untitled Fic Sequel (sequel to untitled Preggy Duo Fic)

Note: This takes place 3 Years after the Untitled Preggy Duo Fic

-----part 1-----

It wasn't easy looking after a toddler. The boy manage to run the Perfect Soldier ragged everyday. On some nights, Heero was plagued with nightmares about OZ bringing the four surviving Gundam Pilots to their knees with armies of toddlers all asking inane questions, for glasses of water, or to be told bedtime stories.

"Daddy haff a bad d'eam?" the infant, whom Heero had named Shinigami, after Duo (and because he suspected that Duo would do the same), was standing by the bed holding the teddy bear Quatre had given him for his third birthday. Quatre had given him several, starting up a nice collection, but this one was his newest and his favorite so far. "Here." he held out the little bear. "You s'eep wiff Benji Bear tonigh. He keep 'way bad d'eams."

Heero had to smile at that. "Duo used to do that." he remembered. "He'd always give me a special kiss and make the bad dreams go away."

"Duo-mommy?" Shinigami asked. He knew Duo was a boy, but also knew he came from inside Duo, though he was blessedly unaware of the horrifying details involved in the pregnancy and fatal birth. Boys were usually daddies, but mommies carried the babies, so he'd decided that Duo was his mommy, even if he was a boy.

"That's right." Heero brushed a tear away and hugged the child.

"Unca' Heewo!" a two year old called from the doorway. "I can't s'eep, an daddy an' mommy are bouncing awoun', so they don't want me wiff them right now."

"Okay, Aegis, come on in."

Little Aegis Peacecraft-Winner bounded into the room and pounced on Heero, hugging him close.

After the war had ended, barely a week after Duo's death and the subsequent rampage of Heero Yuy in which a majority of OZ facilities were taken down, they'd noticed a change in Trowa. The boy had been able to avoid dealing with his past traumas while the war was on, and there were present traumas and horrors to deal with. But with those distractions gone, he had been forced to deal with issues he'd buried deep within his psyche. Quatre had tried to help, and for a while it seemed to be working... until the horrible night when Trowa had purposely leaned into the path of one of the knives Catherine had been throwing in their act.

Quatre had been totally devastated and Rashid had been sure that the boy would not survive the heartbreak. Relena was still coming around pestering Heero. She began to attend to Quatre, originally hoping that the kind acts would score points with Heero. After a few weeks, however, she realized that she wasn't even thinking of Heero anymore. And Quatre, though still grieving, seemed to be slowly recovering. Neither of them could answer the question of how they ended up making love one night. It was spontaneous and there was a natural beauty in their coupling. When Relena had discovered she was carrying Quatre's child, the heir to the Winner Estate had immediately asked her to marry him, being as honorable as he was kind. Relena had accepted and the wedding had taken place at the Winner Estate.

Their child was two now and Relena had taught her to call the Perfect soldier 'Uncle Heero', or as the child would say 'Unca Heewo'.


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