The Choice

-----part 1-----

"Have you decided?"

Duo closed his eyes and tried to blink away the tears. Either choice would deprive him of a treasure he held dear.

The man slapped him. "Choose now." a gruff voice ordered "My time is of value to me and I have better things to do that waste it on garbage like you. You must give up one of your two greatest prizes. There is no way out of it. What will it be?"

Duo fingered the long braid he'd been growing all his life, longingly. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought of the pain of parting with it. He studied the braid's length and its intricate twists, caressing it, longingly. Then he turned back to his captor.

Without another word, he began to remove his clothes....

"You will pleasure me with your mouth while my men take turns at you." the man told Duo.

Duo closed his eyes as he obediently knelt before the man and took the tip of the man's shaft into his mouth,

"All of it." the man ordered.

Duo gagged and nearly vomitted as he took the full length into his mouth and began to suck on it. He eyes flew open with pain as the first cock was rammed up into him. The pain sank into him, burning his body and searing his soul.

By the time the third man pulled out of him, he was unconscious, a fact that did not deter the rest from having their turns with him.

It went on and on and Duo was sure it would never end.


"How is he?" Wufei asked, concernedly.

"The fever still hasn't broken." Quatre replied. "And it's dangerously high."

"Has the doctor called back?"

"I just called them." Trowa called from by the phone. "They say the hospitals are filling up with victims of this thing."

-----part 2-----

Quatre placed the thermo-strip on Duo's forehead and frowned. "One-oh-four." he said. "Duo, please?"

Duo's head rolled from side to side as he suffered in the depths of his fever-dream. Quatre had no idea what the braided pilot was dreaming, but he was sure it wasn't pleasant.


Duo was on his knees, sobbing and gagging around the shaft in his mouth, as one man after another tore him apart. It went on for two days, non-stop. By the time the last man pulled out, he didn't even have the strength to move. They drove him out into middle of the city and dumped him in an alley.

Duo lie there and waited to die.

"DUO!" he heard a voice calling him. He was too weak to respond, but he knew the voice and a feeling of profound relief and intense shame washed over him.

Quatre ran over to Duo and knelt by him, covering him with a warm, soft blanket. "Duo, I'm here." Quatre said, as he stroked Duo's hair and held Duo to him.

Duo's instinct was to fight like a wildcat, but he was too weak and simply whimpered instead.

Quatre saw the blood and semen caked on Duo's thighs and knew instantly what had happened. 

"I'll kill them." he whispered, as he kissed Duo's hair and rocked the horribly injured pilot. "I promise. I'll kill everyone who did this to you. Please wake up, my beloved. Please?"


"Please, Duo?" Quatre said, as he dabbed a cold facecloth on Duo's face, wiping away the perspiration. "Please, don't die. We're all here. We love you and we're waiting for you to wake up. Please. We'd all be very sad if you died."


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