48 -��� 30.08.2004



Environment, Development and Sustainable Peace:

Finding Paths to Environmental Peacemaking

Thursday 16 � Sunday 19 September 2004


in co-operation with

Adelphi Research, Berlin and the

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC





- Hilary Benn (DFID- http://www2.dfid.gov.uk/)

- Klaus Toepfer, Pekka Haavisto (UNEP- http://www.unep.org/)

- Anthony Turton (University of Pretoria- http://www.up.ac.za/)

- Patricia Kameri-Mbote (University of Nairobi- http://www.uonbi.ac.ke/)

- Doris Capistrano (CIFOR- http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/)

- Environment, Development, and Sustainable Peace Initiative - http://www.sustainable-peace.org/

- Geoffrey Dabelko (Woodrow Wilson Center�s Environmental Change & Security Project- http://www.wilsoncenter.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=topics.home&topic_id=1413)

- Alexander Carius (Adelphi Research- http://www.adelphi-research.org/),

- Alexander Lopez (National University of Costa Rica- http://www.una.ac.cr/)

- Emil Salim (The World Bank- http://www.worldbank.org/)

- Tom Spencer (European Centre for Public Affairs- http://www.publicaffairs.ac/)




Im Nachgang:

World Water Week in Stockholm, August 16�20, 2004

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)http://www.siwi.org/


Seminare / Veranstaltungen mit Bezug zu Wasser+Sicherheit


Network on Water and Conflict



Shared Waters: Problems, Causes and Solutions



Transboundary Water Cooperation as a Tool for Conflict Prevention



Elements of a Global Convention on the Right to Water



Shared Water Problems in Israel and the Palestinian Authority Areas




Selected papers by specially invited speakers from the Symposium will be published in a proceeding publication as a volume of the International Water Associations Water Science and Technology series (http://www.iwapublishing.com/template.cfm?name=series_3), that will include overall conclusions, workshop syntheses and papers presented by the plenary and invited workshop speakers�.


...unter Bezug auf Stockholm:


Report: Asia faces water shortage

Scientists are warning that Asian farmers are drying up the continent�s underground reserves by drilling millions of pump-operated wells to draw out water�



Grundwasserspiegel in Asien sinken dramatisch

25.08.2004 LONDON - Die erreichbaren Grundwasserspeicher k�nnten in einigen Regionen Asiens in nur f�nf bis zehn Jahren aufgebraucht sein. Denn mit Hilfe elektrischer Pumpen f�rdern asiatische Bauern jedes Jahr mehr Grundwasser aus immer tieferen Brunnen...





UNICEF Calls Global Lack of Water and Sanitation 'Silent Emergency'

26 Aug 2004, Clean water. It's something the developed world takes for granted. But more than one billion people still use unsafe drinking water sources, and 40 percent of the world's population, 2.6 billion people, lack basic sanitation facilities. U.N. officials are warning that a vicious cycle of ill health and poverty could defeat efforts to close the gap between the haves and have nots�



Bezugsdokument: Meeting the Millennium Development Goals drinking water and sanitation target � a mid-term assessment of progress





Report Warns of Crunch in Water Supply

August 26, 2004 Nairobi Kenya and South Africa are likely to be the only sub-Saharan African countries facing severe water shortages over the next 20 years, a report says�.



Israel and Golan Heights: It�s Water, Not �Security�

An Israeli general�s statement that his country does not need to keep Syria�s Golan Heights under occupation should be seen strictly in the military context. It does not mean that Israel is ready to return the Golan Heights to Syria as the basis for a peace agreement or it has any intention to do so. All it might mean is a boasting by the Israeli military that it is capable of �defending� Israel without having military forces present on the Golan Heights�




...und dann war da noch:

Nieder�sterreich Wasser-Freizeitkarte

24. 08. 04St. P�lten - Umfangreiche Informationen �ber Nieder�sterreichs Gew�sser bietet die soeben erschienene �Nieder�sterreich Wasser-Freizeitkarte�. Sie ist in zwei Teile, Nieder�sterreich Nord und S�d, gegliedert und verzeichnet nicht nur Bade-, Eislauf- und Fischfangm�glichkeiten, sondern auch Bootsverleihe, Lehrpfade, Wasserf�lle, H�hlen und vieles mehr....


Bezugsquelle: [email protected]



Herzliche Gr��e von der Elbe

J�rg Barandat



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