Agony and Insanity

-----part 1-----

"I love you."

Duo blinked in amazement. Had Heero Yuy actually just said that? No. That was impossible. Not Heero Yuy. Not the Perfect Soldier. His mind was just playing tricks on him. 


Duo turned. "Yeah?" he asked, hoping he was wrong, that Heero had just said it.

Heero closed the gap between them and stood there, inches away from him. "I said, 'I love you'." he repeated.

Duo felt dizzy. Heero *had* said it. "Am I dreaming?" he heard himself ask.

Heero smiled, warmly, at him. "Well, just in case you are," he said, in a low, sensual voice, "I'd better make sure you have the best dream in the world." He picked up Duo and carried him to the room they shared.

"We can't..." Duo whispered. "I know it's silly, and he could probably feel us doing it from across town, but I just feel self-conscious having sex with Quatre on the other side of the wall."

Heero laughed affectionately. "I can wait, my darling." he placed another kiss on Duo's lips and let the Shinigami pilot rest in his arms.


"Duo! Look out! You got three Aries fighters coming at you!"

Duo waited until all three were close enough, then took all of them down with a single swipe of Deathscythe's thermal energy scythe. "Thanks, Heero. Quatre! Behind you!"

Sandrock spun around, cutting the approaching OZ mobile doll with its scimitars. "Forgive me." Quatre whispered from within the Gundam's cockpit.

"That's the last of them." Heero declared after doing a scan of the area. "Let's head home."


"I thought you and I deserved a vacation." Heero said, that night, as Duo lay dozing in his arms. He looked at the boy he loved, his eyes sparkling with a softness only Duo could inspire. "So I booked us a room at a rather nice hotel for the weekend."

"Oh, Heero..." Duo sighed. "I'm looking forward to this. Thank you, Heero."

"For what?" Heero was genuinely confused.

"For loving me."

"Angels are supposed to be loved." Heero told Duo as he kissed the boy's warm, soft lips.

"Even the Angel of Death?" Duo asked.

"Especially the Angel of Death." Heero agreed. And as Duo began to weep, softly, in his arms, he thought to himself 

//...because He's the one who needs it most of all.//


The hotel room was small, and not fancy, but to Heero Yuy it was the most beautiful place in the world. He looked around it, studying its every corner. "I want to remember this place." he told Duo. "This simple room where I was granted the honor of making love with an angel."

Duo was darting from corner to corner, a bundle of nervous energy, touching and examining everything. He went to the window and looked out at the busy street four stories down.

"Duo, come here."

It was not a command, yet the words drew Duo's attention away from the window. He stared at Heero, who was stark naked, and did not move.


Tears began to run down Duo's face as he stood there, trembling.

Realization dawned on Heero and he walked over to the braided pilot. "Don't be afraid." He whispered. "I promise I'll be very gentle." He placed soft kisses upon Duo's lips and unbuttoned the braided pilot's shirt as he spoke.

Duo felt Heero tug his pants down, then lift him out of the puddle of black cloth that now lay around his feet. Everything seemed hazy, as though he were in some kind of beautiful dream. But it was real, Heero was there. He was there. The man in the leather suit holding the gun was there.

Heero saw Duo's eyes go wide with fear and was about to turn when the smell of chloroform filled his nose and pulled him down into the darkness.


"NO!!!! STOP!!!!! MMMMMPPPH!" Duo's protest were silenced as the man removed his t-shirt and stuffed it into Duo's mouth.

Heero woke, but found himself chained to the dresser, unable to do anything but watch. "Let him go, you bastard! If you hurt him I'll kill you."

The man lit up a cigarette, then began to inflict burn after burn upon Duo, ignoring the young pilot's pleas for mercy. Then, he took a razor and began to slice away at the places that were not burned.

Duo was rigid with pain. He could not break free, and the pain was becoming worse and worse, each torture more sadistic than the one before it.


Trowa had to work at the circus, and Wufei was training at Preventer HQ, so Quatre was alone at the safehouse when Duo's torture began. He tried to ignore the pain, but couldn't. He tried to get to his Gundam, to rescue Duo and Heero, but the pain was too intense. Everything suddenly seemed huge to him, the door he was two steps away from seemed infinitely far, the ceiling seemed as high as the moon. He was in a room the size of a colony and every nook and cranny, ever single inch of it, was filled with blinding pain.

When Trowa got home two hours later, Quatre was curled up in a ball, rocking himself and babbling incoherently.


Heero had watched with horror as Duo's virginity was stolen from him by the foul man who had broken into their room. He struggled against his bonds, still trying to free himself.

"NO!" he screamed as the man came inside of Duo. 

Duo was burned, sliced and bruised beyond belief. The pain and horror filled his violet eyes began to fade and Heero realized as he watched the hard, thick, razor covered dildo disappear into the boy he loved, that Duo was dying.

-----part 2-----

As the razors tore at his inner walls, Duo felt himself begin to drift toward Death's waiting and comforting arms. He was so close.. so very close. He need to just reach out and take the hand that Death had extended, and he would cross over, the pain would be gone.

