Kuno vs Quatre (a GW/Ranma crossover)

"Make up your mind, Kuno!" the boys in the locker room shouted for the nth time as the Blue Thunder's excited but confused gasps of "The Pigtailed Girl or Akane Tendo" continued to issue from the rich boy's lips.

"I cannot part with either!" Kuno wailed as he fled the locker room.

"Hey, Kuno!" One of his lockermates called out, holding up the other boy's clothing. "You forgot to get dressed!"

Kuno ran and ran until he collided with a young, blonde haired exchange student who was in the middle of making out with another exchange student, presumably one from the same school as the blonde. This one had on the clothes of an American priest, but wasn't acting particularly holy at the moment. Unless holiness is achieved by sticking your tongue into another man's mouth. If that were the case, this boy was well on his way to sainthood, or had been until Kuno collided with them, forcing each boy to fall backward.

"I offer my humble apologies." Kuno said, still oblivious to his nudity. "Permit me to introduce myself. I am the Rising Star of the High School Kendo Club. My peers call me the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High. Tatewake Kuno. Age: 17."

He helped the blond to his feet. "Quatre Raberba Winner." Quatre replied, in the polite and reserved tones of the wealthy.

But Kuno's eyes were now focused on the other boy, and they were enraptured.

Quatre turned and saw that somehow Duo had lost his braid-tie and now his hair was flowing around his still-unconscious form in a manner that was utterly beautiful and made him want to resume their kiss.

"My true love!" Kuno exclaimed, making a move toward Duo.

Quatre tripped him. "Duo is *MINE*." he said, simply.

"I challenge you." Kuno declared. "I Tatewake Kuno, challenge you, Quatre Barbiedoll Winner to a duel for the hand of the Sleeping Angel."

"It's Quatre *Raberba* Winner." Quatre warned, quietly. "And I accept your challenge."


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