untitled Duo Torture Ficcie

-----part 1-----

Duo wept as he tried to vanish into himself. He had nowhere else to go now. The room he was now in had no windows, no door, save for the trap door 100 feet above him and out of his reach, and no light in it whatsoever.

Every so often, he would hear the trapdoor open and a little light, just enough to momentarily illuminate the figures moving up and down a rope ladder that was tossed down. The ladder was quickly pulled up after the people had exchanged places.

He had no idea how many people were there, but they filled the pit entirely. He felt something hard, cold, and sharp shoved up inside him. It was thrust into him repeatedly, until he finally felt it being withdrawn. Something else was shoved in, this also cold, though this was at least round or rather cylindrical. It was pumped in and out of him a few times until finally, it was pulled out.

Duo breathed a sigh of relief when it was finally pulled out of him. He had never been more terrified than when it was being pumped in and out of him.

-----part 2-----

Duo was awakened by a shock of pain as the same cylindrical object, or one very similar, was shoved up inside him. He didn't know when he'd passed out. In the pitch dark cell, it was often difficult to tell when he was passing out completely, or just dazed. He'd lost track of the times he'd been fucked. He cried as the object, actually part of an object, was thrust violently into him. The pain was the worst thing he ever felt in his life. But he knew if the object being used in him were ever used to its fullest potential, he'd feel a LOT worse.

The cold metal was pulled out of him and he felt it almost instantly replaced by the thrust of hot thick flesh into him. Duo felt both relieved and repulsed at the same time. If he ever got free, which seemed unlikely at this point, he would have to leave the others. He was soiled now, and he didn't want his shame to stain the others.

He felt the flood of semen, followed by the withdrawal of one man and the ramming, tearing thrusts of another man taking the first man's place just moments later. The knife was used inside him again. Then, he was taken by thirty more men before he felt the cold metal cylinder enter him once more.

//Oh God, please don't let them...//

Then he felt a blinding pain which filled his whole abdomen. He wondered why he hadn't heard anything, not realizing that this was because he'd gone into shock long before. He touched his midsection, just below his ribcage and could feel ..

//Oh God, please... let this end quickly. Please, let them find me if you want me to live, and if I'm meant to die, let it be quick.//

By the time cold cylinder was pulled out of him, Duo Maxwell was barely alive.

-----part 3-----

Trowa heard the noise. It was oddly muffled, yet unmistakable. "Duo!" he gasped, redoubling his efforts to reach his fellow pilot. He didn't know how he knew it, but he knew that Duo was in very big trouble.

Heero, Quatre, and Wufei followed, the four of them racing through the OZ base as fast as their legs could carry them, guns blazing, until they reached the pit.

They heard lust grunts and the sound of flesh on flesh.

Trowa followed the sound until he found the rapist's thrusting body. He checked to make sure it was Duo this man was thrusting into, felt Duo's long silken braid, returned his attention to the rapist, snapping the man's neck effortlessly. He pulled the man off Duo, and lifted Duo into his arms. "It's okay," he said, you're going to be fine. He pulled a blanket out of his emergency/rescue kit and wrapped it around Duo to preserve the remaining fragments of his dignity.

Trowa couldn't carry Duo up the rope ladder.

"Tie it around your waist," Heero suggested, "and I'll pull you up."

Once Trowa was out of the pit, still holding onto Duo, they made a run for it once more. Trowa noticed the blanket Duo was wrapped in was getting a bit sticky and looked down.

It was soaked through with blood.

Trowa remembered the gunshot he'd heard, how it had sounded muffled. He looked up. "I'm getting him to a hospital!" he said. "Cover me!"

In a flurry of activity too complex to write down, Trowa and the others managed to get off the OZ base, and get Duo to a nearby hospital.

-----part 4-----

Trowa paced the hospital waiting room like a caged tiger. His thoughts alternated between concern for Duo and wrath against those who were responsible for his condition.

"Duo?" Heero asked him as he, Quatre, and Wufei arrived.

"It's not good." Trowa shook his head and collapsed into a seat. Heero sat in the one next to him, with a hand on Trowa's shoulder. He knew that Trowa and Duo had been involved, though they hadn't actually taken the plunge.

"We were going to get married." Trowa confided.

"You still can." Heero pointed out. "He'll be fine. Duo's strong. He's a fighter. Just you wait and see."

"No..." Trowa shook his head. "He won't."

Wufei and Quatre were sitting nearby, hugging each other for support. 

