
-----part 1-----

Relena made her way through the dark streets of the city, toward the house where her beloved Heero waited for her.

"One nice thing about this blackout OZ has caused is that we have the chance to be together in the dark, just the two of us."

She walked into the safe house, and went quietly upstairs. Walking into one room, she gently touched the sleeping pilot. She felt the braid and backed off, realizing that was definitely not Heero.

Duo stirred in his sleep, but did not awaken. He was exhausted and sleeping like a baby.

Relena went into another room. This time, the sleeping boy had short hair. His body was slim and strong. This had to be Heero. She slid off his pants and her own, then guided him into herself, claiming his body as she claimed his lips.

She rode him faster and faster, until she felt her womanhood spasm around him and his erection pumping seed into her womb.

The figure beneath her woke. She felt his eyelashes on her cheeks as they fluttered open. She kissed him, again. Now he would know she loved him. Now he'd belong to her instead of that boy who called himself Duo.

But Relena had been wrong. Horribly wrong.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!" Quatre screamed.

-----part 2-----

Relena jumped out of bed, and off of Quatre, and fled into the night while Quatre screamed for help.

The other pilots scrambled into their friend's room and clustered around Quatre.

"Quatre?" Duo asked. "You okay?"

"No. Gods, it was awful, simply awful. I woke up and I was going through convulsions and I couldn't stop and I could feel it come out of me. Out of my..." his voice faltered, embarrassedly, then returned, sounding panicked, "It's too thick to be... it has to be blood, she hurt me somehow and I... I...."

Duo took Quatre in his arms, there in the dark. "Shhh...." he told Quatre. "It's okay. You're not hurt, you were injured inside. You just had your first orgasm, that's all. That was just semen that came out of you, not blood."

"Semen?" Quatre whispered. "Not blood. I'm okay, then?"

"You're perfect." Duo told him, kissing Quatre's nose, then his lips.



Relena turned and found the five pilots glaring at her. It hadn't taken them long to figure out who'd defiled Quatre.

"It was an accident," Relena confessed, tearfully. "Quatre, I'm terribly sorry. I thought..."

"You thought he was me." Heero glared. "You wanted to rape me, Relena. Didn't you?"

"No." Relena shook her head. "I wanted to give you pleasure. I thought if I did you'd... you'd realize that I love you, that you love me."

"Why would Heero love someone as weak and undeserving as you?" Wufei asked, stepping up to put his arms around Heero's waist. "Woman, you should be hurled into a pit and left to rot for what you did to our friend. Quatre deserves justice and I'm..."

Quatre, who'd been staring at Relena, suddenly pulled Wufei back. "NO!" he shouted.

"How can you defend her?" Wufei asked. "After what she's done."

"You'll hurt the baby." Quatre explained.


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