Twists of Fate

"That stupid hair of yours nearly got you killed, you idiot!" Heero was screaming at Duo. "I've told you to cut it."

"And I've told you, I can't!" Duo protested.

"Well, then, I'll cut it." Heero decided. Truth was he'd decided it when Duo's hair had gotten caught in the fan belt of their car that afternoon.

"NO!" Duo ran from Heero, but the Wing pilot sprang upon him and pinned him down. "Please?!" He begged. "For God's sake, don't! Please! You don't know what you're doing! STOP!!!!"

But his pleas went unheeded. Heero grabbed the scissors from the medical kit he kept nearby and with a single snip, he cut the braid in half. He had no intention of taking it all away. He just wanted to take enough to make it safer for Duo. He liked Duo's braid and would've had no problems with its length in civilian life. And it would grow out again.

Duo let out a scream of anguish as the scissors clicked.

And in their separate rooms, as the braid was severed, Quare, Wufei, and Trowa fell dead.


Notes: To understand why the others died, look up any of the following mythology names: Clothos, Lachesis, Atropos.

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