As he held onto Wufei, Quatre felt their friendship, their love more keenly than he'd ever felt before. He was about to kiss Wufei when he heard Trowa's remark about his and Duo's engagement.

"Hey," he said, "Heero's right. Duo will be fine. You'll be able to get married. However..."

"However?" Trowa asked.

"However, we are really mad at you for not telling us."

"Look..." Trowa began.

"I mean, how can we give you two a bachelors party if you don't tell us these things." Quatre laughed.

Hours passed as they tried to keep up Trowa's spirits with talk of all the fun they'd have at the bachelor party and the wedding reception.

Two full days went by. Two days full of coffee, caffeine pills, soda, anything to keep them awake so they wouldn't miss the news of their fellow pilot's condition.

Finally, a doctor came out to them.

Trowa looked up. He wanted to ask how Duo was, but he was too afraid of finding out to form the question.

The doctor could see it in his eyes, however. It was how everyone asked that question. 

"Look," he told Trowa. "to be frankly honest, I didn't expect things to go well from the beginning, not with the extent of the injuries he suffered."

Trowa's heart sank. He knew what had to be coming. 

"Is he...?" he heard himself ask.

"Dead?" the doctor smiled. "No. He's going to be fine."

"How soon can I see him?"

"He needs a couple days of uninterrupted rest so he can recuperate from surgery." The doctor told him. "But after that, you can visit him any time during visiting hours."

-----part 5-----

"NO!!!" Trowa sat up, beads of sweat pouring down his face.

"Trowa?" Duo was in the doorway. He walked into Trowa's room, and hugged him close. "It's okay, It's all right. It was just a bad dream. You're going to be just fine."

"Duo?" Trowa asked. Then his eyes were filled with joy. "It was all a dream. It was all just a bad dream."

"What was, Trowa-chan?" Duo asked, looking into his beloved's eyes.

"I dreamed you were captured by OZ soldiers. They tortured and raped you and then... they shot you."

"Don't worry about that, my love." Duo told Trowa as he kissed him on the forehead. "I promise you, everything will be just fine. Here, let me help you forget your nightmare." He kissed his way, slowly, down Trowa's body until he engulfed Trowa's full shaft in his mouth, licking and sucking until Trowa was coming.

Trowa threw his head back and closed his eyes, until he felt nothing but the orgasm coursing through him. "I love you." he whispered.

There was an knock on the door. Trowa cursed and pulled his cock from Duo's mouth, standing up and going to see which of his friends it was who was currently suffering from a case of bad timing.

"Yes?" He asked.

Heero was standing in the doorway. Nearby Wufei was sobbing in Quatre's arms.

"I'm sorry, Trowa." Heero told him. "The hospital just called. Duo died about twenty minutes ago. They said they would've called sooner, but they're short-staffed."

"That's a lie. Duo's right in..." he turned to the room behind him.

Except for the normal furniture and clutter, it was completely empty.

-----part 6-----

Trowa stared at Duo's empty room, tears falling from his eyes and staining his face. His unibang was soon soaked with tears and his heart was broken.

"Duo," he wept. "Duo, why did you leave me? Why? I loved you. The circus called me. They want me to come back. I quit after you died. I... I just didn't have the happiness to be a clown anymore. You took that with you when you went away. I guess there's only one way to get it back..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a bottle of pills. As he was pouring them into his mouth, he and everything around him suddenly started to turn fuzzy and then to blur into a darkish haze.

The scene changed, turning to a well-kept and sunlit room. The figure in the bed opened his eyes and looked over at the sleeping, unibanged figure in chair over by the corner.

"Trowa?" he asked, hoarsely. There was no reply. For a moment Duo thought that his dream had come true, that Trowa, thinking that Duo had died, had killed himself. He couldn't get out of bed, nor could he yell very loudly with the breathing tube still in his throat. He took off his wristcom and threw it at Trowa, hitting Trowa smack on the bridge of his nose.

"What the hell did you...?!" Trowa demanded as he jumped up. Then the full implications of what had just happened dawned on him. He ran over to the bed and kissed Duo full on the mouth. It felt awkward with the oxygen tube there, but neither of them cared. They were together and that's all that mattered.

