Shizan (formerly "untitled GW Ficcie")

-----part 1-----

The five young pilots woke in the middle of the desert near their overturned car. By some miracle none of them were fatally injured, though Duo's left arm and Trowa's nose were both broken.

Heero advanced toward Duo who backed away from him. "If you want to set your own injuries, fine." Duo snapped, "But... EEP!"

"Sorry, Duo." Quatre said, as he held Duo still for Heero.

Heero set the wound, causing an indignant cry of pain from Duo.

"Sorry. I had to. Your arm would've healed wrong if I hadn't..."

"I know." Duo nodded. "But it still hurts like hell."

Trowa couldn't help laughing at the face Duo made when his arm was re-set by Heero.

"OW!!" he shrieked as Duo reached over and personally reset his broken nose. "DUO! YOU BASTARD!"

"Is that any way to treat someone who just fixed your nose?"

"You..." Trowa paused. It was fixed. At least it was straighter. "Sorry. But that hurt like hell."

"So did this." Duo looked meaningfully at his arm.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't laughing at your pain. You just made the silliest face, that's all.'

"I forgive you." Duo kissed Trowa and pulled him close. "Now, how about the million dollar question. What are we all doing here?"

"We were in a car accident." Heero replied. "We were driving along and we got into an accident."

"But where were we going to. For that matter, does anyone here other than me *not* remember getting into the car?"

It turned out that not one of them even remembered suggesting going for a drive.


Treize looked out the window as the OZ doctor paced nervously behind him.

"I had to ... " the older man was trembling. "It was the only way to make sure of success."

"I can see two or three, but all five?!"

The doctor sighed.

"When will we know?" Treize asked. 

"Within six to eight weeks." the older man told him.

"Keep me informed." Treize instructed.

"What will we do if they all..."

"If that happens, we'll take the strongest one. The others can be given over to the proper authorities."


"Where is everyone?" Quatre asked as he walked into the kitchen, two months later, looking like yesterday's leftovers.

"Duo, Trowa, and Wufei are in bed sick." Heero replied. "To be honest, I'm not feeling too good at the moment, either."

"That makes all of us."

"You're sick, too?"

Quatre nodded that he was.

"What's going on here?" Heero demanded, rhetorically.

-----part 2-----

"ALL of them are?!" Treize yelped.

The doctor nodded.

Treize took a deep breath and counted to a high number before continuing. "As of this moment, your experiment is shut down."

"And what of the unborn children?"

"They're not your problem anymore." Treize decided. "Let their mothers... fathers... whatever!.. let them decide what to do with them."

Trowa was the first one to suspect. But he said nothing. The idea was too crazy.

Another three months went by before he finally got up the courage to tell the others.

"I think I know what's wrong with us." he said. "Hey, where's Duo? This is supposed to be a group meeting?"

"Duo's still in bed. He's been in a lot of pain lately."

"That could be very serious." Trowa remarked, darkly.

"Why?" Heero demanded. "What the hell is wrong with us?"

"We're pregnant."

Wufei looked at Trowa as if his head had just come off.

"I know it sounds weird, but I think that's what happened. Remember that car accident we had when we didn't even remember going for a drive?"

"You think we were kidnapped from our beds taken to some shady underground lab, and then impregnated?"

"I know we were."

"And just how do you know?"

"I felt my baby kicking this afternoon."

"I felt mine, too." Quatre agreed. "And I'm starting to show a bit too. So what do we do?"

"We'll have to convert a nursery." Heero decided. "Then we'll have to work out a rotating schedule for one of us to stay home with the babies at all times."

Duo walked in. He looked cheerful, but it was also clear that he was in pain. "What's up?" he asked.

"We're pregnant."

"Really? Me too?!"

"I think so." Trowa nodded.

"That's great!" Duo laughed. Just think, our kids will all grow up together and we can help each other take care of them and its going to be great, just you wait and see. This is going to be the best!" he drew Trowa close and kissed him happily, wincing for a moment as another wave of pain overtook him.

"You should see a doctor." Trowa implored him.

"No." Duo shook his head. "Listen, I'm fine. I promise."

But he wasn't.

-----part 3-----

Duo's joy at the news that he was pregnant wasn't just a mask to hide fear or concern. The others knew this instantly,

"I'll teach my child how to fly Deathscythe when they're old enough. Cuz when this war is over, I'm keeping my mecha."

"I can just see it now." Trowa smiled as he settled into Duo's arms. "'Daddy, can I borrow Deathscythe? I want to go to the mall.'"

Duo laughed a little. drawing Trowa close so that Trowa would not see the look of pain that crossed his face.


"OZ has been rather quiet lately." Heero muttered, quietly, over a piece of toast, several months later.

"Call the hospital!" Trowa ran in, clutching his stomach. "Quatre's in labor!"

"Looks like you are, too."

"That makes three of us." Duo panted from behind Trowa.

"Four." Heero gasped as the first pains took him.

"Five." Wufei announced. 


The hospital was very surprised when five pregnant males arrived at the same time. The doctors raced them all into emergency surgery where each young pilot was given a c-section and their baby delivered.

All the deliveries but one were punctuated by the cry of a newborn baby boy or girl.

Quatre, who had a baby boy was the first to deliver, followed by Wufei, who had a daughter, Heero, who had a son, and Trowa, who had a son. Duo's son was born last of all.

Quatre and Wufei were resting and smiling at each other, as they held their newborn babies while the in their arms.

"NO!!!!" Duo's voice came to them a moment later.

Their smiles faded. Surely...

"Duo Maxwell..." one of them inquired of one of the doctors as he listened to Duo's screams of anguish and denial coming from the next room. "The one with the braid..."

"It was an entopic pregnancy." the doctor told him, regretfully. 'The child was stillborn."


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