
Dealey Plaza
Nov. 22.nd. 1963.


After spending the morning in Fort Worth, the Presidential party arrived at Dallas's Lovefield airport just before noon where they were welcomed by an enthusiastic crowd .

Even though several democratic politicians had been threatened, spat upon and had almost been chased out of Dallas just a month before, security for this trip was at a minimum.
The special army intelligence group incharge of the Dallas area had been ordered to stand down, while this usually was the group that would secure the motorcade route.
Also Sevarel pamphlets had been spead all over town critisizing Kennedy's policies
in a threatening way.

See the pamphlets here

Even more unbelievable is that a large part of the Secret Service agents assigned to the personal security of the president during this trip had been out Drinking in a Fort Worth watering hole owned by a friend of Jack Ruby till the early morning of the 22nd. leaving the President guarded by two unarmed Fort Worth fire-fighters.

After a warm welcome at the airport the motorcade made it's way to down-town Dallas to make a speech at a lunch meeting in the Dallas trade-mart building.
For some unexplained reason, the order of the cars in the motorcade had been change.

Normally the order would be:
one lead car followed by the Presidents car , then the Presidents Secret Service detail followed by the photo and film press car, then the Vice-President's car followed by his security detail, but this time the press had been moved back to behind the vice Presidents security car.

Had the press car been where it usually was in the motorcade, instead of Nr.8,
they would have been first hand witnesses to the assassination, and many more
photo's and film of the incident would have been available.

While the Motorcade made it's way through
downtown Dallas it made several stops along
the way so the President could talk to
people along the route.
It was lunchtime and thouthands had come
out on the streets to watch the motorcade.

Lunch time had also started at the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD) and
agroup of employees were to meet on the 6th floor to have lunch and watch
the President drive by at 12:25 PM.
When Bonnie Ray Williams got up on the 6th. floor to meet his colleges for lunch
shortly after noon nobody was there so he started eating his lunch,
his paper lunch-bag contained chicken this day.
When he finished at about 12:20 PM he went to look for his friends
and left the 6th. floor, nobody was there at that time.

Just minutes before the President turned
onto Dealey Plaza Arnold Rowland,
standing on the corner of Main and Houston
street looked up at the 6th. floor window
of the TSBD.
In the window he saw a white man dressed in
light colored clothes with a rifle,
in the window next to it he saw a dark skinned
man. He thought it might be Secret Service
agents and nudged his wife to look up,
when she looked the men had moved back
into the shadows of the 6th floor.

Mr. & Mrs. Rowland

As one of the women working at the TSBD made her way outside to watch the
motorcade she passed the 2nd. floor lunchroom at about 12:25 PM,
she saw Lee Harvey Oswald having lunch in the Lunchroom.


As the Presidents car made the final turn onto Elm street ,Bonnie Ray Williams found his friends on th 5th. floor.
While looking out a window on the east cornor of the 5th. floor of the TSBD they watched the President drive by as they heard several loud bangs.
At the same moment one of them felt small pieces of cement and dust fall on his head and they felt as if the shots had come from right over their heads.

To the right you can see the 5th. and 6th.
floor window at the time of the shooting.

the Altgens photo

At this moment total terror and chaos to over in Dealey Plaza.
Several shoots rang out, first wounding the President and Governor Connaly and James Tague who was watching the Motorcade come towards him, while standing under the triple-overpass, and finally killing the President with one well aimed headshot.

For some unknown reason and against all the training he had ever received, the driver of the Presidents car slammed the brakes when the first shots rang out, bringing the already slow moving car almost to a stop. As the sound of gunfire filled the air the driver turned his head to look at the President only to accelerate after he saw the President being hit in the head.

Depending on their position in the plaza people pointed out different places for the
source of the shots. Many thought the shots came from somewhere close to
the corner of Elm and Houston street, the TSBD or maybe the Daltex building
across the street from the TSBD.
But at least the same amount of people thought the shots came from behind the fence,
up on grassy knoll and many of them started running up the hill shortly after
the limousine with the mortally wounded President had left the Plaza.

