Jekyll Island Mah Jongg, Bridge

Bridge, Mah Jongg

Mah Jongg

Tong is an organization for members of various Mah Jongg groups. The group meets monthly to play our own version of Mah Jongg, and then have lunch. Winners of the Tong are eligible to play at the Lotus-Bowl Tournament of Champions, usually held at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel in March.

Getting started: Lessons are given in the special Jekyll Island version of Mah Jongg. Following lessons, you can join a group.

Games: Tong meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel.

National Mah Jongg

The National version of Mah Jongg is also played on Jekyll. This group meets weekly for a game and lunch.

Game time: The game is on each Monday at 9 am at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel. Lunch follows. You need to bring the appropriate card and three dollars in quarters and one dollar in nickels and dimes.

Mah Jongg

Two versions of Mah Jongg are played on Jekyll Island, the national version and Jekyll's own adaptation. All are welcome to join either or both groups. For further information, call 635-3398.

Bridge There's a bridge game going on somewhere almost every day on Jekyll Island. Most of this is informal party games. Duplicate games occur almost daily at the Bridge Center on St. Simons Island.

Contact: Lynne Gross (912) 635-3398