GW After X-mas Complaints 

Here are some complaints heard around the safehouse following Christmas...

Trowa: I ate too much rich food again.

Duo: what makes you think the food has any money?

Wufei: You wanna clobber him or should I do it?

Duo: EEP! (is chased, playfully, around the safe house by Wufei.)

Heero: I can't go into the store with this! (holds up shirt that's too small for him with cute little kitties on it.) I have a reputation to maintain.

Duo: Why is it that hair elastics sold around holidays are barely large enough to get around your pinky?


Quatre: Oh man. I can't sleep. Trowa...

Trowa: Don't look at me, you're the one who bought it for him.

Quare: *sigh*... (takes a deep breath) DUO! TURN THE MUSIC DOWN!

Duo: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.................

Quatre: DUO!!! TURN IT DOWN!!!

Quatre storms into Duo's room and sees him sound asleep with his braid pulled over his shoulder, looking very like a princess despite his gender. The tape is playing nearby.

Quatre: Oh... no wonder... (he turns to down the CD and returns to his room.) He fell asleep listening to it.


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