The Mist of Time


The London fog rolled, quietly, down the cobblestone streets, the lamplight casting an eerie yellowish glow upon the thickening mist.

Two young women made their way down the street, laughing, feeling safe in each other's company. They were lifelong friends. They grew up in the same orphanage, played the same games, and eventually ended up working for the same pimp.

"Awful about Sarah, wasn't it?" the blond asked. "It broke my heart so when she died."

"Death isn't so bad." the chestnut-haired woman replied. "I'm just not too keen on how she met it." She was about to add something further when a hand grabbed her braid and dragged her back into a dark alley.

Her companion ran, too late, to help her as she screamed out in fearful agony.

A number of minutes later, a cloaked figure made his way down the street, cloaked in evil and shrouded by the London fog..

-----part 1-----

"Okay, we got the stuff," Duo told the others. "Now, let's get the hell out of here!"

As the five pilots raced toward the exit, Wufei launched a smoke grenade at down the hall. As the resulting smoke enveloped them, and their enemies, Duo and Quatre suddenly looked at each other as if recognizing each other for the first time.

"Duo?" Heero asked, trying to pull him along while Trowa tried the same thing with Quatre.

Duo and Quatre both screamed.


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