Virgins (a semi-ficlet)

Written on December 2nd, 1999 in response to a mailing list topic on "virgins."

> for some people, virgins may actually be better.

Virgins, huh? I dunno... I mean there's one big problem with that one. As soon as you've slept with them, they're not a virgin anymore. Does that mean you can't date that person anymore? Or you can only sleep with any one person one time? Guess that's too bad for Duo, huh?

Duo: (in a very kawaii voice) I'm always a virgin!

Wufei: Like hell you are! Duo, you've been plugged more times in these fanfics than a Micro$oft product on the Internet.

Duo: Yeah. But I'm still a virgin!

Heero: Who's turn is it to deflower Duo?

Dr.J: I don't believe I ever...


Heero: Okay, which of us pilots' turn is it...?

Quatre: I think it's Trowa's turn.

Trowa: I deflowered him last Saturday.

Wufei's eyes light up: My turn! My turn!


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