Grand Lodge of New Hampshire Independent Order of Odd Fellows

About Us

all seeing eye eagle

The intent and purpose behind this website in to provide a method of exchanging information between the members of the local IOOF lodges and the Grand Lodge.

To give the members as well as the Grand Lodge Officers a place to ask questions, post events, as well as receive information which comes down from the Sovereign Grand Lodge of the United States.

To provide access to contact information of locations, driections and other inmportnat contact information for all loges and their members of each lodge in the state of New Hampshire.

I made the specific design choices for this website based on the needs of the Grand Lodge and the ease of access for the members. As a lot of our members are on in years, some of them do not have great technical skills.

The colors that I have chosen for my uncle’s website will be based on the colors that are represented throughout the different divisions of the order. The base colors are: blue, white , and red, exactly opposite of the colors of the flag of our country. Blue represents the color of friendship which the first link in our fraternal chain. White represents the color of love which is the second link in the chain. Lastly red presents truth which is the third link in the chain. There are other color of the order that represent different degrees and words. Purple and gold, pink, green and yellow. Some colors represent degrees, others represent different symbols and watch words.

Given more or enough time I would like to see the website become a place where all memabers can share information. Our order is world wide and I would like to see this website translated in to all languages so that everyone could benefit from its use. I would like to see it grow to include member postings, a video section , a photographic section and most of all a historic section. I am hope that who ever takes over management of this site after I am done will contimue to make it grow into one that we as an order could be proud of.