But he saw that Death was pointing at something and turned to see what it was. 

It was Heero, tied there to the desk, watching Duo's torture with tears in his eyes.

//When he's finished with me, when I die, that bastard is going to torture and kill Heero.// Duo realized. //I can't let that happen. I have to hold out for as long as I can. I can't die until Heero is safe. No matter how bad the pain gets, I must not die until Heero is safe.//

Heero saw the look of grim determination that crept, inexplicably, into Duo's eyes. The braided pilot wasn't going to simply give up and die. 


Trowa raced into the hotel, Wufei joining him moments later. "I got your message. How's Quatre?" the Chinese pilot asked.

"He's his family's hospital." Trowa replied. "I dropped him off there, so they could look after him." he checked the register and found the room Duo and Heero were in. "Whatever's going on is damaging Quatre, so let's make this fast." he race to the elevator and pressed the button.


//Hold on a bit longer...// Duo told himself, as he fought to remain conscious, //...just a little bit longer.//

The rapist withdrew the bloodstained dildo from inside Duo and pushed his erection back into the horribly injured pilot. "You deserve this." he said, as he thrust, violently, into him. A hand suddenly grabbed him by the hair and a dagger ripped open his throat.

"And you deserved that." Trowa whispered as the man fell back, his cock still imbedded in Duo. Trowa reached down and carefully pulled the offending flesh from inside his friend, then unchained Duo as Wufei unchained Heero.


"Sister Helen?"

The nun smiled and nodded at Duo. "I've missed you," she told him. "come, you can help me out with the others."

Duo followed her to the Maxwell Church, entering the building and smiling at the other orphans who ran to greet them.

"Duo," Father Maxwell waved and smiled. "Nice to have you here. Can you help us make dinner?"

"Gladly." Duo agreed as he followed Sister Helen into the kitchen. 

As they lit the stove, Duo had a vague uneasy feeling that quickly passed.

"What's wrong?" Sister Helen asked.

"I'm not sure." Duo hedged. "I'm sure if it's important, I'll remember it." He resumed his kitchen chores, smiling and wondering why seeing her and Father Maxwell troubled him so.

Weeks went by and Duo continued to help out. Then, one day, as he was reading his Bible, he saw a passage he was unfamiliar with.

...and the Angel of Death looked upon the soldier and He
loved him as no other, and the soldier returned his love. And
the soldier took the Angel of Death unto his bed and the grace
of their love touched the injured soul and made it whole...

"Heero." he whispered. As memory flooded back, he watched the church burn down around him, watched as it all faded and darkness swept over him. He felt something squeezing his right hand and heard a steady rhythmic beeping sound as it grew louder and clearer.


Heero was sure he'd heard Duo speak. The boy had been in a coma for over six months. During that time, he'd undergone extensive cosmetic surgery and treatments for the burns inflicted upon him. All outward signs of his torture were practically gone now except for one.

"How's Quatre?" He asked as Trowa walked in.

"Still the same." Trowa sounded heartbroken. "He just sits there, rocking and babbling. I wish I could reach him. It hurts me to see him like that. How's Duo?"

"I thought I heard him speak, but I guess not." Heero decided.

Duo's eyes fluttered open, much to the surprise and relief of the other two pilots.

"Thank kami-sama!" Heero hugged Duo. "You're going to be all right." he said, tearfully. "You're going to be fine."

"Now, if only Quatre would be..."

"What's wrong with Quatre?" Duo asked.

With a heavy heart, Trowa told him about Quatre's condition. "I have to go see him." he concluded as he left the room.

"Make love to me." Duo whispered to Heero, understanding the passage he'd read now. "For Quatre."

"I don't know if we should," Heero kissed Duo, softly. "You were hurt pretty badly and..."

"We have to," Duo whispered in breathless urgency as he pulled Heero down upon himself. "Please. I believe our love is strong enough to heal Quatre's psychic pain. Please, let us at least try."

Heero drew Duo's chin upward until the two boys' eyes met. Then, he closed his own eyes and placed a tender kiss upon the braided pilot's lips as he reached down to gently caress and fondle Duo. "Let me know if I'm hurting you."

"I will," Duo managed to say between moans of pleasure. 

The handsome Wing pilot kissed his way down Duo's body, toward his groin. He gave the tip of Duo's erection a teasing lick before kissing his way back up to the Shinigami pilot's lips. 

Duo emitted a soft moan as Heero's lips touched his, Heero's erection resting unthreateningly against Duo's opening. "Please?"

Heero carefully lubricated the pleading boy, using a tube of lubricant he kept in the front of his shorts. Then, just as carefully, he guided himself into Duo. He moved slowly, making sure not to hurt Duo as he made love to him.


"Quatre, please wake up?"

Quatre's eyes flickered open.

"Thank god." Trowa threw his arms around Quatre. "Quatre, how do you feel?"

"Drained." Quatre replied, sleepily. 

Trowa knew it would take Quatre time to recover. But the biggest hurdle had been overcome, and they had a lifetime to work on the others.


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