The Storming of the Grassy Knoll

Motorcycle Officer Marion Baker was escorting the motorcade and was located several cars back from the presidents limousine, still on Houston street as the shots started ringing out. He felt that shots had come from the building of the TSBD and cranked the gas on his motorcycle almost racing up the stairs of the front entrance to the building.

As he entered the building on foot he ran into the manager, Mr. Roy Trully.
Together they started on a floor by floor search of the building, quickly scanning all the floors for any people that did not belong there.
About 90 seconds after the final shot had rang out Baker had made it to the 2nd. floor of the TSBD, as he passed the lunchroom he saw a person inside and pulled his gun.
He entered the lunchroom pointing the gun at the man as he asked the building manager if he knew the man. The manager identified the man as Oswald, one of the employees there, and Baker and the manager went on with their search of the building.

In Officer Bakers first written statements he stated that as he entered the lunchroom
Oswald was standing near the soda-machine drinking a bottle of Coke.
It is believe that Officer Baker changed his statement shortly before he appeared
before the Warren Commission several month after the event.
This was also after the Warren Commission established that 90 seconds would not
have been enough time for Oswald to:

  • Take the last shot.

  • Hide the RIFLE on the other side of the 6th. floor.

  • Run down the stairs to the 2nd. floor, (he would have had to pass two women that were on the stairs at that moment , but they never saw anybody.)

  • Enter the 2nd. floor lunchroom and put money into the Coke-machine get the bottle out and open it. (it took about 20 sec. just to get a bottle from the coke-machine)

Because Officer Baker was alone he could hardly do a full search of the building
there's no guarantee that no one could have left the building at that time,
infact, as it turned out the building was not sealed off until 15 to 25 minutes
after Baker entered the building.

About 30 minutes after the shooting, after locating the snipers nest on the 6th. floor
they found a riffle on the opposite side of the 6th. floor behind a pile of boxes.
The first reports, made by several DPD Officers, were the it was
a German Mauser.
The rifle later attributed to Lee Harvey Oswald was an
Italian Mannlicher Carcanno.

this is a testimony made by one of the Officers that found the riflle
it clearly discribes the finding of a Mauser riffle.

At the same time that Officer Baker ran into Oswald in the 2nd. floor lunchroom, several other officers and a large group of by standers ran up the Grassy Knoll, where they thought the shots had come from. This was the railroad yard where several people saw a puff of smoke come from behind the fence, and where several people had been send away shortly before, by men with Secret Service I.D.'s.

in this photo the Presidential Limousin can be seen driving under the underpass
while a cloud of smoke comes from under the trees on the grassy knoll.

The first people that went behind the fence also ran into these men.
Later the Secret Services stated that at no time before during or shortly after
the shooting, were there any agents in the railroad yard.

Click here for an interview with witness Ed Hofman,
who saw the shooters in the railroad yard.

Less then a second before the fatal shot a women standing along the side
of Elm street took a Polaroid photo of the President as he passed.

For decades people have been studying this photo for evidence,
and over the last 15 years, using the most sophisticated enhancement techniques
some shocking discoveries have been made.
In the shadows of the trees on the Knoll the figure of a man in a police uniform
was found on the old instant photo.

(Click here to read more on the and Badgeman)

As many people in Dealey Plaza were deeply disturbed by what they had
just witnessed, police started looking for the shooter(s) and witnesses.
Many people were taken into custody and even more were heard as witnesses
it is amazing that of most of the people taken into custody on Dealey Plaza
there is no record to be found anywhere.
Films and photos were taken by men with FBI and Sercet Service I.D. and
were never heard of again while others were told the testemony they were giving
was not correct or not important.

It just goes on and on and on and on

Here we end the report of the events in Dealey Plaza for now,
in the Future we will ad more photo's and more info ad links to this page and
soon we will be adding a page listing many of the discrepancies in the accounts of that day
and in the investigation into the murder of the President.


read more on the Oswald-Page or go back to the Main-Page

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