Morning Angels (formerly "untitled Duo and Sephiroth Fanfic")

-----part 1-----

"Rise and shine, Sephy-chan!" Duo sang, cheerfully as he came out of the bathroom, toweling off his long, luxurious hair.

Sephiroth rose, with a groan, from the pillow. "When I was back in my own world I got to do all my fighting from a nice peaceful cryogenic crystal tucked away in my own little mountain hideaway." he complained.

"Sounds boring as hell." Duo grinned as he carefully wove his hair into its familiar braid.. "Here you'll get to pilot a gundam and you'll have tons of fun shooting down bad guys. Bang! Pow! Zap zap zap!"

"Gee. Sounds great." Sephiroth sounded less than convinced. He forced himself to get out of bed and grabbed a brush. After getting out the tangles, he wove a single braid alongside his face, using only some of the hair. (1)

Duo smiled at it. "Not bad." he grinned approvingly. "You should wear it like that all the time."

Sephiroth kissed Duo. "I'm glad you approve."

(1) Like Connor MacLeod in the battle scenes during the flashbacks in the first Highlander movie.

-----part 2-----

One-Winged Angel was the name of Sephiroth's new Gundam. A modified gundam version of Sephiroth's one-winged angel form in the boss-fight scene from the FF7 game Duo loved so much. In truth the only thing really copied from the game was the wing-arm which was also designed to mimic the gunblades of FF8. It was a little smaller than the original Deathscythe had been. Something that seemed to irritate Sephiroth.

"Why is mine smaller than the others?" He asked. "I'm just as good as you if not better when it comes to fighting."

"But you've never flown a Gundam before." Duo pointed out. "You should use a smaller one to get the feel of the controls first. The big ones are bulky and often difficult to maneuver if you're not used to them."

Sephiroth sighed. "I feel insignificant in this little thing." he admitted. "I don't like feeling that way."

"You aren't insignificant, Seph." Duo told him. "Especially not to me."

"He's right." Trowa said as he appeared on the view screen. "Just because your gundam is small doesn't mean you matter less. You have as much firepower as we do and you're as important to this war as the rest of us."


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