The Lady Kushrenada (formerly "untitled GW Fanfic")

-----part 1-----

The battalion of OZ fighters flew in formation through the dark chill of the November night.

"According to our intelligence, we should be reaching our destination very soon. Remember our objective."

This came from the squadron commander. He knew this was an important mission. If Treize didn't get what he wanted, there would be hell to pay. 

"Target sighted." Sir.

"Excellent." the squadron commander smiled. "Fire a strafing run down the street outside."

They did this and were pleased when the five Gundam Pilots rushed out to challenge them.

The squadron continued their strafing runs, and a couple planes started to chase the pilots toward their gundams.

Duo reached Deathscythe and was just reaching for the mechanism to open the sealed cockpit when a hand clamped itself over his mouth and dragged him, kicking and struggling, into a basket suspended from a helicopter.

"Settle down, unless you want to fall to your death." the soldier warned.

Realizing that the man was right, Duo stopped struggling.

"Lie still." the man snarled as he tied ropes around Duo's wrists and ankles.

"You're not going to...?!" Duo asked, horrified.

"I'd rather not spend the rest of my life singing castrato, so no." the soldier replied.

Duo lay there, bound and gagged, while the helicopter brought him and the other man to the OZ base.

The other pilots continued fighting, successfully distracted until Heero began to initiate an attack he and Duo often ran together.

"Duo?!" he looked around, but there was no sign of Duo. Then, off in the distance, he heard the sound of a helicopter. He wanted to go after it. But Duo was probably in no immediate danger, if they had wanted him dead, they'd have just killed him in battle, right? And he couldn't leave the fight with the others in trouble.

The OZ soldier smiled at Duo. "Don't cry, young one." he said. "You should be happy. This is your wedding day."

-----part 2-----

Duo stared at the OZ soldier in wide-eyed horror. Wedding?! What the hell was this guy talking about, anyhow?!

"Shhhh...." the soldier said to him as they continued to travel. He unzipped Duo's uniform and pulled out Duo's second greatest asset, taking it into his mouth.

Duo moaned, despite himself, and hated himself for doing it, and the soldier for making him do it.

"Enjoy it while you can." the soldier remarked, returning to the task at hand and quickly bringing Duo off. "Delicious." he smiled, pulling back and fixing Duo's pants.

Duo's eyes went wide when the soldier brought out a needle and injected it into his arm. Then those same eyes closed as the anesthesia took effect.


"We have to find him!" Heero told the others. "Keep looking! If he's hurt, I'll never forgive myself."

"It's OZ that took him." Quatre replied. "They're at fault, not you."

"I should've gone after them!"

"If you had, Duo would've died." Trowa pointed out. "We all know that."

"We'll plan out an attack route tonight and attack in the morning." Quatre decided. "If we're half-asleep when we make our run, we won't be any good to Duo."

The others agreed and turned in after a couple more hours of planning.


Duo woke the next morning. He felt groggy He felt something on his left hand and looked down. A wedding band. He was studying it when something else caught his eye. Duo amended that. Caught *her* eye.

Duo was looking down at what should've been a male body. But it wasn't. He wondered why he'd been given such an operation.

"You're *completely* female, my dearest wife." Treize told her as he drew her into his arms and kissed her. "Inside and out."

"You had not right to do this to me!" Duo screamed at Treize.

Down the corridor, Heero heard Duo's exclamation and ran, along with the others, Treize's bedroom...

-----part 3-----

"If that's where Duo is..."

"If Treize has touched one strand of his braid, I'll kill him." Heero vowed.

"If he touched Duo's braid, he's probably dead already." Trowa pointed out.

They ran into the room and saw Treize groping at a struggling, angry young woman.

"Leave her alone!" Heero pulled Treize away from the young woman. "Where's Duo?!"

The woman thwrapped Heero with her braid. "Heero no baka."

Heero blinked. "Duo?!"

"No way!" Trowa yelped in amazed awe.

"Such an injustice." Wufei declared.

"Beautiful." Quatre sighed, dreamily.

"My wife." Treize pointed at the ring.

Duo shook her head. "I was drugged when he married me. It doesn't count. "I want a divorce. An annulment. I don't care which."

"Wanna become a rich widow?" Heero asked.

Duo grinned. "Sounds good to me."

Treize conceded that no wedding had ever occurred, and departed.

Duo watched him go, then turned to the others. "Let's get the fuck outta here." she said, heading for the door.

They got home with little effort and Duo called a hospital. She was more than just a bit distressed to learn that her condition was irreversible.

"Duo, calm down. Relax." Quatre said, soothingly.

"Maybe she has PMS?" Heero suggested.

Duo pulled a mallet out of hammerspace. "I'll show you PMS!" she declared as she clobbered Heero with the mallet

-----part 4-----

Duo walked into the area where the Gundams were hidden late that night.

Quatre was relaxing there, where it was quiet and peaceful.

"My love!" Duo cried out, joyously. "My truest and dearest love!"

Quatre looked up at her and smiled. He stood up as Duo ran in his direction...

.... then right past him, glomping, or rather trying to glomp, Deathscythe's right leg.

Quatre sweatdropped.

Duo turned back to him and smiled. "Psyke!" she laughed. "Of course I meant you."

Quatre felt elated.

-----part 5-----

Quatre took Duo's hands in his own. "Duo," he told her, "we... all of us... we care very deeply for you."

"I care for all of you, too." Duo smiled. "I love you, Quatre."

"I love you, Duo." Quatre replied. "But there's something I don't get. I thought Heero..."

Duo nodded. "I thought so, too, at first. But the truth is, I'll never be sure if he loves me or just sees me as a mission. I need a love I can be sure of. Something unclouded. I know I can have that with you, Quatre."

Quatre took Duo into his arms and held her close for a moment. Then, he lifted her chin so her face was tilted upward, then bent down to kiss her.

There was a clanging from the doorway. The startled couple turned and saw Heero standing there with a pan and mixing spoon.

"Dinner!" the Perfect Soldier announced.

As Quatre and Duo passed, Heero and Quatre glared at each other and simultaneously whispered:

"Duo is mine."

-----part 6-----

Heero and Quatre glared at each other all through dinner.

"We need to talk." Quatre said, evenly.

"Talk?" Heero asked. "Duo is..."

There was a loud blast from outside. The pilots, thinking they'd been found, ran to get their Gundams.

All five Gundams were gone!

"What the...?!"

"DUO MAXWELL IS *MINE*!" a voice thundered from the skies.

"Wing?!" Heero asked, somewhat startled.

"She's my pilot!" Deathscythe told Wing as he swung his thermal scythe at the other Gundam, which leapt out of the way and opened fire on Duo's Gundam. "That makes her mine!"

The other three Gundams had pretty much decided that Duo was to be *their* girlfriend and had joined the fray for that very reason.

Duo looked completely stunned. Her legs gave way and she sank to the ground.


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