A Natural Dilemma (My Own Hidden Gender Ficcie)

-----part 1-----

Duo stopped singing and looked down. She frowned at her teenage body which had belatedly begun to blossom. So far she'd been able to hide the truth from her fellow pilots, but now her shapely form was becoming harder and harder to conceal.

Just then, she noticed the reddish brown blood trickling down her right leg.

Without thinking of the consequences, the frightened girl let out a panicked shriek. She didn't know what this was all about, but she didn't like it at all.

Relena heard Duo's scream and rushed to his fellow pilot's room. As she ran she couldn't help wonder why the scream had sounded so odd to her. She burst into the bathroom and stopped short as she saw the frightened girl standing with her back to the corner. At first he thought Duo might've had a guest, but the familiar braid was unmistakable.


At first, Relena was furious. Heero must have known about this. He was cheating on her with this little bitch, pretending she was a boy to hide their affair. How dare Heero do this to her. But what if he didn't know. She, Relena, hadn't known Duo was a girl. And if a girl could be fooled them...

"Relena!" Duo didn't care if Relena knew the truth. "Oh, God, Relena, I'm dying." she clung to the other girl, shaking all over.

"Relax, Duo." she told her. "You're not dying. You just got your period." She shook her head gently and hugged Duo, comforting her. Since Duo had been posing as a boy, it was understandable that no one had ever told the teenager about all the joys of womanhood.

"My what?" Duo blinked.

"Let's get you cleaned up and I'll tell you what I know about it." Relena offered.

Ten minutes later, Duo was sitting on the edge of her bed, combing and braiding her hair, while Relena filled her in.

"... and that's all I know." she said. "Look, you're going to be fine, but I'm afraid you have to tell the boys the truth."

"With all that girl stuff I have to buy, yeah. I suppose I do." Duo sighed. "The question is, what's the best way to do it. If I just say it, they may think it's a big joke."

"I have an idea." Relena told her. "I just bought some new stuff for myself to wear on my next trip. It should fit you. Pick something and wear it down to breakfast."

"I guess that will work." Duo nodded.

"I'll prepare them." Relena said, as she left Duo and went to the dining room where the others were already starting on their breakfasts.

"Is Duo okay?" Heero asked.

"Duo's got something to tell you guys." Relena told them as she poured herself a bowl of cereal and joined them.

The four pilots sitting there wondered what she meant.

Then Duo walked in. 

She was wearing a long, strapless gown which didn't hide one bit of the truth she'd hidden for so long. Her braid was draped over her right shoulder, tracing the now revealed inner edge of her right breast. 

Four jaws dropped simultaneously to the floor and at the same time four pairs of eyes bulged from their sockets.


Duo blushed, demurely, then took a seat next to Relena and poured herself some cereal.

-----part 2------

"I got dibs on Duo!" Trowa called out, playfully that evening while Duo and Quatre were watching TV in the living room..

"I saw her first!" Heero declared.

"You got Relena." Trowa told him. "Duo's mine."

"Excuse me...?" Duo tried.

"Like fun she is!" Heero shot back, ignoring Duo.

Duo sighed and rested her head on Quatre's shoulder. He turned and kissed her, delicately, upon the lips. "You think we should tell them we're engaged?" She asked.

Quatre shook his head. "Sure." he nodded. "Tomorrow."

-----part 3-----

Trowa knocked on Heero's door a short time later. "Heero? You up?"

"Yeah." Heero replied. "Come on in." He closed his laptop and turned as Trowa walked in, still sporting the black eye, which Heero had a rather nice match to.

"We keep this up, OZ can retire and move to someplace sunny." Trowa pointed at his own shiner.

"Yeah. We have to decide." Heero declared.

"No, we have to let *her* decide." Trowa pointed out, gently.

Duo dropped the duffle-bag out the window then climbed down the ladder Quatre was holding for her. "Tell me, again, why we can't go out the front door?"

"This is the way you're supposed to do it." Quatre replied. "I saw it in an old movie."

Duo got to the bottom of the ladder then picked up her back and took off with Quatre. 

About the same time, Heero walked into Duo's room. "Duo, you have choose be..."

He saw the open window and the ladder's edge. "Duo?!"

Trowa hurried in. "What the...?"

Wufei trudged in. "I was almost asleep. What's all the noise about?"

"Duo's missing." Heero replied. "Someone came in here and kidnapped her." he pointed to the ladder. "Okay, Trowa. You and Wufei take the eastern sector. Quatre, you and I will..." he paused. "Where's Quatre?" He checked Quatre's room, but there was no sign of Quatre.

