A Nice Heero/Duo and Quatre/Wufei/Trowa fic

Heero walked into the hideout and noticed Wufei and Quatre snuggled up together on the living room sofa. Trowa was on the floor with his head in Quatre's lap, while Wufei was feeding him snacks.

"Good boy, Trowa." Quatre praised, patting the uni-banged pilot's head.

"Sheesh." Heero shook his head. "I'll never figure you out, Trowa. You have so much personal pride, yet you let them treat you like the family pet."

"You may speak." Wufei told Trowa.

"Thank you, Master Wufei." Trowa turned to Heero. "Heero, I am still very proud of myself. I know that I am making my friends happy. And they are kind to me. I am still treated as a human being for the most part. I am not made to sleep on the lawn, or drink or eat from bowls on the floor. I am simply this way during our evening play. I do not need to be the master to be proud."

"You see, Heero," Wufei said, motioning for Trowa to be silent, "this is relationship in which we are all happy."

Heero nodded. 

"Speaking of relationships, Duo's already in bed." Quatre remarked.

"He didn't stay up?" 

"I don't know if he stayed up, but he didn't stay awake." Quatre snickered.

"Cute, Quatre." Heero rolled his eyes. "Well, better turn in then. Good night, you three."

Quatre and Wufei both nodded to each other and winked a signal to Trowa.

Trowa stood up, went over Heero, and gave him a long sloppy lick on the side of the face.


Heero's scream was still going on after he closed his mouth. And from...


They raced to the room to find Duo thrashing about, whimpering and screaming.

Heero drew Duo into his arms and rocked him until he stopped screaming. Then, he kissed Duo over and over. "Shhh.. shh...." he said as Duo woke and began babbling in terror. "You just had a bad dream. That's all.... it's okay."

"I dreamed you all went away." Duo sobbed. "Trowa married you, Heero, and Wufei and Quatre got married and you all moved away and I had to fight the enemy by myself and you came back but you were... you were all taken over by these life forms... body snatchers I guess... and...."

"Only one life form ever snatches *my* body, Duo." Heero assured him, "and that's you." He kissed Duo and sighed as Duo returned the kiss.

"Promise you'll never leave me." Duo pleaded, tears rolling down his face.

"I promise." Heero replied. "Duo, I was going to wait but. Let's get married, Duo. First thing tomorrow."

"Heero!" Duo gasped, overcome with joy. "Yes!"

A smattering of applause from the door alerted Duo and Trowa to their still-present audience.

"Okay, you guys." Heero said, as Duo blushed. "You've seen enough for tonight. Now go to bed."

"Awwwww." Wufei whined, playfully. "We wanna watch!"

Duo threw a pillow at Wufei.

"Okay, okay..." Wufei motioned for Quatre and Trowa to follow him.

"We should arrange a bachelors party for them." Quatre said, once they were in their own room. "Trowa, Wufei, any suggestions?"

"Well, the circus has a few connections with one of the local catering shops." Trowa offered. "We use them to feed the troops whenever we do a local show, beats grocery shopping. Perhaps they'll give me a discount."

"No go." Wufei shook his head. "Your buddies find out about us, they'll want to come here for the party and ..."

"You're right." Trowa shook his head.

"I say we just make a few minor decorations, nothing overly fancy, and someone can make some desserts."

"Okay, we'll start in the morning." Quatre said, "so we'd better rest up tonight."

Heero woke the next morning. Duo was already awake, cheerfully looking through his clothes. "What am I going to wear? Oh gods, I have nothing to wear!" the braided bishonen was exclaiming, sounding like the March Hare going on and on about how goddamned late he was.

"Duo." Heero smiled, nonchalantly, "Duo, the wedding isn't for two more weeks. Relax."

Duo slumped to the floor and sat there shaking his head. "Sorry. Guess, I'm a little excited."

"That's okay." Heero went over and sat on the floor next to Duo. He took Duo in his arms and kissed him, softly. "I am, too."


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