Sex and Machines (a semi-ficlet) 

Written on November 23rd, 1999 in response to a mailing list topic on "sex and machines."

> Oh my! Sex and machines would be.. just a little too... strange for even me...

Hmmmm... Could be stranger...

Wufei (in the middle of aerial combat): Heero, where's Duo going?

Heero: Damned if I know. Duo! Where the hell to do you think your going?!

Duo (blissfully): He asked me to marry him, Heero. What could I say. I mean he's seen me through some of the hardest times of my life.

Heero: What?! You're taking off to get married?! Duo are you nuts?! We're in the middle of combat here!

Duo: It'll just take five minutes. I'll be back before the battle's over.

Quatre: Congratulations, Trowa.

Trowa: Huh? I thought Heero was Duo's fiancé.

Heero: Nope. I thought it was Wufei.

Wufei: Don't look at me... I'm not *that* lucky.

Duo is humming love songs...

Heero: Duo... who proposed to you...? Hello?

Wufei: Duo?

Duo: Huh? Wha..?

Heero: Who the hell are you eloping with?

Duo: Who do you think? (he flies off)

A look of realization comes on the other pilot's faces.


Wufei: He's finally flipped.

Quatre: Duo! Are you insane! You can't marry Deathscythe!

Duo: Why not? We love each other after all...


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