-----part 7-----

They finally let Duo out of the hospital after four months. He'd been in for an extensive period of time because of the severity of his injuries, the possibility of infection and other complications, and because everyone agreed that if not kept there, Duo would never follow the list of rules the doctors had originally written up when they'd planned to send him home after a month. These included the strict rule that he not participate in any raids or battles until four months were over since it could mean he could damage the stitches, and not just the ones on the outside, which were extensive, but the sutures used to close up the wounds the bullet had made when it had gone through him as well. 

The minute the other pilots saw that rule, they told the doctors to keep Duo where the doctors could see him.

Trowa had stayed with Duo the entire time. The two talked for hours each day. They discussed the war, the daily news, and the weather if a doctor or nurse was present; if they were alone, they talked of their upcoming wedding and whether or not Duo would be ready, either physically or emotionally to make love.

On the day that Duo was released, one of the nurses had given them a wink and then, to their mutual surprise, had told them that Duo had recovered enough on the physical level to be able to have sex with Trowa in either or both roles if he wanted to. She also added that this would be a very good idea since Duo, in her opinion, now needed positive sexual experiences with someone he loved and trusted, so that he wouldn't go through life thinking that something as potentially wonderful as sex was nothing more than pain and humiliation.

The two boys had gaped at each other.

"The whole hospital knows you two are in love. I've never seen any couple as devoted to each other as you two are."

Both boys blushed.

"How long have you know?" Duo asked, going pale.

"Ever since Trowa insisted that he stay in your room. He's very protective of you."

Trowa nodded. "You're damned right I am." he said. "I don't ever want anything like this to happen to him again."

"Are the two of you engaged?" the nurse asked.

Duo blushed.

"Yes, we are." Trowa confided.

"I thought so." the nurse smiled. "Well, take care of my ex-patient, Mr. Barton."

"I will." Trowa smiled.

The two of them had left the hospital and had gone to get some lunch before finally returning to the safehouse. They both missed their friends, who'd come by less and less, not to be mean, but to give them more time alone together.

Although everyone was already very much aware of their situation, Trowa and Duo formally announced their engagement during the Welcome Home surprise party that Heero and the others had ambushed them with. The announcement brought a round of applause followed by Quatre and Wufei wrestling around on the floor in the corner in a play fight over whether Duo or Trowa would look better in a traditional Japanese wedding gown. 

Wufei kissed Quatre just as Quatre pinned Wufei.

"No fair!" Quatre insisted "That's cheating!" He returned the kiss, despite his protest.

"Trowa, my eternal love," Duo smiled, "You get the feeling it's going to end up being a double wedding?"

"It sure looks that way." Trowa agreed.

Quatre and Wufei jumped up, disengaging from their current activity.

"Aw too bad." Duo teased. "You two make such a cute couple, don't they, Trowa?"

"They do indeed.." Trowa agreed. "Oh, and just so you two know, Duo's going to be the one wearing the kimono."

"You two are going to..." Heero asked.

"We're having a shrine wedding." Trowa explained.

"I didn't think they did same-sex marriages." Heero remarked.

"They don't." Duo replied. "I'm going undercover you might say."

"Don't ask me how he looks." Trowa told them. "He won't let anyone see him in the dress before our wedding day."

"It's bad luck." Duo shrugged. "And I've already had enough bad lucky in my lifetime."

When Duo and Trowa added that the wedding was the very next day, the Welcome Home party turned into a bachelor party that went on for another five hours until Duo and Trowa fell asleep on the sofa, curled up in each other's arms. 

Wufei covered the young lovers with a blanket, it was very late. Then, he, Heero, and Quatre retired to their rooms for the evening.

-----part 8-----

Trowa waited at the shrine altar. Heero had come along, disguised as a wedding photographer, which wasn't really a disguise since that's what he was there for. 

Heero got a few pictures of the temple and Trowa, then turned, as the doors opened to get a few of the bride.

When he saw Duo he nearly dropped the camera.

Duo was dressed in a long flowing white bridal kimono embroidered with an intricate design that looked like two birds, each of which was only half a bird, linked and flying as one. His hair was put up in the traditional multi-bun style of old-fashioned Japanese brides, with a braid draped over his shoulder. He had on some light make up, just enough to make him look convincingly feminine.

Trowa turned and nearly fell over. He'd wondered how Duo, who wasn't muscle-bound, but also wasn't scrawny and wimpy, would look convincing in a bridal gown. 

//So,// he thought, //that's why Duo wanted a Japanese wedding.//

Duo moved, gracefully toward the altar while Heero and Trowa both gaped at the vision of utter beauty he'd become. He felt himself blush.


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