
[ Jump to Abbreviations; Various ]

Been There, Done That!
Worthwhile Reading.
Essential Information.
Absolute Must-Read!!!

Not immediately available to me; generalized review.

Noteworthy Achievement.
New Revelations or Unique Approach.
Read the Book Blurb.
Innards Exposed

Easy to Find.
Hard to Find.
Very Rare.

B/W: black-and-white (grayscale)
BBC: British Broadcasting Corp.
CD: WC document
DJ: dust jacket (hardcovers only)
DP: Dealey Plaza
docs: documents
FMJ: full metal jacket ammunition
FPCC: Fair Play for Cuba Committee
HSCA: House Select Comm. on Assassinations (1976-79)
illus: lineart, maps, etc.
JBC: John (Bowden) Connally
LBJ: Lyndon Baines Johnson
LHO: Lee Harvey Oswald
MC: Mannlicher-Carcano
PBS: Public Broadcasting System
SBT: Single-Bullet Theory
SS: Secret Service
WC: Warren Commission (1963-64)
WCH: Warren Commission Hearings
WR or WCR: Warren Report
X-100: SS code for Presidential limousine
Z-film or Z#: Zapruder film / frame no.

Literature is listed chronological (as can be best determined).
First editions only are accorded full publishing information.
Softcover: Usually same size and paging as hardcover version.
Paperback: Pocketsized books, common at checkout racks.
Large-format: Roughly “letter-page” size and up.
Reprint: Book printed in different format on heels of initial publication.
Reissue: Out-of-print books printed years after initial publication,
usually with updated material or new introductions.
B/W: black-and-white (grayscale); illus: lineart, maps, etc.;
docs: documents; no DJ: no dust jacket (hardcovers only).

Cover graphics are in the GIF format. Once optimized to
minimize file size, GIFs preserve color fields and detail
placement,and decode in browsers quicker than other formats.
Colors were not limited to the “web-safe” palette; most
monitors full-color. Graphics may appear distorted on some systems.

Covers are scaled roughly proportional, though categories
(ie: paperbacks) are a consistent height. Some secondary
covers may have a different scale than the primary cover.
Some covers were not available to me to scan; covers
of poor quality or small size were obtained online.

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