An Untitled 1x2 Fanfic

-----part 1-----

"I'm going with you, Heero."

"No, you're not." Heero shook his head. "My last mission almost got screwed up because of you."

"Bullshit, Heero. It was because of you." Duo finished braiding his hair and secured it with a blue hairtie.

"What do you mean because of me?"

"I mean because of *you*, Mister Perfect Soldier. Mister "I never make mistakes." I warned you that wasn't the right exit code before you pushed the confirmation button, but did you listen? Nooo... Not you. Not the Perfect Soldier.... "

"My intelligence source set me up."

"Or you copied it wrong."

"I don't..."

"You don't what?" Duo asked. "Don't make mistakes? Well, pal, I'm going with you just in case."

"Fine. But stay out of my way. This job is for *real* soldiers." He headed out for his Gundam with Duo trailing close behind.

"You're gonna be real sorry you said that, Heero." He muttered.


Quatre sat on the edge of Trowa's bed and watched the young boy sleep for a few minutes before finally waking him. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Quatre." Trowa smiled and kissed Quatre. "It's quiet?"

"Duo and Heero went on a mission an hour ago." Quatre explained. "Wufei just woke up. He's threatening to make breakfast. Please get up and cook something for me. Please?" he put on that puppy-dog expression Trowa couldn't resist. "I don't wanna die. Please?!"

"I heard that, Quatre." Wufei said from the doorway.


"So, where's the OZ base?" Duo asked.

"There isn't one." Heero replied.

"Oh great. Another screw up by the Perfect Soldier." Duo shook his head. "I'm beginning to wonder if you have any brains left or if they've all fallen out of your head."

"Not a screw up." Heero replied. "I wanted to get you alone. Land at coordinates x29, y35."


"I've got something to... oh shit! Leo fighters at four o'clock!"

"No OZ base, huh?" Duo rolled his eyes.

"I made up the coordinates." Heero admitted as he and Duo engaged the enemy fighters. "How the hell was *I* supposed to know there really was an OZ base around here? All I wanted was a nice quiet place where I could ask you to marry me."

"No." Duo replied. He turned his attention back to the battle.

"What?!" Heero was shocked.

"I said 'No, Heero." Duo replied. "I won't marry you. Don't ask me why. I have my..."

Then Deathscythe was engulfed in a ball of brilliant white light. A moment later, the shattered remains of the Gundam fell to the ground, in a rain of glass and metal.

"NO!" Heero screamed, as he saw Duo lying there amidst the wreckage.

Duo stood up, brushing himself off.

"What the hell..?!" Heero asked, in surprise. "Duo?!"

"I'm okay." Duo replied. "Damn. This gonna take weeks to fix."

"Stay." Heero ordered. "I'm picking you up."

Duo took out his rifle and fired on a few Leo and Aries fighters, bringing them down, before Heero picked him up and brought him back to the safe house.

Heero examined Duo and found that the Shinigami pilot didn't have so much as a scratch. "You seem okay."

Duo nodded. "I am." he replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm starving." he rushed into the kitchen.

Heero went up to his room and logged into his laptop.

"Can I help you?" a woman on the computer screen asked, moments later.

"I'm calling to ask about Duo Maxwell." Heero replied.


"The kid with the long braid. You were his case worker after he survived the Maxwell Church Tragedy." Heero explained.

"Sir," the worker shook her head. "you're mistaken. There were no survivors."

"Violet eyes, chestnut hair in a braid..."

"There was a kid who looked like that. He did live for a little while, but he died in the hospital of internal injuries from being raped about ten times."

"He...died?" Heero asked.

The woman nodded.

-----part 2-----

Heero thanked the case worker and closed his laptop. He sat there, thinking for a while. If Duo Maxwell had died, who was this boy? A friend, perhaps, who'd assumed Duo's identity? Or was he an OZ spy, carefully planted into their ranks. He'd know soon enough. He rushed into the living room, grabbed the boy who called himself Duo Maxwell, and shoved him up against a wall.

"Can't get enough of me, eh?" Duo grinned.

"Who are you?" Heero demanded.

"Duo Maxwell," Duo replied, cheerfully beginning his litany. "I run, I..."

"Shut up." Heero told him. "Shut up. How *dare* you defile his name. The real Duo Maxwell died in the Maxwell Church Tragedy. Now, who are you?"

"Duo Maxwell."

"You still claim to be Duo Maxwell. Even now, when I know the truth."

"I still claim to be Duo Maxwell." Duo replied. "I *never* claimed to be alive."

-----part 3-----

Trowa looked into Quatre's eyes, into those innocent blue orbs. It was like diving into an ocean of love, a place where he'd never be hurt and would never know pain. He never wanted to lose that place, that wonderful place where he knew he could truly belong. That place in Quatre's heart. He wanted to stay there forever, and he knew there was only one way to be sure he would.

'Quatre," he said, finally breaking the silence, though he never stopped gazing into those eyes, "will you marry me?"

Suddenly those eyes were alight with joy and tears of happiness sprang from them. "Yes."

Trowa heard the answer in his heart, and in his soul as well as in his ears. He was about to kiss Quatre when Duo raced through the room and vaulted over Quatre in an attempt to escape from Heero.

"Get back here, Duo!" Heero shouted, also vaulting over Quatre.

Quatre sat there looking nonplussed, his face showing an even more confused expression as Trowa leaped over him and went to follow Heero. He gave a confused double-blink, then went after the others.

"Okay," he said, panting, once he'd caught up. "Now would someone please tell me what that impromptu flurry of Quatre-vaulting was all about?"

"Duo's dead." Heero explained.

"What are you talking about?" Trowa asked. "Duo's right here."

Quatre blinked, as he realized his Space-Heart was picking up almost nothing from Duo. Almost nothing. Duo loved Heero, so completely that that love was practically the foundation of his very being.

"He's right." he told Trowa. "Duo is dead. He's also in love with Heero."

-----part 4-----

Trowa blinked at his fiancé. "What?"

"Duo's dead and in love with Heero." Quatre reiterated, stealing a kiss from Trowa's lips..

"If he's dead, what's he doing here?"

"What else, he's so damned hyper he can't even keep still when he's dead." Heero complained.

"Yeah, I love you, too, Hee-chan."

"Omae o korosu."

"Kinda pointless, don't you think?" Duo teased, kissing the tip of Heero's nose.

"You certainly don't feel like a zombie or a vampire." Heero pointed out. "Are you *sure* you're dead?"

Duo nodded. He kissed Heero, then walked away.

Quatre saw that Heero wanted to follow and stopped him. "He'll be okay." he promised. 

"What if he doesn't come back?"

"He will." Quatre put his hand on Heero's shoulder. "He loves you even more than I love Trowa. And that's a *lot*."

"A lot I have to be grateful for." Trowa agreed, holding up Quatre's delicate hand to kiss it.

Heero saw the ring on Quatre's finger. "Congratulations." he told the newly engaged pilots, his voice a monotone.

"Heero, what's wrong?" Trowa asked. Then he realized what it was. "Oh." he said, softly.

"Heero, if you want to marry Duo, you should hurry up and do it." Quatre told him.

"Why hurry? Why rush?"

"He's not going to be around much longer." Quatre replied.


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