Frances Lucido

Outfit Associate

The 39 year old daughter of Jack Anthony Lucido, was indicted as a co-conspirator in an alleged multi-million dollar gambling ring/money laundering operation which was thought to have been headquartered within the confines of the ritzy Wolverine Golf Club located on 25 mile rd., in Macomb Township. Frances, her mother Edna, Father Jack Anthony, brothers Jack Christopher and Sebastian Lucido were charged along with 8 others with participating in or hiding the proceeds of an illegal gambling facility on behalf of the Detroit Outfit. Frances herself faced charges that she failed to report several large cash transactions as required under federal law. Frances would be acquitted of all charges by a jury who found that the indictment appeared to be an attempt by Federal prosecutors into scaring Lucido into testifying against his superiors in the gambling operation. Frances huddled with her family as the jury read off not guilty verdicts for all indicted in the case on December 8, 1993. 1
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