About the Author

Jonathan C. Luckey graduated from Central Noble High School (Albion, IN) in 1994 and then received an education degree from Huntington College in 1998.  Jonathan's background includes ground breaking research in changing sand into nutrient rich soil using blue-green algae and artificial biosphere environments using green algae and fruiticose lichens.  The latter was recognized by the United States Office of Naval Research in 1993.  In 1992, Jonathan began his certifications in Amateur Radio.  He holds an Amateur-Extra Class certification.  This is the highest certification attainable in the Country.  Jonathan has worked with several county emergency management organizations and is a certified skywarn tornado spotter. Among friends, Jonathan is considered a "Renaissance Man" do to his vast areas of interest. Currently, Jonathan teaches computer science at the middle school level and owns his own computer consulting firm (Luckey Technologies).  When growing up on a large dairy farm, Jonathan used his cub cadets to do a variety of chores around the farm.  In late 2000, Jonathan was reunited with his cub cadet original and the yellow and white fever has been with him ever since.  This website is a symbol of his devotion to these great tractors.  Jonathan is married to his wife Elizabeth, and they have two children (their beloved dog, Hunny-Treasure, and newborn Rebecca Jennifer).