Sexy Shorts: Scene 2. Duo and Heero

"I said I was sorry." Duo was exasperated. "Look, I was busy and I didn't get a chance to buy you anything. In truth, he'd had a very special present set up for Heero's birthday, but when Heero hadn't seen any gift wrapped boxes from Duo, he'd assumed Duo wasn't going to give him a gift. That had angered Duo and they'd had a bitter fight.

It was only eleven at night now, and still Heero's birthday. Duo hadn't wanted to give him the present after the fight, but now, thinking about it, he decided he had wanted to after all.

"You can take your lies and choke on them." Heero said, walking away from Duo.

Quatre was in the kitchen when Heero stomped in and grabbed a can of cola.

"So, how'd you like it?" He asked.

"Like what?" Heero asked, a bit confused.

"Duo's present." Quatre asked. "He wasn't going to give it to you after the fight, but then he figured the misunderstanding was his fault so..."

"He didn't give me a present." Heero pointed out. "I got a lot of nice gift wrapped boxes from everyone else but nothing from the one person who supposedly loves me."

"Duo wasn't planning on giving you something he could wrap, Heero." Quatre told him. 

"What is that supposed to mean." Heero asked.

"Ask him."

Heero returned to Duo's room. "Duo? Can I come in?"

"Sure." Duo sounded like he'd been crying.

Heero gave him a tissue then asked about Quatre's statement. "What were you planning on giving me, Duo-kun?" he asked, gently. He wasn't angry anymore, now that he knew that Duo hadn't forgotten him.

Duo, still a virgin, blushed, then began to unbutton his shirt, trembling as his fingers fumbled over the buttons.

Heero felt his heart racing as realization struck him. "Oh, Duo..." he whispered, as he kissed him and helped him out of his clothes...


Additional Clarification: Scenes 1 and 3 are based on other anime/game, not GW related.

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