43 -��� 21.07.2004



Greens pour cold water on push for bigger dams

July 21, 2004�� The state's farmers have embarked on a campaign to double the size of their dams, but environmentalists warn it would be an ecological disaster, starving rivers of vital run-off water�



Great Lakes region holding on to its water

July 20, 2004�� Diverting large amounts of water from the Great Lakes to thirsty users outside the region would be "all but impossible" under rules proposed Monday�..



Olmert: Relations with Turkey back to normal

Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor Ehud Olmert says that Turkey has undertaken to implement the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) in 2005

18 Jul 04 11:44 � Olmert added that during his visit, he had obtained a commitment from the Turkish government to allow the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) to go through in 2005 with government financing and Israeli contractors. �They are capable to carrying out the GAP project, and the Turkish foreign minister definitely promised me to begin the project in 2005, after Turkey had 5.9% growth last year.��



Olmert Hopes Commercial Relations Between Turkey And Israel To Further Improve

Anadolu Agency: 7/15/2004 Upon another question, Olmert said that he did not make a statement that Turkey did not keep promises on GAP for Israeli companies, adding that but he hoped that Turkey would keep those promises�






T�RKEI: Wasser und EU-Mitgliedschaft
u Republic of Turkey
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Water Issues



�.Draft Articles on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses�However even when the Framework Convention does come into force, it will not have a direct bearing on possible disputes between countries using a common transboundary watercourse. The Framework Convention will simply be regarded as embodying the latest legal norms and guidelines on the issues involved�http://www.mfa.gov.tr/grupa/ac/aci/default.htm



Turkey�s policy regarding the use of transboundary rivers is based on the following principles:

-          Water is a basic human need.

-          Each riparian state of a transboundary river system has the sovereign right to make use of the water in its territory.

-          Riparian states must make sure that their utilisation of such waters do not give �significant harm� to others.

-          Transboundary waters should be used in an equitable, reasonable and optimum manner.

-          Equitable use does not mean the equal distribution of waters of a transboundary river among riparian states.

As regards the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers;

-          The two rivers constitute a single basin.

-          The combined water potential of the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers is, in view of the Turkish authorities, sufficient to meet the needs of the three riparian States provided that water is used in an efficient way and the benefit is maximized through new irrigation technologies and the principle of �more crop per drop� at basin level.

-          The variable natural hydrological conditions must be taken into account in the allocation of the waters of the Euphrates and the Tigris rivers.

-          The principle of sharing the benefits at basin level should be pursued.



G.A.P. Project



Republic of Turkey � Embassy Washington


! UN-Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses eingestellt!�� http://www.turkishembassy.org/governmentpolitics/issueswtrIV.htm


Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Southeastern Anatolia Project Regional Development Administration




u Internationale Organisationen


} Representation of the European Commission to Turkey

EU - Turkey : Acquis Chapters

Chapter 22 � Environment





GAP Regional Development Programme, Rural Development Project
Publication Reference: 2004/TUR/2001-01/007



Cultural Heritage Development Programme of the GAP Region
Ref: 2004/TUR/2001-01/005





} World Bank Group in Turkey


The main spheres of World Bank support to Turkey are social protection and public health, water supply and sanitation, environment, agriculture, infrastructure, legal reform, public sector management, and power sector reform.


Country Assistance Strategy for Turkey 2004-2006

On November 6, 2003, the World Bank launched its new Country Assistance Strategy for Turkey for the period 2004 - 2006. �It aims to reduce the risk of reemergence of crises in the country, as well as to help Turkey address the many economic challenges it faces in preparing for EU membership. It seeks to achieve this by helping Turkey implement fundamental reforms to reduce economic vulnerability and achieve high and stable growth. In addition, it seeks to continue addressing some long neglected social and environmental problems�


� S. 16: Turkey�s development agenda is centered around four major themes:

(a) sound macroeconomics and governance; (b) equitable human and social development; (c) attractive business climate and knowledge; and (d) strong environmental management and disaster mitigation�


S.17: Effective decentralization through greater empowerment of municipalities will lead to improved services. ... Coupled with enhanced financial accountability, and improved monitoring and public reporting of municipal performance benchmarks, decentralization will foster the sustainable provision of services such as water supply, and wastewater treatment, urban transport, road maintenance and solid waste management.


S. 23: Turkey is highly vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes and floods.

� More broadly, Turkey needs a coherent approach to environment protection, otherwise, like many other industrializing countries, it faces the risk of allowing its economic growth to result in unacceptable depletion of water, forestry, biodiversity and air quality. As part of the EU accession process, Turkey is required to enhance its environmental standards and compliance mechanisms, and the EU is taking the lead in supporting this effort. Complying with the EU environmental directives is a major challenge for Turkey, and requires significant increases in environmental investments over a long period of time. Appropriate management of the environment is also fundamental to the Government�s poverty reduction efforts since the relationship between poverty and environmental degradation presents the characteristics of a vicious circle: in some rural areas depleting natural resources appears to be the only way for the poor to survive and in poor urban areas a degraded environment contributes to ill health and social exclusion.


As reversing the trends of environment degradation is a long-term agenda, requiring institutional and cultural changes, it is important to concentrate on key priority areas:

(i) strengthening the country�s capacity for emergency preparedness; (ii) making further progress in adopting EU environmental standards; and (iii) introducing sound practices for air, water, solid waste, soil and forestry management.


S.30Ensure environmental sustainability

The percentage of people served with improved water supply reached 83 percent in 2000, an increase from 80 percent in 1990. While the trend is improving, it is difficult to judge whether the target of halving the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water by 2015 will be met. The rural sector study will review the water supply situation in rural areas. The planned Municipal Reform and Services operation could contribute to better access to safe drinking water in urban areas, and could also improve the lives of slum dwellers. The Anatolia Micro Watershed Project should help address natural resource deterioration but there is much progress to be made on protected area management. �


Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Turkey: Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management Project





Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Project







} United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Turkey


The United Nations Development Programme works for Democratic Governance and Growth without Poverty. UNDP supports Turkey's ambitious reform agenda where EU accession figures prominently. UNDP works with the government, civil society and the private sector to find practical solutions to Turkey's development challenges and manages projects to address them.


Environmental Management and Global Environment Facility Programme


Global Environment Facility / Small Grant Programme in Turkey






u sonstige Akteure


US Consolate, Adana/TUR

�. The GAP region offers opportunities for successful private sector initiatives, which will benefit both American business and Turkey's continued growth, and will further strengthen the ties, which bind our two countries�.



Northwest Texas International Trade Center

�. is a state supported agency, hosted by Texas Tech University, that promotes international trade opportunities for Texas companies�




�beim Recherchieren sonst noch gefunden:


The Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM)

INWRDAM is an inter-governmental, autonomous organization operating under the umbrella of the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC)�



Portfolio of Water Action (PWA)

The PWA is the outcome of the ministerial conference of the 3rd World Water Forum [ 03/2003 ] � the main purpose of this site is to let anybody who is in charge of water-related issues to get further knowledge of solving the problems and to take full advantage of the PWA that stores submitted information (water-action files) to the 3rd WWF�





Herzliche Gr��e von der Elbe

J�rg Barandat



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