42 -��� 19.07.2004



Indian states' water dispute escalates

July 19 2004India's government could be forced to intervene this week in a dispute over water sharing between two of the country's most important farming states, in what is seen as a test of the national government's promise to reform bureaucracy�



Govt to go on conserve water mode

July 18 New Delhi: The Delhi government is praying for the monsoon to come to its rescue. The Haryana chief minister is making noises on restricting the city�s water supply, and it doesn�t have a contingency plan in place�



Tourism drains Mediterranean water supply

15 July 2004MADRID - Tourism is damaging freshwater in the Medditerranean basin and growing demand from water-guzzling golf courses, hotels and aquaparks will further strain resources, environmental group WWF has warned�



Tajikistan asks for aid to solve water crisis

15 Jul 2004 DUSHANBE - Tajikistan appealed for help on Thursday after torrential rains left a million people without drinking water in its capital Dushanbe�



Water Wars- California's 'liquid gold' shouldn't be entrusted to private conglomerates

July 11, 2004You are driving down the California coast to Monterey, looking out over the blue Pacific, and your view is interrupted by tugboats pulling what appear to be huge plastic bags the size of football fields going south. The bags are filled with water from Northern California rivers that has been sold to thirsty Southern California and Arizona residents�



Water Wars - Desalinization threatens to keep us on escapist path

July 11, 2004Having virtually exhausted its supplies of fresh water, California is preparing to dip its straw into the Pacific Ocean. At least two dozen proposed desalinization plants have surfaced in the last two years and are under review by local water boards and the California Coastal Commission�



EU states under pressure over ambitious water law

08 July 2004The European Commission on Thursday issued final warnings to nine EU countries including Britain and Germany that have failed to implement an ambitious new law designed to protect Europe's waterways...








Wasser + ATTAC
GATS & Wasser- Privatisierung macht durstig!



10 Gr�nde gegen Wasserprivatisierung

engl.: http://www.attac.de/gats/wasser/hintergrund/zehngruende.php

mit Quellenhinweis auf: Public Citizen, Washington ( http://www.citizen.org/cmep/Water/ )


Wasser + Religion
Water in Religion



Water in classical Chinese Religion



Water for Life: In Defense of our "Sister Water"

How Religious can express reverence and concern for the precious gift of water. A project of the Ecology Working Group of the JPIC Promoters, Rome, Italy. June, 2003.


deutsch: http://www.ofm-jpic.org/aqua/dl/deutsch/water_de.pdf


Johannes Paul II.: �Wasser ist ein Recht aller�

Botschaft des Papstes f�r Bruderschaftskampagne 2004 in Brasilien

VATIKAN, 4. M�rz 2004 - Wasser ist ein �Geschenk Gottes� und �ein Recht aller� erkl�rt Papst Johannes Paul II. in einer Botschaft an Brasiliens Bisch�fe f�r die Br�derlichkeitskampagne 2004 ...




...und dann war da noch:


Bei Hitzewelle droht Wasservergiftung

Hohe Temperaturen steigern Todesrisiko f�r �ltere Menschen - Experten empfehlen einen "Trinkplan" von Roland Knauer...





Herzliche Gr��e von der Elbe

J�rg Barandat



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