The Wheel

Duo lay passed out on the large wheel. There were stains on his face, dried tears and semen, as well as dried blood and semen under the his exposed backside.

A hand reached out to spin the wheel again, but another hand restrained it.

"Let's let him recover a bit." the voice suggested. "It's no fun if he's out cold like this."

The would-be wheel-spinner nodded and drew his hand back. "We'll wait until he wakes up before having another go."

The seventy or so men surrounding the large wheel left the room, some looking disappointed, as they hadn't yet won a turn with Duo. Most of them looked quite sated, however, and they chatted as they left, those of them who'd gotten a turn agreeing that Duo had been a good ride.

The game was at full swing again the next afternoon when Heero and the other pilots finally located the OZ base. The four companions were rushing through the hall, trying to find Duo, when they heard the commotion coming from behind a door marked "Rec' Room."

"They have a Rec' Room?" Quatre asked, a bit puzzled.

"Never mind that, let's find Duo and ..."

As if on cue, another voice joined those already present.

It was Duo's voice.

And he was screaming.

Heero didn't waste time. He kicked the Rec' Room door in, expecting to find maybe ten or so OZ soldiers beating Duo. His jaw dropped when he saw that there weren't ten, but nearly eighty.

And one of them was on top of Duo!

"GET OFF OF HIM, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Heero screamed as he raced over to where Duo lay bound, intending to pull the rapist off of Duo and introduce him to the joys of castration.

The rapist came and pulled out. But instead of moving away from Duo, he put a the muzzle of a machine gun into Duo's mouth.

The wheel spun again, slowly, the machine gun following Duo, never leaving his mouth, until it stopped.

The man Duo was facing got on top of him and began ramming into him.

The other pilots' hearts ached. They couldn't bear to see this, but they couldn't turn away. If they tried to rescue Duo, the OZ soldier holding the gun in his mouth would pull the trigger. If they turned away, he might do the same thing.

"Join the group." the leader told them.

Heero shook his head.

"I'll kill him if you don't."

Heero nodded to the other pilots. 

The wheel spun again. This time Duo found himself looking up into Heero's eyes.

"Spin it again." Heero commanded.

"Don't you want me, Heero?" Duo whispered. He wanted Heero to know that this time it wouldn't be rape. That he loved Heero. That he wished they could've coupled under far better circumstances, but that he did want to be with Heero.

"Yes." Heero told him as he laid down on top of Duo and entered him. "But not like this. I want you alone, in a soft, warm bed. In my arms. With me holding you and you holding me."

"Hurry up and fuck him!" a voice jeered.

Heero pulled up. "I can't." he said. "I can't just rape him."

"You forfeit your turn?"

Heero nodded, then saw the look on Duo's face.

Duo was utterly terrified.

"Maybe I spoke too soon." Heero began. But he was pulled away from Duo and forced to watch as Duo was sodomized with a thick bamboo pole, writhing in agony as it was thrust into him again and again and again.

Heero suddenly noticed that the machine gun was no longer in Duo's mouth. He fought his way out of the grip of his two captors and lunged for the man who was torturing Duo. He kicked the man hard enough to shatter several bones in his left leg. Then he withdrew the bamboo pole from Duo's body and untied Duo while Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei took on the OZ troops.

Heero tried to lead Duo to the door, but Duo wouldn't hear of it.

"Duo?" Heero asked.

There was a dangerous look in Duo's eyes as he picked up the machine gun. He didn't waste a single moment in contemplation before he opened fire, spending every single bullet in the heart or brain of an OZ soldier.

He dropped the now-empty gun, and glared at the corpses now littering the room.

"That's what you get for dishonoring Shinigami." he snarled. He looked at his stunned companions.

"Let's go home." he said, as he turned and left the room.


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