55 -��� 07.10.2004




Congress passes historic water deal for California

October 6, 2004�� WASHINGTON � President Bush is expected to sign a landmark $395 million measure that could accelerate water storage projects in California and rejuvenate a joint state-federal campaign to preserve the Sacramento Delta, an environmental treasure and irreplaceable drinking water source �



Most British rivers will fail new EU water purity rules

Government welcomes ecological challenge

October 6, 2004Despite �12bn spending by water companies on sewage and storm water treatment works over 14 years, 95% of British rivers will fail to meet new European standards for water quality if further work is not done, the government conceded yesterday. � Since the privatisation of water companies in 1990 there has been a dramatic improvement in the quality of water in rivers, with fish returning to areas which had been dead for 100 years. But the EU rules mean that a new way of managing rivers must be adopted, said the environment minister Elliot Morley�



'Greater say' for water customers

5 October, 2004 Customers could be given a greater say in how much they are charged for water under Scottish Executive plans . Mr Finnie [Environment Minister] said: "My proposals ensure the panels have a specific input to ministers setting objectives for the industry and that they represent both households and businesses as users of the public water and sewerage services. By handling complaints and having a stronger reporting function with a direct right of reply from regulators, the panels will be able to speak directly to and for customers "�



Johannesburg Water to continue installing new meters

October 05, 2004�� Johannesburg Water says it is to continue with the installation of pre-paid water meters in Soweto. This is despite protest action by members of the Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee (SECC) against the installation of the meters in the township. Johannesburg Water has been replacing the old flat rate water payment system with pre-paid meters since last year�




5 October 2004 - Representatives of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are gathering in Issyk-Kul for a workshop from 5 to 7 October to discuss waysof dealing with environmental issues in the region...



Keime im Wasser - Mikrobiologen bem�ngeln Wasserhygiene und Hausinstallationen

4.10.2004 -- Sauberes Trinkwasser ist in vielen Regioonen der Welt nicht ausreichend vorhanden und entwickelt sich weltweit immer mehr zu einem Problem. In der Dritten Welt sterben Menschen an verseuchtem Wasser. Im Irak stellte man schon w�hrend des Krieges fest, dass viele Menschen kein sauberes Trinkwasser hatten. Aber auch in Europa ist sauberes Wasser keine Selbstverst�ndlichkeit. Die Hygiene l�sst vielfach zu w�nschen �brig. Das Problem hierbei: die Hausinstallation. Ein Thema, das am Wochenende auch Hygieniker w�hrend eines Symposiums in Halle besch�ftigte ... Und ein weiterer Punkt ist, man muss Wasser verbrauchen. Die �berzogenen Sparappelle in der Vergangenheit haben ein Problem geschaffen in der Hygiene...



Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2004 (Umweltstudie 2004)

Am 29. September 2004 wurde im Bundesumweltministerium die neue Studie "Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 2004" vorgestellt. Durchgef�hrt wurde die Studie von einer Forschergruppe an der Philipps-Universit�t Marburg (Leitung: Prof. Dr. Udo Kuckartz)...






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J�rg Barandat




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