Dangerous Confessions

Heero drew Duo close, placing soft kisses upon the other boy's lips, throat, and on downward until he engulfed Duo's erection.

Duo threw his head back, crying out in ecstasy as Heero brought him to the brink of orgasm. "Heero, take me!" he begged, urgently.

Heero laid Duo back and parted his legs, lifting him and positioning him so he could penetrate the aroused pilot. He spread a bit of lubricant on Duo, then slowly, carefully, entered him.

Duo clutched at the mattress, writhing back and forth in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He was already at the brink of orgasm when Heero clutched his erection. A couple strokes was all it took to send him over the edge. As his body jerked and spsamed, he felt Heero ejaculate into him.

"That was wonderful." Heero told Duo as he lie on his back on the bed, Duo curled up on his side beside him.. "Duo, I'm glad I was your first."

"Well," Duo admitted, "there was that time in the arboretum with Wufei..."

Heero stiffened, and not in a good way.

"...and that time I was stuck in the elevator with Trowa..." Duo went on as he climbed out of bed, still not looking at Heero, and got dressed.

Heero glared, clenching his fists.

"...and that time that Quatre and I..."

"DUO NO BAKA!" was heard a moment later throughout the complex as Heero bashed Duo over the head with a Very Big Mallet.


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