Lakeside Confessions

-----part 1-----

Duo watched as the stone skipped over the surface of the water.


The braided pilot turned and saw Quatre standing there. "Oi! Quatre, I didn't even hear you. Good thing you're not the enemy, huh?"

"Yeah." Quatre nodded. "Duo, there's something I've been wanting to ask you. You see, I have a crush on someone, and I don't know if he's .... well... approachable and..."

"You want to tell Trowa how you feel."

Quatre shook his head. "Not Trowa. Someone else. I could never touch Trowa. I was always afraid he'd compare my touch to... to what happened to him and he could never touch me because he was always afraid he'd hurt me the way he'd been hurt."

"Things fall apart...." Duo remembered an old poem he'd read once, "The center cannot hold."

Quatre nodded. "Yeah. But now I'm in love again and I don't know if this new person will want me because I can't tell if they're... well... you know."

"Their preference confuses you?"

Quatre noded. "yeah. I can usually read people rather well... but in this case... "

Duo turned back to the lake and skimmed another stone. "Quatre?" he asked, his voice low.

"Yeah, Duo?"

"How long have you been in love with me?"

-----part 2-----

Quatre gaped at Duo in utter shock. "How... how did you know?"

"When you live on the streets as long as I have, you get a pretty good grip on body language." Duo smiled. "It's okay."

"Then you're gay?" Quatre asked hopefully.

"I don't think of myself in those terms." Duo explained. "Quatre, I find you attractive because you're Quatre Raberba Winner; a boy who's helped me out, who's been a close friend and confidante. Because I know I can trust you. Because of those things, Quatre.. Not because of your gender, or your hair or skin color. Quatre, when you've lost as many people as I have, you learn very quickly physical attributes don't matter. It's like the people at the Maxwell Church. I can still remember the way Sister Helen sang to me at night when I had nightmares. I can remember how she taught me to braid my hair. I recall how she sounded, even now. But I barely recall what she looked like, because that wasn't what was important."

A tear trickled down Duo's cheek as he recalled the woman who'd made him feel loved all that time ago. Quatre reached forward to brush it away, looking into Duo's eyes, into his soul, as Duo's hand closed over his.

"I love your soul, Quatre." he said, softly. "That's the part of you that's important to me."

Quatre leaned up, kissing Duo, hoping the braided pilot would not step back or take offense.

Instead, Duo returned the kiss. Duo's kiss was unlike any Quatre had ever dreamed of. It was love, not lust, that the blond Arabian boy felt from the American pilot as Duo's lips touched his over and over with soft kisses that were soon finding their way over every part Quatre's young body. Duo kissed Quatre's blond hair so many times, that Quatre was sure the braided pilot was trying to kiss every individual strand. They weren't rushed kisses, either. Each was lingering, spellbinding. Then, Duo began to kiss Quatre's ears, not missing a single inch of skin, then nibbling playfully on the lobes. Duo kissed his way down Quatre's neck, then returned his attention to Quatre's face, not missing so much as an inch of either. He carefully undressed Quatre as he kissed his way down Quatre's body, not just a line of kisses leading to the other boy's groin, but kisses on every inch of Quatre's torso, leaving his whole upper body tingling and his nipples hard and throbbing. By the time Duo finally started to unbutton Quatre's slacks, the Arabian pilot was already experiencing both physical and emotional sensory overload. And Duo was nowhere near finished.

Ignoring Quatre's straining erection for a moment, Duo kissed every inch of the blond pilot's lower body, legs, feet, toes, ankles, knees. The American pilot didn't miss a single thing, Quatre noticed. //Except the part of me I want him to touch the most.// he sighed inwardly.

Then, as if reading Quatre's mind, Duo covered Quatre's scrotum with sweet, soft kisses for several minutes, nearly driving Quatre into a state of sensory oblivion before finally taking Quatre's length into his mouth and gently sucking on it, working his lips up and down Quatre's erection.

Everything faded from Quatre's vision, now, except for the blinding cascade of exploding, swirling colors that danced before him, around him, though him, and out of him. He both felt and didn't feel Duo enter him. There was no pain, despite the lack of lubrication. Quatre was too aroused for that now. The waves of sensation that had been rushing through Quatre's body built themselves up into a tsunami that rose up and engulfed Quatre even as Duo cried out the blond pilot's name in the heat of his own release. Then unconsciousness claimed Quatre and he let himself drift off into dreams, still enfolded in Duo's arms.


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