water is life, we must treat it with care �Experts have warned that if pragmatic measures are not taken to effectively conserve and manage water resources, two-thirds of the world's people are likely to be living in areas of acute water crisis by 2025 ... One of the targets of the Millennium Developing Goals is directly linked to safe drinking water and basic sanitation and specifically calls to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation. The UN Secretary General, Mr. Kofi Annan, as contained in his opening statement for the decade echoed this aim. "We shall not finally defeat AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, or any of the other infectious diseases that plague the developing world, until we have also won the battle for safe drinking water, sanitation and basic healthcare" �



Free water for all in Africa?

24 March, 2005 -- This week's World Water Day marked the start of the United Nations' international decade of action dubbed "Water for Life" � Competition for water is also a potential source of conflict in Africa - with rising tension between Egypt and other countries along the Nile about the use of the river's waters ... Will Africa meet the 2015 target? Is privatisation of water services the best solution? Are you prepared to pay for access to clean water? And are you worried that Africa might go to war over water? �



Strategies for Water Conversation, Water Management

March 23, 2005 Water Affairs and Forestry Minister Buyelwa Sonjica � said water was a vulnerable and precious resource, especially in the context of South Africa's semi-arid climate and that the country's mean annual rainfall was below the world's average ... was addressing delegates attending the launch of the National Water Conservation and Water Demand Management Strategies in Johannesburg today. This is part of National Water Week. She said the strategies launched today, were fundamental in promoting efficient water use. "They are consistent with the National Water Act of 1998, particularly in line with the National Water Resource Strategy that was launched in September 2004 and the Water Services Act which emphasises the effective management and efficient use of our water recourses and water services provision" �






22 March - World Day for Water 2005: Water for Life

UN-News Centre:






Statement from the World Water Assessment Programme on the occasion of World Water Day, 22 March 2005 �



Success for UNESCO Water Portal on World Water Day

The UNESCO Water Portal recorded on all time high level of traffic on World Water Day (675,829 hits on 22 March alone). That day, the number of visitors represented 4000% the number of visitors of a regular day and 70% of UNESCO�s overall internet traffic was directed to water issues. The largest number of visitors came from France, Germany, United Kingdom, Japan, Spain, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Brazil, Argentina, China, Finland, Chile, Venezuela, Mexico and India but we received visits from all around the world ...



UNESCO-E-Cards: 2005-2015: International Decade for Action � Water for Life �






Development: EU Urged to Stop Water Privatisation

March 21, 2005 -- Civil society groups are calling for a change of course in the European Union's approach to water and sanitation in developing countries. A consortium of civil society groups, led by the Dutch campaign groups Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) and Both ENDS, and the Belgian non-governmental organisation (NGO) 11.11.11, says the European Union (EU) must end its preoccupation with private sector expansion and instead support "workable public water delivery options" � the group of NGOs says the "water privatisation wave" during the last decade has "proven a failed experiment." "Concrete experiences in developing countries have shown that multinational water corporations are ill-equipped to deliver clean and affordable water to the poor. Private sector investment has not brought the expected financing for water and sanitation for the poor" �



Kein Blut f�r Wasser

21. M�rz 2005 --Eine Milliarde Menschen weltweit hat keinen Zugang zu Trinkwasser. Ein Grund f�r Kriege? UN und US-Wissenschaftler geben Entwarnung. Werden Kriege k�nftig nicht mehr um �l, sondern ums Wasser gef�hrt? Experten der Vereinten Nationen und der USA halten die Schreckensvision f�r wenig wahrscheinlich. Zum einen, weil es nach ihrer Analyse in nur einem Krieg der vergangenen 5000 Jahren ausschlie�lich um Wasser ging. Zum anderen, weil "die Erde gen�gend Wasser bietet, um die Grundbed�rfnisse aller ihrer Bewohner zu erf�llen", wie der Pr�sident des unabh�ngigen Pacific Institute im kalifornischen Oakland, Peter Gleick ...



Wer Wasser hat, hat Macht

20.03.2005 -- Das Lebenselixier Wasser ist auch ein politisches Instrument - und der Streit darum ist oft erbarmungslos. Das treibt manche zu einer Horrorvision: Wird demn�chst nicht mehr f�r �l Krieg gef�hrt, sondern f�r Wasser? ... Die schwindenden S��wasser-Vorr�te "m�ssen nicht unbedingt ein Grund f�r Spannungen sein", meint auch UN-Generalsekret�r Kofi Annan, der sauberes Wasser als Teil der Menschenw�rde bezeichnet hat. Die Wasserknappheit k�nnte sogar einer Zusammenarbeit den Weg bereiten. Internationale Abkommen, die Nutzungsrechte der Staaten detailliert festlegen, haben nach Ansicht von Beobachtern schon so manche Eskalation verhindert ...



Water Shortages Are Potential Threat to China's Growth, Stability

18 March 2005China has the world's fourth largest fresh water reserves, but rapid economic expansion is straining those supplies, with more than 400 cities facing severe shortages. China's unquenchable thirst may threaten growth and stability in the most populous nation on Earth ... American environmentalist Lester Brown, author of the book, "Who Will Feed China?," says China's rapid industrialization is endangering its ability to feed itself. "In a country where the goal is economic growth and job creation, you do not use scarce water to produce grain," he explained. "You use it to expand industrial output, and that's exactly what's happening in Northern China now. Indeed, in the high river basin, it's quite possible that, by 2010, there'll be very little irrigated agriculture left at all" � Water loss is also threatening industrial production. China is building more hydroelectric dams to meet soaring energy needs, but these depend on seasonal water flow. In one case last year, falling levels on the Yellow River forced the Huangheyuan hydropower station in Qinghai to suspend operations only three years after going into service. China's government is making highly publicized and expensive efforts to ease the water problem ... Time is running out for Beijing, with some analysts predicting the city may be forced to begin water rationing by the time the 2008 Olympics come around.



Federal Grant Program Encourages Efforts to Protect Nation's Water Bodies

03/09/2005 -- New York State Department of Environmenttal Conservation (DEC) Acting Commissioner Denise M. Sheehan today called for nominations for the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Targeted Watersheds Grant Program. The program encourages protection and restoration of water bodies in the United States through the use of watershed approaches ...







UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH

Integriertes Management von Wasserressourcen in Flussgebieten



Herwig Unnerstall: Verursachergerechte Kostendeckung f�r Wasserdienstleistungen - Die Anforderungen des Art. 9 WRRL und ihre Umsetzung



Nora Schiessler, Andreas Renner, Arved L�th, im Auftrag des UFZ: M�glichkeiten und Grenzen partizipativer Verfahren zur �berwindung asymmetrischer Wasserkonflikte





Susanne Neubert / Lena Horlemann (2005):

Empfehlungen zur zuk�nftigen strategischen Orientierung der deutschen EZ im Wasser- und Bew�sserungssektor

DIE Discussion Paper No. 4/2005

Deutsches Institut f�r Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn





uLinks mit aktuellem Bezug


UNDP - Mainstreaming Gender in Water Management.

� The Gender and Water Resource Guide has been developed to assist practitioners in mainstreaming gender within the context of integrated water resources management (IWRM). The mainstreaming of gender is critical to reach the Millennium Development Goals as well as the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation ...



Siehe auch:

Gender in Water Partnership



WECF, Women in Europe for a Common Future



Gender and Water Alliance



Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)



Women for Water, Water for Women (WfWfW)



Women for Water Partnership





Herzliche Gr��e von der Elbe

J�rg Barandat




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