In Singular Blessedness

He sat there in the candlelight, awaiting his four companions.

The first to come was the Perfect Soldier, with his wars behind him. All battles but one fought and won. He nodded a silent greeting and sat in the candlelight

"I've missed you friend." the first asked his returned friend. "It is good to see you again. Will you stay a bit, for I am lonely."

The Perfect Soldier nodded, never one for words, and the one who called him friend was glad.

The second to come was Shinigami, both servant of darkness and keeper of light. Death and beauty entwined forever into a single form even as his hair was entwined in a long chestnut braid.

"Please stay and chat a while, friend. I have missed you and I am glad that you have come."

"I shall stay, and I shall chat." was Shinigami's reply. "For you I have always loved and I am as glad of your company as you are of mine."

And a kiss was exchanged, so soft it was barely felt, like the kiss of wind rather than of human lips. And Shinigami sat, too, in the candlelight.

The third was the clown, the tamer of beasts. His tent folded now, forever, his make-ups sealed in the past where they collected cobwebs now five-years-old. 

"Please join us," the quiet man offered, "there is room a-plenty and I should be glad of company such as yours."

And the clown sat beside the Soldier and Shinigami, there, in the candlelight, and he took out a small flute and played upon it a song, sweet and sad and the silent one joined in with his violin until at last the Dragon came.

And the Dragon, the one who battled in Justice's noble name, came to the candle light and requested that he might be given a seat at that table.

"Yes, come sit." said the gentle one. "For I have room for you, too, at my table this night. I have missed you, as well as the others, and desire your company also."

"You shall not be lonely for very much longer." Shinigami told him gently. "Three more years shall we come, three more years shall these reunions take place, and then when that third reunion ends, you shall go with us, and never again shall we be apart."

And they sat, the five of them, and spoke of the last five years. Of all they had seen and done since that fateful day so long ago. Of things whose wonder words cannot convey. And of friendship everlasting.

They each touched the gentle one, caressing him and loving him and making love to him until he trembled and cried out with joy and rapture and passion so glorious it must be felt to be understood. And when it was done, Shinigami blew out the candle and the room became utterly dark.

The gentle one struck a match and lit the candle. It had been but a second, but he was now, once again alone.

In singular blessedness.


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