Trowa was examining the window when he noticed something. "Guys." he laughed. "I don't think Duo's been kidnapped."

"What do you mean?"

"The window locks from inside. It was opened by Duo. See." Trowa pointed at the smooth frame. "No sign of forced entry."

'Quatre's gone." Heero said from the doorway.

"Well, that explains everything." Trowa smiled.

"You think he and Duo...?" Wufei asked.

"Most likely." Trowa replied.

-----part 4-----

"...You may kiss the bride."

Duo blushed as Quatre placed a long-awaited kiss upon her lips.

"I love you." he told her. "By the way, I got the tickets."

"Oh, Quatre. Duo gasped into the kiss. "We're really going?"

Quatre nodded. "You bet!" he laughed. "The two of us on a nice romantic honeymoon cruise."

The two left the Justice of the Peace, arm-in-arm, happily laughing and trading kisses as they walked to the docks where the cruise ship would be leaving from.

All at once, a hand clamped itself over Quatre's mouth while another clamped itself over Duo's. They were dragged into an alley and rough hands, grasping Duo's braid and chin, turned her to show the gun pointed at Quatre's head.

"Suck my cock." a leering voice ordered as Duo was shoved down to her knees and her face was pressed against the crotch of the OZ uniform. She knew that voice. "Treize." she whispered.

Treize tapped the side of Duo's head with his gun. "I told you to suck my cock." he ordered. He looked up at Quatre. "You try anything and I'll blow her head off."

Quatre watched helplessly. There was nothing he could do to stop this. She was his wife, dammit, and he couldn't even protect her!
"Zechs," Treize told his companion, "why don't you enjoy her body? I bet she hasn't even been broken in yet?"

"Leave her alone." Quatre pleaded, helplessly, as he watched Zechs force himself into Duo's sweet, virginal body. She was supposed to have been his. Her first time was supposed to be in his arms, with soft music and gentle kisses, in a warm, safe bed. Not in a trash-littered all, with a gun to her head and two men forcing themselves on her. "Duo... I'm sorry..." he wept for her as he was forced to watch her defilement.

Duo heard the screams, but they seemed to come from far away. Then she heard Zechs' triumphant announcement that he was coming and felt him twitching inside her. She'd gone into shock almost immediately after her hymen had been breached and since then everything had seemed to play in slow motion around her and within her. Treize had pulled out of her mouth some time ago, but she'd only barely noticed. She was shoved to the ground, Zechs' softening cock leaving her body as she fell. As consciousness left her, she saw Quatre lying there, blood and sperm trickling from inside him and running down his left thigh.

-----part 5-----

Duo woke some time later. She was lying in a hospital room with a policewoman at her side. She started to get up, but the uniformed woman placed a restraining hand on her shoulder.

"We're not here to arrest you, Miss Maxwell."

"Mrs. Winner." Duo corrected her. "I just got married."

"Mrs. Winner." the policewoman winced. The boy they'd found was probably her husband. The young couple had both been raped and left in an alley. And on their wedding day. What a horrible way to start a honeymoon. "Mrs. Winner, I know it's been three days since the rape, but do you remember anything at all about the attackers."

Duo frowned. Where had those three days gone? "Yes. I remember that they have a date with Shinigami just as soon as I get out of this hospital," she growled. Her own defilement had been bad enough, but seeing her sweet Quatre lying there, raped and bleeding, had pushed her over the edge.

Zechs and Treize sat, chatting at an outdoor cafe in the city, unaware of the danger that drew ever closer to them.

"Its all set for tomorrow night?" Treize asked.

Zechs nodded in confirmation. "I just have to give the order and we'll begin the operation. By the time it's over, everyone will hate those troublemaking Gundam Pilots."

"We'll have them eating out of our hands." Treize agreed. "But what if you don't contact them. If our plan fails?"

"We've ordered the mock Gundams destroyed if our plan fails, in order to prevent the plot from being found out." Zechs explained.

A pale finger trembled around the trigger of the gun. The owner of that finger had killed many in battle, where it was kill or be killed, but had never shot a man in cold blood. He reminded himself of what the man had done to himself and to his wife, then pulled the trigger.

Treize went down in a spray of blood.

Zechs leapt to his feet, pulling his own gun from its holster and firing in the direction the killing shot had come from.

Quatre ducked in the nick of time, then fired back at the now-crouching Zechs, meaning to catch Zechs in the head and splatter his brains across the room. Zechs leapt out of the way to avoid the bullet and went down seconds later, holding his crotch. Quatre laughed, as he realized what had happened. "Oh man, that's gotta hurt." he shook his head. "Okay, this is for Duo." he fired one more shot, getting Zechs right betwen the eyes.


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